
Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars Part 2

Carmen was on her ship contemplating what just happened to Carl... He kept a lot of secrets but... This time it was personal dangerously close to her comfort...

She delegate orders to her crew as they launched men on the ground, one of the officers noticed several ships arrived to the battlefield and ignoring the battle, they were uncomfortably close to the new John A Warden side.. each of them bearing the Federal Investigation Bureau on their sides to signify their affiliation.

"Ma'am, weapons signatures are reading hot... What are your orders?"

"Carmen Rico, You are to disengage from the Battlezone and follow us."

Carmen was appalled by the audacity of their orders as stood up from her seat.

"Under whose orders?" Carmen nodded to one of the officers as she took helm of her ship.

"We don't answer questions from Special Branch, Surrender now or faced the consequences." The ships at the broadsides began to emit their weapons giving her no choice.

"Alright Carl... I hope you are right about this!" She pulled her ship and the crews activated the Void Shields and the ship began to hyperdrive into Mars.

"Damnit open Fire!" The FIB commander open fire at the ship as their armaments rain on the ship Carmen chuckled as the void shields glows as the ship took to warp speed...

"This is the ship shield is strong enough to make transit and we will arrive back to Mars!" She assured her crew.

*Fed theme song*

"Mars is now facing a last heroic stand against the Bugs, a planet in flames, and the lost of the Mobile infantry Battalion was killed in the defiance against the bugs! And Mars goes dark"

A image of Mars being in the crossfire and lights suddenly disappeared and loss of communication. For the public that watched it, believed that it was destroyed by bugs, not a three way war that is occuring on the planet, the images was doctored that they didn't seen the Titans of Mars in orbit, carving swath of bugs in their general vicinity, the massive evacuation of the population that guarded by Astartes, the Mechs having a Urban battles with the traitors in the streets.

"Federal scientist have deduced that a Arachnid bug meteor Arrived in the Martian Outback during the terraforming decade and hidden from M.A.Rs security details for several years now, Officials refused to speculate the Martian survivors, if any that remain on the planet under siege."

"But who should we blame for this disaster?"

"It's mostly likely Martians and the incompetence of Alexander Solair that caused this to happen!"

*Would you like to know more?*

A woman was seating at the sky marshall office, it's been decorated and moved several time over until it is located in Luna to oversee Terra. Amy Snapps now tasking another election is watching her promotional ad campaign.

"It's not just about our safety" Amy smiled

"It's about our Duty!" A group of M.I Marines Smiled in the Camera.

it's about our future." Amy Held her hands out.

"You're right, cause the future is everyone duty!"

She paused it, giving a relaxed sighed. She pressed her intercom for someone to answer.

"Daniel, do we have today's numbers?"

"Your approval rating is above 81.5% and that is the highest voting count in the Federation." The man gave praise.


"This means historic, Ma'am, no other sky marshall have achieved as much as you have. You are the popular person in the Federation."

Amy was somewhat dissatisfied...

"Still... There's room for improvement.." she turned her seat and put her hands towards Terra and felt as if the planet is under her grasp.

"The more you manage to damaged the reputation of Alexander Solair, the more people like you. Speaking of which, are we moving with the plan?"

She turned around and ask.

"You tell me, is Anti-Matter Bombs ready?"

"Yes, Our associates have managed to prime and explode on your command, however the public ..."

"Oh, they are ready... They just don't know it yet." Amy smiled.

"Shall I prepare a statement?" Daniel asked.

"Please, something inspirational this time, something to hit the families heart strings" She turned the intercom off and watch her and once more.

"If you are right, the only future is everyone duty." She paused it for some inspiration...

"The only thing I need is a Villain... And I know just the one." She smiled as she stood up and left the office...


A Dampening field cell was created for a certain individual... Footsteps arrive towards said individual... The agent nodded and gave his report

"The Traitor of Mars is still asleep." He spoke to the Sky Marshall watch at the specimen.

"What is he dreaming about?"

"He's dreaming about high school and Apple Pies."

"High school really? Carl Jenkins like high school? Wake him up."

A Adrenaline shot was administered forcing him to wake up.

"What is this thing of your fascination about bugs Carl?"

"To beat your enemy, you have to know your enemy and I learn something new everyday." Carl grimly looked at Amy.

"What did you learn today?"

"Someone wants to make Mars infested. And bring Alexander Solair down."

"And that someone is not you? You were the perfect position to do it."

"Amy...please what are you going to do to Mars?"

"I am going to save them from themselves."

"A stolen Anti-Matter bombs from Alexander and a Smear Campaign really? Is that your solution? Come on, Amy is that your solution or your approval ratings?" Carl scoffs.

"I heard Enough, Knock him out." The Agent nodded as he placed a syringe with drug that could knock out elephants.

"Sweet dream, Carl." The agent snickers. Amy walked next to Carl ear as he slowly driftdd off to sleep and whispered.

"You don't need to worry about my ratings Carl, All it takes is a little fireworks and Alexander Solair is dead and the Financial backers will gain the monopolies he gather under the Federation be theirs, sit back and enjoy your stay General." She put a smile that was a devil. As she left, another snuck in, the lights flicker for a moment making the confused... Shadows slipped into the darkness...

The agent didn't noticed his death waiting for him as a Knife emerge from the shadows pierced his neck and upon his death, he was sucked into the shadows and a form take place making a image of the agent as the lights flicker back to life.... The disguised Agent propped a needle in Carl neck forcing him to wake up,

"What's going on?" he was confused until he heard his friend Alexander in his mind...

"Sorry for the abrupt message Carl... What the Hell just happen!?" Alexander voice echoed in Carl mind.

Carl resolved to give information to Alexander of the location of the bombs in Mars, he knows that the army under Alexander is fighting for Mars. But there was one bomb that is way too far many for any of Alexander forces could reach and there was two people that is Carl mind that could...

(Mars outskirts, Azuli Plains)

Rico and the Lost patrol held down a defensive position till the sun managed to rise on a war torn planet. Sounds of fighting still echoed in the distance horizon...

There were bug scouts that was at the distance of their defensive lines.

"Why aren't these bugs is charging at us?" 101 was curious about the bugs scout screeching in the distance.

"Because they still think that we have the nukes. Unfortunately, we have only Krak rounds, so make them count." Rico pointed out the missile launchers slowly reloading in the tubes.

Their suits have a micro fabricator to replenish supplies, but it is limited to conventional weaponry and around this time their ammo is slowly replenished to full capacity. It serves as a hindrance to the bug thinking that the nukes been rearming Once more.

"Hey guys, our rides here!" Baba yelled out as he pointed at the distance. The group magnify the location where baba pointed at and a Valkyrie arrived with the sun beside it.

"This is the Martian National Guard, Are you still alive down there?" A voice rang out in the comms of every soldier.

"Cousin, your piloting that plane?"

"Well it isn't my favorite Cuz, how's your trip down there?"

"Doing fine, well, I guess killing bugs?" Baba Scratch his head a bit.

"Well in darn tarnation, you managed to survive this deep in the quarantine zone."

"Quarantine zone, cousin?" Baba was confused.

"Yeah, New Texas and the rest of the cities is a shitstorm of hell 'ver there, them traitors, Bugs and whatnot, the Director of M.a.rs sent me to grab any survivors in this zone, once the fighting is contained. Right about now...it's about wrapping up the situation."

"Are there any survivors cousin?"

"There are cuz... Too many lives lost 'esterday... Martha... She should have been stuck at home.. anyways, we got a passenger that like to speak to... Mr Johnny Rico?"

Rico eyes frown from the messages of the pilot until a familiar voice appear in his comms.

"Major Johnny Rico this is Dizzy from Dizzy Roughnecks, please respond"

"Diz, what are you doing there? Aren't you saving our kids?"

"Picking you up, I done my part to save our family, Alexander have evacuated our family to a safer location and now I am bringing your ass back home!" Dizzy chuckled.

There was a tinge of tension in the air as the bugs made a bold attempt to attack the squad.

"Launch the Krak Missiles! We have to buy time for the bird to evac us! If this position is overrun, we will fall back!" Rico Barked orders and this time the Lost Patrol is ready.

Missiles launched once more as the bugs swarm all over the plains ready to rip the defender apart.

The Squad fall back to a more advantageous position. As the plane arrive several small bug Plasma bolt swept past the bugs.

"Damnit! I can't Land, the LZ is Hot!" The pilot was struggling against so much bug Plasma flak.

"Aright, we shall jump there, get the passenger hatch ready, Troopers, Make the Jump!" Rico said as one by one jumped into the rear hatch of the Valkyrie as the Soldier below give fighting Retreat buying time for them to be loaded up, Dizzy help the troopers as she grabbed each and every one of them.

Rico was the last one remaining and as he made the jump to the hatch, as the group in the plane cover fire for him, a Plasma Bug burst from the ground readying a close range blast, forcing the pilot to make evasive maneuvers.

And a bug Plasma bolt hit the side of the plane and the Lost Patrol forced to hold on to the sides, Dizzy fell towards the ground. Rico grabbed her in midair and they disappeared in the cloud where the Plasma bug made their appearance...

"Major Nooo!"

"Damnit, we almost there, Can you take us down cousin?"

"No can do, Cuz, that place is hot and we can't stand anymore bug plasma, and I can't hold this plane together for much longer! We are retreating!" The pilot gritted as he pulled down his lever forcing the plane to the space station above Mars.

"*Fed theme song*"

"Mars,To be or not to be? That's the big question and Everyone has a opinion."

Several people spoke out about the situation both mixed opinion about the silent Planet.

"Destroying Mars would crippled the war effort, as it is one of our biggest suppliers and the Headquarters for the M.A.Rs would be detrimental to the outer and middle rim colonies..." A Economist spoke out.

"Nonsense, taking out the bugs is more of a priority! And its too close to Terra! After all if the Planet gone radio silent means that the planet is dead in my book!"

"What about the people that followed Alexander Solair, did you honestly think the Xenos and what remains of Alexander forces in the border and AQZ would listen to High Command? Dumbass on comment above"

Some of them berated on Martian fallacy but many outnumbered the spoken that speaks reason, when a danger of a Klendathu sized Infestation is so close to the government center of humanity.... Irrationally occur in the public.

"Now we would take you to the smartest woman have to say, as we take you live to space command."

In a podium that is empty and Amy Snapps stood on the stand with a smug surrounded by empty cheers.

"Fellow citizens, we have ourselves a problem, the arachnid outbreak is spinning are out of control, we lost contact on the surface below and her defenses is down, you recalled that our fleet is destroying a system of bug near Klendathu and we couldn't get their help."

"Rest assured citizens, we have a ace in the hole."

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the Anti-Matter Bombs

There was a canned gasp from the empty podium

"Planted on Mars, by using the dead Alexander Solair Legacy, we may not like it but, destroying the planet may cost us immense economic benefits and loss of defenses, but if we don't sacrifice Mars you know who would be next?

A image of the Bug invasion is predicted heading towards Terra stunned some people.

"Look around and ask yourself soldiers of M.A.Rs, do you wished your family well-being or a orders from a deceased director?"

She glance at the popular votes and she smiled as she continues to cater the emotions of the soldiers.

"I assemble a task force to aquire the planet assets before

.... And .... prevent." Amy head stutters as a mind pounding presence invaded in her mind and her nose is bleeding..the video feed was abruptly cut off.

She placed her handkerchief as she growl as she knows who interfered with her campaign...

"I will kill that son of a bitch!" She stormed off the platform.

Rico awaken with Dizzy in his arms...

"Rico... Rico... Wake up." Dizzy straddle on him gently shake him up.

"Where are we? Shit, my helmet comms gone" Rico grunted as his suit is showing low levels of power. He looked around and saw that his and Dizzy rifle is no longer there and all he had was the knife Alexander given to him...

"I suggest we should head there." Dizzy pointed towards a direction Rico agreed as they made their way towards a signs of civilization...

"Rico... Doesn't this reminds you the first time?" Dizzy chuckle as she handed him a flask of water.

"Yeah Dizzy.. at outpost we fought... I almost lost you..."

"I see... I heard that you have some problems with Carl... Did you still see him as a friend?" She asked a question abruptly...

"Of course I do Diz... It's just that we have different station in life..." His answer made Dizzy a bit upset.

"Johnny aren't we friends?"

Rico noticed something wrong with dizzy before he could ask...

"Johnny Look out!" Dizzy pointed out.

There were two Arachnids now coming towards them.

Rico whipped out his trusty blade and fought with the bug that went after him.

"Johnny!" A scream was heard from behind, he turned around and saw Dizzy was being attacked by the Bug, her power suit had a inbuilt shield generator and the bug furious stabbing have made the suits shield durability weakened as more and more power drained making Rico on a timer limit...

He managed to kill one and upon it's Death, it made the last one gave up killing Dizzy and went after Rico. But it was killed as quickly as possible.

Rico found Dizzy collapse as she was fainted from shock. His power suit is blaring alarms that it running out of power, he smiled softly as he was exhausted himself and collapse in the ground...


Carl was being beaten black and blue, by soldiers under orders of the sky marshall, the disguised agent made a believable action as he hit parts that Car knew is not life threatening.

Army Snapps entered the room looking nonchalant.

"Why do you think you ruined my speech Carl?"

Carl laughed as he spat blood at the sole of the sky marshall boots.

"Oh, hearing your speech from here makes me sick, if you want me being elected, why don't I just blow up Mars!" Carl looked at the sky marshall.

"Well the people need someone to lead and that is me, they have no idea since the incompetence of my previous seniors and the dangers ahead of us. Preferably beyond the void."

Amy spoke a word that made Carl spine chilled.

"Then if you known of the dangers beyond the void, you should have informed and assist Alexander Solair and by helping him would improve your chances of elections. Show that the Federation means something to him Amy!"

Amy scoffs the notion of helping Alexander.

"Too Bad Carl, Mars is Fucked! And I play the winning side, if we can kill him and his family then we would not be under the target of the Numbers! We would have more to gain by following them! And by doing this it woulda keep people remember that the Federation is their masters!"

"Amy, don't do this... You know what Alexander is capable of."

"And I know what the First is capable of. Now, what do you propose to get you out of this predicament?" Amy gotten closer as she want to see Carl's eyes.

"Funny thing Amy... Of all your plans, you just had to make me a fall guy huh?" Amy eyes widen as Carl Smashed his head on her face breaking her nose.

She screamed in pain as she held out her handkerchief. Carl laughed hysterically.

"Even Alexander had the guts to face gods and demons, here you are squirming at the sight of your blood? You aren't suitable to handle the responsibility of a Sky Marshall."

She glared at him as the bleeding stopped

"Ensure that he is tenderized to bits. But not to the brink of death." Amy left the premises as the group began bashing him.

"Rico...the balls in your court"

Dizzy woke up as a psychic jolt from a familiar friend echoed in her mind. She fumble around as she saw Rico was laying ext to her and there were two bugs that was killed by him...

"Carl? What are you doing in my head..." Dizzy head was like being rattled as if she had a bad day.

"Listen, Dizzy... You must get Rico to Alexander Weather control station ahead... There is a bomb under it waiting to blow up Mars."

"You kidding right? Blowing up Mars?"

"Wake him up... Time is running out..."

Carl thoughts faded as Dizzy woke Rico up.

"Johnny, Johnny Wake up!" She shaken him.

Rico woke up not in the eyes of dizzy being calm.


"Carl warn us something bad going to happen. Now get up trooper!"

Rico tried to get up but the now power depleted armor held him down.

"Need a little help Diz." Rico sheepishly smiled at Dizzy.

As they walked towards where Carl directed them to head, several pieces of Rico power armor fell behind. As they head towards the destination they needed up in the ravine. All they met was corpses of the mobile infantry that was sent to kill the bugs..

Most of the corpses expression showed that they didn't anticipated the amount of bugs and the battalion that was sent to contain it, was eliminated.

"This is hard .. how did they die so easily?"

"Johnny... Look" Dizzy pointed out in one of the corners of the Ravine.

Several bugs was watching them in the distance...

"Damn, those bugs are relentless"

"We better hope to it then, See's if there is any usable weapons and vehicles ahead of us?"

It didn't take long until a flood of bugs now flooded into their direction. Making them go on a sprint.

Rico managed to grabbed the first gun and it was jammed.

"Shit! Dizzy you got one?"

"I do Johnny!" She managed to get a working bolter as she shot towards the crowd. Rico found another bolter waiting.

"Cover me Diz, I getting the big guns now! "

"Take your time, Johnny!" She smiled as he rushed towards the soldiers that died... Some of them have usable armor, he managed to get several power suit parts as he almost rushed towards a intact torso armor as a group of Spitter bugs began to shoot from the cliff sides with their acidic bile.

He watched horror as the acid took out the armor.

And the bugs aimed their sights on Rico.

Explosions occured around the battlefield. One of such explosion took out the spitters.

But it was not comforting as some of them were danger close to the duo.

"What the hell!?" Rico yelled as a explosion blast nearby blasted him towards another intact power armor and risking no time, he suited up... And what was in his comms was startling.

[Azuli Plains is to be designated as a artillery zone by Lord Perturabo and it would be intensified every 5 minutes, May luck be in anyone favor staying in that place. Intensity increases in eta: 2:10 minutes]

"Dizzy found a working vehicle?!" Rico yelled in the barrage.

"Found a attack bike, why?!"

"This place is a designated artillery zone, we have to get out of here!?"

The two reached towards a partially damaged attack bike and the driver was killed by a Spitter bug that shot the driver in the head. They pushed the dead driver aside as they drove off to where Carl pointed out.

"You know Johnny, if you wanted to take me out on a joyride, we could drive in a better place." Dizzy joked about their situation.

"Maybe we should take a vacation at a beach with the family, Instead here we are, a joyride in a warzone." Rico laughed as he revved the handle harder, making the vehicle faster.

Earthshaker rounds, Deathstrike missiles and all sorts of artillery rained around the duo, Dizzy clung to Rico back as explosion and shrapnel rained down across the tiny vehicle that struggle in the rugged terrain and the mass of explosion. They dodged as much as possible as to conserve the power armor durability. And they saw a massive horde of bugs standing between them and the Weather Control Station, Rico saw a natural ramp caused by a Artillery and drove towards it. The attack bike engine roared to the maximum as they launched into the air and there was a explosion that tore away the bugs below that serves as a blockade..

Rico took a breather as the shells went rampant in the Azuli Plains behind him. He nodded to Dizzy as she smiled.

As they arrived to the designated zone. It was a walled facilities and the base defenses around it remained silent.

As they tried hailing anyone in the facility.

"Looks like nobody is available, Diz get the power up and running while I get the armory, Alexander always have them stocked to the brim." Rico spoke

They jetpacked across the walls and went to their tasks.

Rico raid the Armory and gathered weapons. While Dizzy activated the facilities defenses.

Bolter, Missiles turrets came to life as well as the Wavebreaker Mortar Cannons activated just in time as screams of bugs roared in the horizon as Several bugs began to swarm around.

Sound of fire steel and flames roared out slaughtering several wave of bugs. And plasma bugs began to siege the walled facilities.

"Major, Incoming!" A familiar voice spoke to Rico Comms.

Several missiles rained down from the skies and took out some of the plasma bugs. the Valkyrie managed to land on the ground unloading the soldiers.

"Private Baba?! What's the situation."

"We couldn't leave you behind sir, with the fleet still not arrived, the starbase is no longer safe and ordered us to return back, Fednet is disconnected, the Federation have blown us off sir!"

"Is it because we are martians?" Komache asked worrying. Many of them expressed concerns as the lack of communication have impacted their morale.

Rico spoke with a commanding aura wrapped around him.

"There are no martians in my mobile infantry! Only troopers who follow orders!"

Baba smiled and saluted "Awaiting your orders sir!"

"Good, Our first mission begins now! We must head towards the weather control device!" Rico pointed towards the Structure in the center.

And the Valkyrie went to serve as a minor air support. Taking out the more critical bugs such as the plasma bugs and Scorpion bugs. Until one strafing run a bug plasma took out the engine of the Valkyrie.

"Cousin, Get back here! You can still make it!"

"Cuz, I am a man of Mars and I don't back down... And I done my duty, I know my bird better than you, she gone way too far for me to return... She is aching to take out them blasted bugs!"

The Valkyrie found a suitable target.

A plasma bug that is slowly raising it's behind to shoot down the plane.

"Hell, Time to take out a bugs that gonna harm you Cuz and Meet Martha in the Afterlife! Hey, Cuz, Tell ya pa, that I am a Hero today! Hahahaha." The Pilot laughed his way to his death as he rammed into a plasma bug and it exploded taking out scores of bugs in the vicinity...

*Federation theme song*

[Warning: this is the emergency broadcast and all channels are under the Federation orders, this is not a Test]

Amy Snapps stood on the empty podium.

"Hello citizens today day is a sad day indeed...

Mars has gone silent."

"It's surface overwhelmed by arachnids, with no sign of survivor both military or civilians..."

We now stand at a critical juncture and after weighing our options, I now believe the only one thing we must do, we must dare to destroy Mars.

Our war against the bugs cannot be won by committee, debate or even due process

"It could be won by citizens who have the guts by doing what's right!"

To make the hard decisions, that will ensure our safety and in deed of the survival of our species!

Oh Mars, we forgive you for your contribution to the war effort. We will remember you for your frontier spirit and your sheer will to survive and your defiance against the bugs!

"Long live Mars the god of war

You have my deepest respect"

"And by my authority of my sky marshall, I shall grant you eternal rest, along with all those bugs!"

A button burst out from the podium.

Amy press the button nothing happens.

She was confused until Carmen appeared on the screen.

"Sorry to interrupt you Sky Marshall, but someone sabotage the Marsnet. And the citizens of the Federation have to know what's happening to Mars." Carmen spoke.

I am connected live to M.A.Rs Headquarters, and I would like to informed the Citizens across the Federation that both Mobile infantry and M.A.Rs is still alive and well.

"No this can't be... happening." Amy paled as she realized something.

"See for yourself Sky Marshall." Carmen smiled as she transfer the screen to Johnny Rico.

"Are we live? Major Rico here, we dicover a Anti-Matter bomb in this facility while we are doing our duty, it was set to blow any minute and we shut it down pronto! And just in time too, thanks to some martian troopers"

Many of the Martians cheer as they joined in.

Another screen popped up. Showing a battered looking redhead man looking at the audience solemn.

"This is Director Alexander Solair of the Mobile Assault Recon, and we found several anti matter bombs at our space port and our important facilities such as our churches that served as our evacuation sites? There are still civilians ready to be shipped off this planet, and we dealt with a terrorist organization known as True Federation... And I heard that I died? Please inform me that it's just a mistake in the Federation high council?"

"If you don't believe me Sky marshall take a look of the people that is still alive."

The screen shows several sites of civilians that is still active and waving at the camera, many of whome gave thanks to the Director of his timely matter. And another scene showed a army of giant men standing proud and defiant was emitting from their bodies, they helped alongside with the Soldiers as they fought back on the Bug tide.

As the screen turned back to Alexander...

"Tell me then... Why do you still think Mars is fallen? We are here and we bleed like the warriors we are, Sky Marshall! Someone had the gall to ripped us off our communication from outside."

Amy was dizzy to the point her blood in her head was gone as her popularity polls is slowly went to the bottom, she collapse with her mind still wondering why is this happening...

Rico gave a final blow to her mind..

"Don't worry Sky Marshall, we still here, we going to keep on fighting and we going to win!"

She fainted, the podium doors opened, revealing Carl that is fully healed, surrounded by several officers and soldiers that have a relation with Alexander, Carl nodded to one of them as they apprehended the fainted Sky Marshall.

"Take her alive and ensure that she is kept in a cell."


As Rico stopped the recording, he faced Alexander on another screen...

"Hope that building of yours works, Alexander. Or the bugs is going to rip is apart!"

"That building is a Terraforming structure that control the weather, removing the civilian lock them you will get the weapon that is needed to give respite... Do you have anyone that knows a bit of engineering?"

"I guess it would be Geo."

"Good, give him the password to remove the safety locks. You are way too deep in the bug infested zone and that overloading the structure would buy you time until Carmen would teleport you out of the zone. My Artillery will buy you time by destroying any plasma bug that is heading in range of the facility.."

"But it's not enough right?"

"The rebels have damaged our forces severely to exfil you and your men on the ground, but your wife that is above can do so."

As Rico gave Geo his access codes he asked a soldier to assist him.

"How long do you think you can activate it?"

"Around ten minutes tops."

"Then you shall have ten minutes and activate it to the maximum settings! Soldiers, give Geo the ten minutes he needs!"

A fire fight continues on as explosion and the scream of bug occured every minute.

"Mobile infantry hold the Line!"

"Mobile infantry, never leave one behind sir!" Baba yelled in the mist of fire as the rest of the Lost patrol did the same.

Roars of the bugs grow slowly closer as they slowly began to overwhelmed the outer defenses of the facility.

And the whole federation watching the valiant tale of Rico and the Lost patrol. Some of the children from a faraway planet cheered for them to win.

A lucky suicide hoppers rammed into a Wavebreaker Cannon blowing itself up. A Plasma bug bolt splash on a turret that was distracted on a another target. Several bugs was blasted by a Earthshaker Cannons that echoed in the distant, hoppers was shot down by shrapnel airburst shells.

The fight continues as more and more bugs swarmed like a endless tides of chutin and bug meat.

A blaring message occured throughout the facility

[Weather control device activated: Releasing Safety locks, Standby.... Now Activating]

The skies suddenly turned dark as clouds appeared as they accumulating to the facility, lightning occur every second.

Geo rushed out and told the squad what he did.

"Major, you told me to set things to the maximum ?"

"Get to the point trooper!"

"We set it to apocalyptic mode."

"What? Apocalypse? Did the director do something crazy!?" Dutch screamed out as a bug was about to hit him and a stray lightning slammed into the bug frying it inside out.

"What the apocalypse setting do Geo?"

"All the weather would be out of wack until the power ran out, Dry thunderstorm, Icicle blizzards and a Firestorm....that would end in 30 minutes...."

Above the facility is a orb of lightning now floating above the structure and the weather became erratic..

Thunderstorms sparse at the start suddenly ramped up, so much that the group couldn't see the bugs as it rained down on the land and it was in numerous in numbers that the lightning bolts struck several times in a single location.

Gust of ice swept the land with the icicles larger than a school bus pierced the bugs into a frozen skewed insect hindering other bugs from marching onwards. And the land suddenly heated up and tornadoes of flames erupted as they join in the blender of chaos .

"Damm the director is playing god?!" 101 exclaimed as the group watch disaster after disaster happens to the bugs.

"Knowing that guy, he refused to be one. This must be one of the non nuclear weapons he talking about!" Rico spoke about it.

Rico and the Lost patrol noticed that the facility is safe from the disaster from the weather, despite that standing at the periphery of the structure that caused this storm, they venture one of the facilities nearby to shelter them from the freak storm they caused..

"This couldn't be a weirder day to spent time with you Johnny." Dizzy nuzzle by Rico Shoulders as they watched the storm to end...