
Pacifica Cleansing

[Alexander Pov]

Lately the Arasaka Stopped the Attacks on my servers and my men, so Hanako Kept the end of her bargain. While I still doing business with the world healing in the process, one part of Night City is Hindering my Efforts.

Voodoo Boys.... For far too Long, these people have been attacking us unprovoked, and the attempted assassinations of my people that is close to me, is already far too much, I should thank them for continuously attacking My Black Ice making it a gigantic Bastion from all the Daemons and programs they sent to us. I will give them a quick death they deserve.

Lucius Rhyme have already given the deed to Pacifica to me for measly 100k Eddies and make it an autonomy state just to make as if that 3% crime rate just disappeared from the Crime Statistics to make his policies look good, Now I will Clean house along with the Rats that is attacking my properties. Originally Kang Tao was supposed to purchase this place for a measly 1 Eurodollar and a promise of cleaning the place, but thanks to them pissing me off, they lacked the manpower at the moment, as my forces already maimed their American Branch and now, they are on the defensive as they only guarded their properties instead of attacking my machines.

I heard from Ex-Tygers mouth that we "politely" interrogated for reasons of causing a fuss in Japantown, claims that they are hired by Voodoo Boys. The Voodoo Boys will not be missed.

I gave them the Boiling Frog in a pot Treatment. Giving a Chance for the people in Pacifica to earn a living, as Factories and workshops was raised in the vicinity to encourage the people working there, a Hydroponic facility was established in the district making the job offers as simple as Fruit pickers and truck drivers more viable. Some of the Locals appreciated with our investment and our care with Open Arms, and there were others not so much...

Many Locals were highly suspicious with our activities, to them we are the intruders, in a sense they are right. All our investment and building in the district already pissed off the Voodoo Boys, As If I care about their feelings, when they keep attacking me constantly.

They have Spies watching from all over the districts. So far, they made what is a pathetic series of assassination attempts, traps using what they could find in the district and more constant frenzied attacks on the network. And so far, they will soon realize that the war they wanted is now coming to them.

I already given information by the Animals of Some of the Voodoo Boys hideout, Which I thankful with their generosity and repaid them with eddies for their effort.

I do hope those Voodoo Boys like the gift I sent to their chapel.

I have plenty of plans, maybe to convert it to a gothic look in Night City?

[Maman Bridgette Pov]

Ever since we touched the territories of what's left of the Tyger Klaws hoping to get a Slice of the profits and to expand our operations, we were faced with scrutiny, The Newest Gang called themselves "Cogheads" is now taken over the Japantown and the people already knew it was a Open secret that it belongs to the Wondertainment, As Rumors circulated that they helped the Phantom in his culling of the Tygers. I believe it was a Lie, I bought several Ex-Tygers to cause problems for a while, and they were gone the next day, and Several of our members was found dead at the door of the chapel during one of our sermons.

The red cloak figures and crimson red eyes stood at the door for several moments and they left the message was clear; The Voodoo Boys are no longer welcome in Japantown.

The Local Haitians is warming up to the Idea that Wondertainment Owning the district, We resorted an Old Tradition to the more of the outspoken ones. The removal of the tongue, it has already kept the other in line.

That only held so long until word got out that Wondertainment is hiring for simple manual labor, from construction to fruit picking. A couple left their job at the flea market came to a recruiting office and after a week they both spout the benefits of joining Wondertainment.

We unable to silence both of them before the word got out and spread throughout the district. Those Cogboys are very proactive of protecting their Employer Staff. When we attempted to flay one to send a message, they rushed to the Flayers in unheard speeds and shot them with accuracy.

The Voodoo Boys, that was the Guardians of Pacifica after we pushed the police out, we no longer held in respect by the locals. I also noticed that I did not command the respect I once did when I walked in the marketplace. Disgust and Hatred was seen in every eyes of the vendors.

People Heard about the incident of the employee couple. They were the kindest in the Pacifica district, and were well liked among people, even helped other when they even had nothing.

And they knew that I had ordered the execution myself to send a message to Wondertainment.

We have been a source of protection and fear of Pacifica for so long that people were numbed of our actions, now there is a choice for them to choose someone else, One that offered them a better life for the people of Pacifica and not afraid of our actions.

And we Encountered more of those machines seen in the badlands, now loitering in the vicinity of Pacifica, picking up the trash and debris scattered in the sands.

One of the local Voodoo netrunner Branch attempted to hack one of the lone machines, only to suffered aneurism and Insanity as Synthetic blood coming out of their eyes. And later attacked by those "Dogs" as they ripped the netrunners apart. Using weaponry with green light as it disintegrated the people.

Later If even if we tried to take one down. they are covered in bulletproof like coating... and alerting the watchdogs to attack us.

Using the Netrunner teams to attack the source only met with a brutal end. And their brains burnt out all their neurons just even reaching the fringes of the Servers data core. Every time we seem to get a better hand, they improved faster than we could find the loophole and all the programs and Daemons that were destroyed are resurrected against us causing the pressure to even be hacked by the server in the next time we dive. We had to abort the assault as they are now invading the netrunner station as well, I gave the order for manual shutdown, killing the Netrunner crews that is still fighting there....

Traps and scorch earth tactics to deny these Cogboys from gaining any ground is the only possible solution. But now there are dissatisfaction with the locals of our actions. And more are leaning towards Wondertainment for support each day, Even the Locals Animals are gleefully looking at our demise..

If they want to take our land, they will take a inch with their blood on the pavements.

One thing for sure; we have to dedicate all resources to stop this invasion... I believe that One of the Arasakas have are supplying us with corpo grade weapons and Netrunner gears... I think he has the same interest to kick the Wondertainment out of Pacifica.

[Alexander Pov]

I understand there is a reason why gangs exist, due to the laws of the Corporation they will never disappear, I have a Working relationship with the Valentinos, Moxes and Animals.

Maelstrom does their kind of thing in Watson, They occasionally come to my hospital to buy Union by the bulk, Other than that they keep to themselves. Royce sometime came by to throw some weight around; He didn't have the power and influence of the gang to threaten me.

I rarely Interact with 6th Street other than Mike that come to the Hospital to buy Union and so far, I have some good impression with him.

Back to the Voodoo Boys, They are seemed to be willing to die as they waged war on several fronts as I attempted to conquer Pacifica. Along the way I noticed several Arasaka Weapons in the hand of the dead. I already know he already gave his answer with this revelation, he thinks he could change the world by working with these monsters?

"You Chose Poorly..." As I stared at the Arasaka Tower.

There are plenty of Attempts on the sabotaging the buildings with explosives as if they didn't exist care about the civilian's casualties and more and more people clung to my side of the story as a Liberator of Pacifica. And whatever sympathy they have for these gangers is gone.

Each building was Individually assessed for damages and be labeled as resource, as I planned for a Mini Gothic City...

The Developers had the bright Idea for a Resort but bailed out when the flames of war almost reached Night City during the unification wars. I planned to make part of Pacific a resort for my own employees as they have vacation packages. And I wonder if those girls looked good in Swimsuits when the Seas are cleansed? Cleanup is coming up.

The Side Streets and Alleyways is covered in Litter, Grime, Graffiti and Bullet holes. It spilled main streets and dilapidated building till it bursting. Much of the Litter is processed in the Cauldron in the seas of Night City into Useful Materials. What's left is the corpses and rotten body parts left over by the harshness of the district.

A company of Android Skitarii is dedicated to tag the bodies, separate the limbs and disposal it properly.

It doesn't need to explain that the district was cut off from utilities when the mayor deemed it to be too dangerous for city workers to operate, and it became a world of smell.

Sewage system was overflowing with fecal matter and the sewage treatment plant was shut down several years ago. Switching the sewage treatment plant back on is the top priority, as we escorted the City workers to operate the plant once more.

Ha, now I have a Legal Land to operate on...

Most of the days that I don't lead in the front, I spent time working at the Hospital, and Spending time with the Girls and Teaching David how to survive as a Merc, is spending time to identifying the Corpses... I want to end the Closure of the Missing cases; Maybe I did still have some humanity left in me to care about it...

I contacted the NCPD for a DNA Sample and it was large enough that they sent someone to investigate me.

I was working in the triage area that is filled with corpses and body parts when I heard a collective gasped behind me.

I turned around and saw a group of Police officers that Gagged and Vomited on the scene.

Welcome to Pacifica Gentlemen, I hope you don't mind about the grisly display... And Who are you?" I state, as they continue to observe the grizzly scene behind me.

"I am Harold han and this is my partner River Ward, I would like to know what the Hell is going on in here?!" Harold said, Looking Green from all the corpses.

The Consequences of the Mayor from pulling out of Pacifica, these are victims of multitude of crimes that I am Currently identifying.

"Unfortunately, ever since I purchase this district, it falls on my shoulders to clean up the mess the mayor had made. These Souls are being dug up and found during the cleanup process daily." I stated, labelling another pile of corpses and Moving them over to a Catalogue area.

"Are you Dr. Alexander Solair the Owner of the Hospital at Heywood?" River Questioned as he observed my actions.

"The One and Only, I supposed that you are here for the Dna Test I requested from the NCPD Database?" I asked as I finished tagging a Corpse.

"Yes, we are curious, So NCPD send us to Investigate the reason, but we never expected this kind of scale." Harold Looked around the Facility.

"What's Going to happen to them?" River noticed the sorted remains.

"If I successfully identify the corpse, I will return them to their families, If not or the family doesn't want them, I will make a Memorial Garden to house the ashes outside of Night city." I stated.

"Thank Goodness I managed to purchase Pacifica, If I came here a year later, we might be seeing the Bio plague happening in place, And the Sewer being clogged for so long might also be a factor." I continue as they snapped their heads toward me.

"Explain Doctor" Harold Stated.

"A Single Dead Body that been left out like this, does not cause the plague, but they serve as a breeding ground for diseases and insects. Alone that may be not a issue, but with this large amount? and with the locals poor hygiene practices, the Diseases that supposed to died out long ago might end up flooding the nearby districts."

"How Long till we have a Bio-plague?" River asked with his voice on the edge..

"Not sure at the moment as the Locals is still not too trusting to me at the moment, but i noticed some of them are showing signs of it. It would take time for me to allow them to get used to me. My estimation is around 30% to 46% are sick with disease, I wouldn't be sure of Bio plague unless I have a large Sample from the locals..."

"Are We Any danger of being infected in here?" Harold asked as he stepped aside as another cart of a mangled man that was just brought in.

"No This is the final cataloging the remains before cremation, As long as you aren't handling the bodies and wearing proper protection, you will be fine." I assured the Cops, causing them to be relieved.

"I understand the situation in here, at least a little, mind if we take a look around?" River Question

"Feel free. If you have any questions feel free and Stay in the lines just in case." I smiled at them as I continued my work, the Investigators began taking pictures of the dead and some called headquarters.

Sure, I could Hack the NCPD database and not needed their help, but its more fun to have several contacts in the NCPD and for PR.

Working with the police to return the deceased to the families would be nothing but PR for my company to grow. Cleaning up the mayor mistakes is one of the cherries on top. I have to be very careful with my company reputation in this universe. Keeping Wondertainment squeaky clean and made me stood from the rest of the corpos stigma of being more dangerous than a ganger.

Good Reputation means having better deals, offers and brand preference to my company fueling my growth, Sure I could rely the Requisition points forever, but that is not what I earned, just a balance needed to earn. And Making money can meet connections that I could not make, if I relied on my system for my sustenance, they would be launching a investigation on why I simply have a Shit ton of money flooded the market.

And By allowing the police to investigate, I am opening some doors for corporation with NCPD, the man Rivers is not the one to be bribed as he has a righteous aura around him. Perhaps Building a positive relationship with these types of corps that actually care about this city. I am aware that soon enough they will not even investigate wondertainment.

I have a large pool of alliance to choose from but I wasn't Naive, This was Night city, Anyone can turned against you for the right price. I had to balance my relationship with the factions I affiliated with and right now I am the most valued resource as I am the only one that can make the Union for the Entire City for both allies and enemies alike.

Making a reliance to my companies and increases the desire to have easier access and one of the way is to get on the good side of the source. the bad side is kidnapping and Extortion, is why I am making the police on my side. Having their "Authority" supporting my actions in the aftermath of any skirmishes against any other corporation. The police under my piece will help that lessen the burden of the Forces I lead. So in short, offering the police a "In" on the body retrieval, is one way to make goodwill, without adding the overall workload of patrolling the Pacifica, They are able to close the missing person cases from several years. With positive PR for me and NCPD, they might been stupid to turn it down.

The Cops Return some time later and Harold addressed me; "Alright Doctor looks like you are in the clear here. For a Moment it looked like you are running a Organ Harvesting Haunt right out in the open." He commented jokingly, Making me chuckle.

"I do supposed you are right in a Sense at first glance." I reply as I looked around me.

Harold was right. In Medical purpose those place is viable, but the triage area looked like a haunt..

"The NCPD is happy to let you Access to our database on one condition." River stated, drawing my attention to him.

"Name it." I asked

"Due to the work you are doing here, we want to make sure it's at the top to listen, we talked to our chief, and he is willing to allow access if NCPD has an officer on site." He explain.

"That's fine. As long as the chosen officer are in Wondertainment controlled facilities, I guarantee they are safe, Remind those whoever on the station that this is Pacifica." I said drawing a nod from the both of them.

"The Officers are me and Detective Ward. Seeing how this will cover several of our open cases, and Find the mystery of their demise, Chief assigned us to monitor any of the Bodies you dig up in Pacifica, We are trained enough to hold our own against any locals that is itching to shoot a cop." Harold Stated with seriousness.

"Welcome to Pacifica then Detectives." I state as I offered a hand and shaking the hand of men.

[Time Skip]

I was Playing Basketball with David. He was on Defense...

I heard he Drop out in Arasaka College and Wanted to be a Merc, the Favor I Cashed in with Maine helped as he took David Under his wings. Gloria Was Depressed about this but Maine and I assured her that he would be safe. She reluctantly agreed and Made sure Maine kept his end of the Bargain. We both Train David, and One of the Parts that Viktor managed to inspect was a Sandevistan prototype... I made a Custom Sandy for David when he goes 18 as of now, and it produces minimal strain on his nerves and It will grow with him with some Necron Chronomancer tech involved . A Father Gift perhaps? Perhaps I gotten Fonder with the Boy as I deemed him as a Son of my own...

"I almost got you now Old Man!" as the Now Grown Teenager Smirked Blocking me...

"Really?" I Stepped back and Shot a Three pointer...

"That's Cheating!"

"David, Life is unfair and we make the best of it." I said as I Dribble the Ball once more.

"Maybe if I could get Borg up.." He trailed off As I Stopped him midway...

"David, Borg up doesn't mean anything, Look at me, I am wearing a Neural link, I could have Hacked into you and Force you to halt midway." I pointed out his mistake.

"I could be like Adam Smasher..." He Stopped once more as I Stare at him blankly..

"David, Don't bring up that Subject about being Adam Smasher. He Lost His Humanity and His Identity as a human, he is just a Weapon from a bygone era, If You Borg up to end up like him, Then What about the Flesh that Your mother Painstakingly made you in her womb? Is that what you wanted?" I paused letting him think...

"But You Got Union, I could handle the stress.." David pointed out.

"Then If You were to Borg out, then how will your mother recognize you? You will be less of a person I once knew... And What about Maine, Lucy?" I gave him a Moment to think as I scored another three pointer...

"*Cough* How did you know that?" David Stuttered.

"David, I know you and Lucy was Kissing on The roof at Turbo. I happen to saw you when I was Doing my job..."

"Damm so you must be the Legendary Night Rider of Night City.... Don't tell mom about this..." David Pleaded.

"I won't, But Tell me David What's your dream?" I stopped dribbling and Handed him a Sports Drink

"My Dream... was to help Her Achieve her dreams..."

"Oh, What dream is it?" I am Curious with his answer.

"I want to Go to the Moon with her." He Gaze at the Full moon above...

"At least you are going beyond the top of Arasaka like your mother wanted. Here, you will need this" I handed him the Wrapped Sandy

"A Present from me for your Induction to Maine Crew. Happy Advanced Birthday David."

"What's this?" As David finished removing the Wrappings...

"A Custom Made Sandy just for you. I will Give you some Injections" I smiled. as I placed a Super Soldier like Serum into his body before placing the Sandy, After a Few moments he grew buffed and Almost reached my height.

"Really, Thanks! Let me Try it." He activated it and he disappear from my sight.... or that what he thought...

"I think I could pulled a prank on him..." David chuckle as he tried to doodle on my face, I smiled at him giving him looks of laughter in Sandy mode...

He deactivated it and Slumped on the Floor; "How, Did you do that?"

"Well David, If I don't go at the speed of light, I wouldn't have culled the Tygers."

"Wait, you were the one that killed the Tyger years ago?"

"The one and only. Now Let's Go Birthday boy, And Celebrate it with Your Girlfriend before you take any jobs!"

"What do you mean old man!"

"Call me old man, I will Make a Grand Wedding for the both of you! And I will make your mother attend it! And it would be a Moon wedding!"

"Please Don't!"

"Then Make it to the big league then we will talk!"

[World news network]

"Hello I'm Arif Iqbal, and this is Wold News Network"

"Yorinobu Arasaka is Found In Night city, Rumors Speculated that he is Heading toward Wondertainment reaching out for the fonder of the company, For the possibility of implementing Project Horizon Dawn in Japanese Waters"

"While It is not confirmed that It is True, Some Arasaka Officials are now Reaching out to the Progressing Company that now have several branches around the globe."

"Project Horizon Dawn Works"

"A study conducted by Biotechnica show that the pollution and toxicity around Nigh City is slowly decreasing compared to the Last Study of April 2075."

"The Writer of this Study stated that if this trend continues, we would see the world changed to the time before the Four Corporate Wars."

"Governments Around the World is now Wanting to meet with the Elusive Man behind the Project to help heal their govern lands. With Offers and Contracts to persuade Dr Alexander Solair to help them."

"Value Of Kratos Cigarettes has reached all time high in EU countries and the Middle East as they now prefer the new brand of Cigarettes."

"Next up is the Activities In Wondertainment in Pacifica, ever since they purchase the land, The Wondertainment Forces are now Clearing out Old Buildings, Making Business Thrived on what was once known as the murder capital in the world, and securing the streets." "Time will tell if they Succeed. We will keep you up to date with the lastest news on WNN"


Storm been occuring lately.