
Magnus Reunion

[Alexander Office]

"Are you sure that we will be whole?" A Grey Knight spoke.

"Yes, Janus... You will merge with Magnus in the most opportune time...I am sorry that it has to come to this."

Leman Russ already left the ship along with Kaldor Draigo and the remaining Grey knights. They have more better tasks at defeating more daemons in the warp as they can do more than just wait for Magnus to arrive...

Janus was the only one Grey Knight left on the ship.

"I know my role Lord Alexander and it is blessed to be with my brothers and knowing that I played a role of bringing the Imperium a step closer to peace."

I stared at the Grey Knight; his face was filled with certainty... Both he and I knew that once he merged with Magnus, Janus the Grey Knight will no longer exist, just a extension of Magnus good side... Before we left for the Warp I gathered most of the Shards of Magnus my League could find in the Galaxy and now embedded into Janus... in a sense he is a pseudo magnus.

"Here take this..." I held my hand out and gave him a blessing.

A light wrapped around Janus. And the Sigil of the Macaldor was embedded in the Soul within the Grey Knights...

"No matter if you merged with Magnus and your mind erased, You still exist as a person Janus."

"Thank you, Milord."

The Grey Knight left, Leaving me alone to ruminate my thoughts...

Janus is part of my backup plan if Magnus is actually Hostile... And what I blessed is enough to contend Magnus powers. But I hope he would be more diplomatic since I done so much that hopefully that he would not fry me with a Psyker Blast in first sight.

The door of my office opened once more, revealing Perturabo with the news that I needed to hear.

"We have arrived at the sorcerer's planet. Anything else?"

"Stay on the ship as we picked up Magnus okay?" I smiled.

For a brief moment he paused just for a few seconds... As he scanned my face for something that was missing.

Perturabo was disturbed by something In me... Perhaps he saw me as the brother that died in Olympia that waited for him to come home...

I never shown my actual face during the Horus Heresy nor any meetings when I met them before my disappearance, perhaps some of them had a inkling of my connections to the Shards that accompanied them.. Just wore robes like Macaldor to prevent the confusion of the Primarchs seeing different versions of me in different places...

If I did tell him the truth of my nature, he would actually felt betrayed and my counterpart sacrifice is meaningless...

And perhaps that is my little white lie to the Lord of Steel as he is tempered by the Fires of the Warp, a fitting new title for a reborn Perturabo... As both a Friend and Brother that grew up with the selected Primarchs... Their memories and experiences dwell in me...

They died with their own will, not my orders... Perhaps it was due to the shard?

I stared at the checklist I made when I entered the warp...

It contains all the necessary things or plans in the event that I predicted... But having my heart blown out by a Demon that dwell in Fulgrim painting and Almost being devoured by a C'tan... Life is not that easy after all...

"Plans are useless...but planning is essential" I muttered as I head to the Command Deck.

Many of my staff stood a moment of attention of my arrival, saluted in my presence as they continue their tasks at hand...

Upon holo screen is the location where Magnus is located... Sortiarius.

"Sorcerer planet... Wished Magnus get a better name like that... " I stared at the screen... Wishing Magnus to come home... It was originally a place where Pyskers that is under discrimination by the Imperium and the Black ship that harvest them for the Golden Throne could gather in safety...

With my League is now in place to gather the lost.. The Thousand sons requested the Psykers in our care to willingly join them...

There was a Thousand Sons fleet that stood silent infront of us waiting if we were hostile or not.

But seeing they didn't strike out first, I decided to land just me and Magnus, If I lead the army and we took casualties... We will unable to have the manpower to breach Nurgle realm...

I hoped... There was more time to discuss with Ahriman and Magnus... But time is running out...

I sensed my end in this universe...

[Scanning... Complete]

[Magnus the red is verified to be stationed in this planet...]

"Thank you, Partner..." I smiled as I heard my old friend...

The system is with me in the background as the absurd amount of Imperial paperwork and red tape would have devoured me if my partner didn't show me the Legal Loopholes in the Legal system..

"Me and Janus will be heading into the planet below..."

"You surely can't be serious? You nearly died in Slaanesh realm!"

"This is my choice Ferrus... Just as He waited for me for a millennia... I should do some courtesy towards him yes? He wouldn't kill me without reasons...if he did, he would have wreck the ship as soon as we were in the vicinity."

"I sense that is a "if", Alexander."

"Perturabo... I will take a Gamble of a lifetime... If he joins then breaching Nurgle Front door is enough... But if he doesn't then it's okay... He would be convinced later..."

I was aware that soon Revelation would use Roboute to burn Nurgle Garden and show Nurgle that this time, he isn't messing around now that the Great rift have empower the Chaos gods, so do the Emperor himself as the people placed their faith in him, now swelling up like a tide that would overwhelm the remaining three...

But I rather take the more conservative effort of bringing Magnus back.

His time in the warp have molded him to understand the nature of the denizens more than Perturabo. And hopefully if he could be placed on the Golden Throne...

New reports showed that Imperium Nihilus is slowly using the Hyperdrives than the Warp based engines and production is now resuming slowly to normalcy... And that is a good thing as those that was lost from the Emperor light missing have a method of transport and thanks to the Pylons that the League erected... there was not much of a Psyker outbreaks in Nihilus as the Pylons have prevented the Psykers from going berserk, which means there is not much Chaos Cults in place as the population was aware that they are labeled as terrorist and the piracy was practically nonexistent as my orders of a High Lord have given a priority that all Pirates must die, Regardless of them being under a Noble or the Nobility themselves pretended as Pirates.

And ironic that their Treasures that they pilfered and kept in their Pirate Dens throughout the millennia is more than enough to keep the Imperium expenses from going into red for about several years...It takes money to build Titans and Baneblades, prayers and IOU's alone will not incentivize the Manufactorums and Forge worlds. 

The Merchants and Traders are grateful for the trade lanes being safe and their tithes increase due to the promised security. And the only thing they have to worry is the Orks, Tyranids and Abaddon fleets... Which is nicer since they don't have to worry about the Necrons headed towards them... Or the Eldar Cosairs raiding their supply hubs... I have plans for the T'au... but I need Commander Farsight assistance to expose the Hypocrisy of the Ethereals...

Despite the complaints of the Primarchs, my men agreed and prepped a Shuttle for me and Janus to land on the planet... I am grateful that they are willing to go to hell with me... But I rather not want them to sacrifice their being to see my dreams of humanity realize...

The journey was uneventful. The planet was freezing, but then in a flash it was blazing hot making the land insufferable for any army to land...

[For an enemy even to set foot on the Planet of the Sorcerers, they must be either extremely powerful or permitted to land by the Thousand Sons. Invisible conjurations surround the planet, sucking any munitions fired upon it into the warp and dissipating powerful lasers into harmless rays of light. Illusory hexes cause attackers to believe that their weapons have hit their target when they have, in fact, proved wayward. Portals absorb orbital barrages and turn them back on the firers. Other spells and enchantments cause weapons to detonate while still on-board attacking ships, or initiate the warp drives of enemy vessels, hurling them into the Warp without shielding.]

On the description of what my system informed me about Magnus planet...

The security is more than enough to realize why Abaddon didn't raze Sortiatus to get the Primarch attention...

There was no way I ever sent my men to die just to meet Magnus and using force with ranged weaponry which is my League specialty is impossible. And I belay any orders of orbital bombardments unless they wreck the ship once more... And Magnus preferred diplomacy than fighting outright... 

Just the gravity of the planet shakes the shuttle...

Just me, Janus and the pilot that is crazy enough to land in a hostile planet...

A Replica of Magnus Capital Tizca was shown in the distance...

"Sir, we are being hailed to land in this location... Spire of Glass..." the Pilot replied as we swept into the desolate wasteland.

"Pilot do it...Take us to the location."

"It would seem Magnus have sent a party waiting for us?" I spoke as I noticed the denizens noticed our descent and now converged to our location...

Sorcerers lords and Magnus Rehati waited for our arrival. They were accompanied by Scarab Occult Terminators and Hidden ones that was on the rooftops...

I remembered some of them... they were confidants of Magnus...

"Greetings High Lord Alexander, Magnus have been waiting for you." One of the Rehati spoke, his voice was ghastly... but a part in me remembered the man behind that helmet...

"Lheorvai...is Magnus okay?" I accidently blurted out his name...

The Rehati stood still as he heard that name that was lost so long ago...He chuckled.

"It's been a long time since I heard that name...And Yes, our Genefather is in good health." He droned through his vox. He scanned my face and found some similarities with the Shard that often accompanied the Crimson Giant. Seeing this I simply smiled.

"Then would you have the honors to accompany to Magnus?" Invoking certain memories with the Thousand sons.

[Lheorvai Pov]

When I see this High Lord and the Grey knight that is accompanied by our brothers, he has no fear etched on his face, despite we could eliminate him in a single word, he ventured on the pavement on Tizca as if he was returning home, his actions is similar to the one that was close to Magnus, I remember the fall of Prospero... I remember the Brother of Magnus that fought against the Misguided Space wolfs... His smile against all adversity that was thrown at us...

It kept us safe, kept us assured that our scholar, intellectual and families that went into the crystal cave to be teleported to the League...Our duty as defenders of knowledge and Explorers to the unknown is assured for eternity... When the last person entered the portal, it was a child, a boy of a serf that was part of Magnus palace staff, He gave a smile as he ventured to a world beyond, far away from the fires of Prospero, somehow, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we are no longer held back by our civilians.

As the brother of Magnus was tasked to defend the key areas that we could not held on. We unleashed with all the powers we had, our knowledge of the warp to be put into use, knowing the Flesh Change will kill us in the process... Hoping that our Father come to our aid and stepped down from the palace and stop this fight... He did at the last moment as he fought against the wolf king... part of me have doubts... If we could ever be forgiven...

When Leman Russ broke our father back... And Ahriman came with a dying Man in his arms with life barely clinging to his bones as his crimson uniform was a shade darker as a hole was pierced in his chest... I knew we were lost...

Until Magnus conjured a spell and we transported to this realm, our illness began to spread fast, like cancer to our flesh, tearing our insides, I heard the Howling of my brothers as our flesh is being torn apart and turned into Monsters...

Magnus made a great sacrifice for all of us... he became a part of Tzeentch in order to cure us... He could have abandoned us... but he remained... Upon his Rubicon Spell made by Ahriman and Magnud, Half of us turned into dust, While those remaining was partially cured was bitter of the fact that our brothers that we spent along with now become silent automatons...

When Magnus spoke to us of the Warmaster betrayal... How he changed orders of Leman Russ the Executioner from apprehending our Genefather to our Homeworld destruction, We could have been left alone but his orders burned our hearts with rage, Our home is destroyed for that Traitor paranoia because we still remained Loyal... We pretended to be on board with the Traitors... Scrying duties was all we demanded as we have the power to overwhelm his forces but we our souls would been devoured if our plans was uncovered... How he gloated that he gotten us on the traitors...Without knowing that we are fully aware of the deeds he have done.

I watched as he spread the danger to the citizens that had nothing to do with the Emperor... Many Libraries and Vaults of Knowlege from both the Imperium and the League was burned in the name of Chaos... 

And this is the man that sought to liberate Humanity from the Emperor?

When we arrived in Terra, we didn't partake the traitors first wave... We watched from orbit as the Traitors become a deranged monsters that hellbent on destruction instead of the men that was the Epitome of the Emperor Dream of Safeguarding humanity.

Our Father ordered us to wait... for a opportune time and it began, The Lord of Iron Perturabo had enough and left the frontlines, His Iron warriors was doing the Majority of the work left leaving the lunatics to stand against the defenders... and we knew time is up, we were ordered to leave as Father had other matters to attend...

When he returned to us, he was filled with determination. A path of redemption...

As we entered the warp, the Civil war of the Traitor Legions he predicted happened. The Iron Warriors and we joined a Alliance and we kept neutral as our brethren tore each other apart in the warp... With their delusion of them being the next Warmaster... We only gave a empty congratulations to Abaddon when he managed to reunite them.

And we were tasked to gather all the shards of our genefather through subterfuge and favors from the Alpha Legion we gathered most of them... Except those remained on Terra... Magnus forbade us from attacking the Golden Palace as he informed that those shards would come to him in due time...

Magnus told us to wait once more for the opportune time, As the High Lord League was trapped in a Rift storm, it allowed us to trade supplies and weapons for knowledge... We didn't need to scoured the Imperium for Slaves and weapons as the Trapped league was more than enough to supply our demands...

As we ventured to the Planet that Brother of Magnus promised our people would be safe under the banner of the League to live in, I was the first amongst my brothers to venture the place to ascertain that our deeds, our duty was meant something, I stepped out of a portal to a place where the refugees was sent and they had the same likeness of Prospero as if Prospero didn't died that day but was reborn from the ashes of our homeworld... The people greeted us as if we just returned home understanding of our plight, Instead of the derision of the Imperium that looked at us as monsters. The boy that was the last ventured into the portal now became a man... He gave the smile as he remembered me despite of the transformation of my armor... Our sacrifice is not in vain...

During the Millenia waiting in the warp for that single hope, I volunteered, become part of the Custodians of the League from the shadows. Defeating the Demons and Warp spawns that flooded into the League... There were many psykers willingly joined join us to defend their home... knowing fully well what would happen of the truth of our corporation was revealed in the Imperium. How many of us died in the shadows till the High Lord came to the Imperium.

He was the Key to revert all the things we have done.

[Pov Ended]

A fine party indeed as my shard memories of the layout of Tizca was as if yesterday...

Even if its warped beyond control... there are still sentimental value left in the mind of Magnus..

Every pavement and the passageways I recognize remained the same despite having a bunch of feathers and floating pyramids is on the horizon... Tizca towers is in towered around us...

We went the tower where Magnus stayed.

It was a tower that surpassed above all the skyscrapers in the surroundings.

Lheorvai stopped at our destination and beckoned us to the entrance....

A sign was placed on the entrance...

 "Tower of the Cyclops... Seem like Magnus loved watching Lord of the Rings... it's practically the eye of Sauron!" I remarked as I saw the eye that sit on top of the zenith staring at me...

As I jest the door opened revealing the insides...


"I know... He is waiting for us..."

We both ascended the Tower, there were many eyes that stare at us as we ascended to the top... some with curiosity, others was confused why there were untainted that was allowed access to the top.

On the top... Magnus sat on a marble table reading a Book of unknown subject...

He was a Scholar at heart regardless of his affiliation... constantly seeking knowledge...

He noticed our presence... and gave a smile.

"Welcome Brother...Janus...to my Humble abode... So are you here for your promise?"

"Yes, I have brother... Father have called for his wayward sons to come home..."

"Here is a gift for you..." Magnus used his psyker will and handed me a Bottle...

And I recognized that it was a Craftworld that was trapped in the Bottle... And there was Eldar trapped in it...

"You sure have some interesting hobbies..." I tossed it into the Subverse waiting to release it from the bottle.

"Indeed Alexander when you master the knowledge in the warp, you bound to have a hobby or two...I heard of the refugees that my brother sent to the League without your knowledge... I hope that it will not sour our relationship..."

"Your people is safe under my wings, just as you Magnus...Time to come home..."

As Magnus about to answer, our conversation was interrupted... A thousand son rushed in.

"Father what is the meaning of this? Why have you did not support Abaddon 13th crusade?"

He barked as if he was the master of the place...

"Who is this little piece of shit?" I asked

"Iskandar Khayon... One of my sons that wanted used my influence and my sons to throw our lots with the Despoiler. He belongs to a faction in my legion that follow the Despoiler...

The faction that wants to be with the Black legion wants all of us to join him without question. And he overpowered me in Psychic combat." Magnus words make me more wary of the Thousand son that was standing still, How on earth did a frakkin Thousand Son Legionary managed to defeat Magnus. He noticed our presence as he demanded our presence.

"Name's Alexander Hyde High Lord of the League-" Before I say more Khayon attacked.

The Thousand Son was now alert as he attacked me without completing my sentence...

"Seem like fortune shines on me today, As Abaddon will grant me power and favors when I bestowed your head as Tribute!" He roared as Warp Lightning was erupted in Magnus room.

"Is that so... You don't even care about your brothers that will die facing both the Imperium and the League now freed from the Warpstorm, Knowing that I already have the cure?"

"Nonsense, If I see the Imperium and the corpse emperor burn to the ground it is worth for all the suffering you done to us and I will just wring that cure from your dead corpse!" Khayon yelled as his force weapon tried to struck me...

The Grey Knight stood forward but was stopped by my orders...

"Janus don't... Save your strength for the reunification." I mindlink Janus to not intervened our fight... Thousand sons rushed into the room to attack the threat... but was confused why Khayon have attacked Magnus esteemed guest... But those that followed Khayon have joined the Fray as they shot spells and bolter fire...

The spells was dispelled just a mere distance from my face... I smiled as the power that held in the Thousand Sons is not waned... but grew stronger... But bolters is pretty much the major threat.

I incapacitate most of his followers leaving him alone..

Khayon panicked that Alexander was a threat than he realized, and he remembered a drug that a stranger given him to deal with the threat....

"Where did you get that?" The High lord paused as if he knew something of the drug...

"Something that will end you!" He cackled as he drank the contents to the last drop...

Something in him changed... He felt power coursing through his veins... He felt as if he could rival the gods themselves.

[Alexander Pov]

I stared at the Traitor as he and his men attack me... 

How did he managed to bring down a primarch is a mystery...

As the battle wage on... He seemed desperate and held out a Ampoule containing a sinister liquid...

[Alexander...That liquid is not born from the warp...]

He noticed my hesitation as he drank the whole content...

he staggered back... as his body is slowly changing... Flesh grew out of the body of Khayon like a cancerous rate of growth.

His one of his followers that is close by... attempted to make contact... he was grabbed and began to be absorbed... in rapid pace... 

"I hold the power of the Gods!" He screamed with madness in his words slowly drifted off to a gutteral roar..His body Mass grew that many was disturbed of the event... And every thousand sons I incapacitated was dragged into the flesh mound

[Alexander... this is Bad! that is a Flood!]

"From Halo How?! We are in the Frakking Warp!"

[This is something absurd... They didn't intervene in this situation...]

Great now we are truly fucked...

I turned to the befuddled thousand sons that watched Khayon change, it was different from the Flesh change...

"Everyone evacuate this place! Or you will be absorbed into that monster!" I yelled.

"We would not listen to a follower of the Corpse worshipper." One of the surviving Khayon followers spat out with hostility. Just before a flesh tentacle erupted from Khayon frame dragging him into the flesh... Most of the thousand sons that followed Khayon was dragged into the flesh beast...

"Magnus, Get your Sons to evacuate this tower lest your bodies will feed to this monstrosity!"

Magnus hesitated but seeing the tone in alexander words he decided to agree and teleported everyone from the tower leaving Alexander and the Remains of Khayon and his depraved followers...

"Does Fire work?" I asked as I am aware of the weakness of the original flood... I reached for the Faithblazer and a Volkite Pistol...And Set myself on fire with the Emperor Flame engulfing me.

[I honestly don't know, this variant is engineered to thrive in the warp, using it to grow its own body...]

"I better destroy this before Nurgle notice this abomination!"

[You have a timer before the God of Plague notice its incursion the Emperor is notified of the events and now assist you by diverting their attention.]

I watched as the mass grow bigger than Magnus Marble seat... Despite the fact it only took a few Thousand sons into the fold of flesh...

It would take longer than that...

"Alexander what is going on?" Magnus mindlink my thoughts...

"Your son Khayon is infected beyond redemption... if it infects you then all is lost..."

"Is it that truly serious?"

"Yeah... Only Fire can hurt it... or was if I know the original variant of it... This is not a Flesh Change... Its something else... I need your help..."

"What do I need?"

"Join Janus and be the brother I once knew... he know how to handle the demon."

"It would take time to reunify my shards..."

"And time is all I provide you... Have the Thousand sons that is still loyal to you to commence the reunification ritual... "

The link stopped as I was alone facing the monstrosity.

I shot the Volkite Pistol into the growing mass, it screeched as the beam melted the flesh into goo.

It used the corrupted bolters and sharpened tendrils that was in the body and rained down upon my general direction...

I didn't send out the droids as I am aware that they are not viable to handle the threat...

'"Magnus...Try not to fraks thing up... this time if you failed." I clenched my teeth as I dodge the flesh tentacle. 

As Alexander fighting against the Flood Space Marine slowly growing into a Pseudo Gravemind...

A ritual was carried out... the Sorcerors Lords carried the Ritual and carved a symbols around Magnus and Janus...

A ritual consisting of a duel to define who is the majority of the Ego...

Explosion and tremor was occurred on the Magnus tower.

Signaling that Alexander is fighting for his life on top of the tower

Both the Primarch and the Grey Knight Stared deeply...

"So it begins... Of all my counterparts... Perhaps I would be the first to be whole once more... Hopefully not the last..." Magnus spoke. As he glance around at his sons conducting the ritual. They did the process with extreme precision as it is the one time they could not messed up.

Janus stood silently as he waited for the ritual to begin...

The fight in the tower was ongoing and the foundation of the ritual is completed...

The two commence their fight...

Magnus the Red and Janus fought to gain dominance of being united...

As the fight raged on the winner was apparent...

Magnus understand the reasons why Alexander brought Janus with him alone...

The constant chanting of the sorcerer lords, the ritual binded them together... Merging the two into a singular entity... But Magnus noticed a part of his soul was a sigil of Macaldor symbol... He smiled of the efforts of the Grey Knight that kept a sense of self...

He was no longer the Crimson cyclops nor Janus the Grey Knight, He is Magnus the Starseeker, the Explorer of Enlightenment... And now he is truly whole...

Parts of Tzeentch influence was wiped clean making him able to act more independently from his grasp, but there were some lingering in his soul is slowly dispersed.

His reunification was felt in the warp and Tzeentch was unaware about it as the god was facing a more pressing issues than a dog that loosely freed his chains...

The Emperor have descended into his realm and set it on fire... And a Quarter of the daemons he led is dead... And add insult to injury, the Legion of the Dammed wrecked havoc in his realm.

Magnus breathed a sighed of relief that he gained his body back as he is no longer a immaterial being... His power already eclipse any of his version of him...

As he stopped his thoughts the tremor in his tower erupted and shown a huge flesh wave... Now flooding in the streets of Sortiarius...

Magnus gathered a Warp Storm of Fire and lighting to disintegrate the flesh that attempted to devour his sons... Tzeenthian Fires from the Thousand Sons and the Emperor Flames erupted in Magnus Body and burned the Infestation...

Magnus used his wings now changed from the wings given by Tzeentch into wings of golden fires emanating from his being... he flew to the top and saw Alexander nearly almost consumed by the flesh... with a single whisper from Magnus lips, the area around Alexander was burned and what's remained of Khayon the Kingsbreaker is erased from existence...

"I knew you could do it Magnus..." He smiled...

[Alexander Pov]

I found myself on the ICU in my ship again... The stress must have gotten to me that even being a shard bearer is not enough... I found myself staring a Red Giant reading beside my bed...

"Oh? Seems you are awake?" He spoke as he flip a page of the book he was reading.

"I am truly having unlucky moments meeting you and the rest of the brothers in the warp..."

"Sure enough I became whole again... Thank you Alexander..."

"Is Janus safe?"

"Yes... He still retained a Ego compared to the rest of the shards that was absorbed by me..."

"I see...Thanks..."

There was a silence between the both of us until I spoke...

"Where is Ahriman anyway?"

"He returned to Sortiarius when he heard of the Attack, He decided to join us as I am now whole once more..."

I pointed a Drawer next to my bed...

"Could you open the drawer next to me? There is something I have to give you..."

Magnus obliged and found the content...

"Isn't this my book?" Magnus realized that it was the Book that Ahriman is been searching for.. The Book of Magnus...All this time it was beside me...

"More precisely Magnus... that book come from a Universe where you remained Loyal to the Imperium... Where the Traitors Roles were Reversed...this is the solution to cure your legion from the Flesh Change as the Book Ahriman seeks in the Black Library is corrupted beyond repair..."

"Who was the Traitor Warmaster in that place?" Magnus touched and flip the pages of a Book that is familiar but yet foreign to him as there were more spells and Theorems that all of the combined Magnus knowledge in him could understand... And the Spell to reverse the Rubicon is just waiting to be spoken... for the Thousand Sons to be freed from the Curse of the flesh change.

"Roboute Gulliman, Roboutian Heresy... The Warmaster of 500 Ultramar...In that place Perturabo is more competent than Rogal Dorn that gave into Khorne..."

"So...you knew his possibilities from that universe alone?"

"Magnus... you know the truth when you combined those three versions of you during the siege of prospero... Their stories ended by giving a single version of yourself to be freed from Tzeencth...Surely you recognized the Emperor in their eyes was the most horrible father of them all yes? And compared to your father that spend the time to help to cure the flesh change as he could and guide you and my existence was a aberration of this universe... before you broke the Webway project."

"There are countless versions of you stranded in Tzeencth palms, Many time the cycle repeats itself...you are the one that is made whole... while many versions of you never have that chance or found a path of redemption." I replied, I knew...

Games workshop will never allow Magnus to be whole as his redemption ark is already forgotten...

"I see... Then let us commence the Reverse on the damages we have done..." Magnus smiled.

There was a call by Magnus in the warp for all the Thousand Sons Warband to Sortiarius... Many heeded his call but there were some like Khayon remain in the Black Legion, As the news of the Thousand sons Warbands leaving for Sortiarius the Black Legion confused but they already have plans that does not require the sorcerers as they were neutral and they unable to gather information from Sortiatus about the recent happenings due to Khayon is killed... 

The Legion of Prospero have been assembled as Magnus towered over them... Ahriman and Alexander accompanied the Primarch.

"My sons... the day have finally arrived... the solution of our cure is now within our grasp... No longer we would fear the Flesh change... My sons that is forever trapped in the Husk now be given flesh... for those that refused my call... I could only apologize that I couldn't find the Cure later. I shall begin the spell to free us!"

Many have searched for the cure, while some waited for the day they would be freed. For the first time they saw the Might of Magnus as he used the warp molded it by his mind and with his chants and the spell could bring themselves to human or another reckless act of Magnus...

But during the middle of the spell, somehow the spell was lacking something, and it was about to go awry...

Despite Alexander and Ahriman rushed in providing the Psychic power to fuel the spell Magnus realize it was not enough... 

"Help me father...Brother..." He whispered in the void as he struggle to keep the spell from exploding... His call was finally answered.

Another surge of Power began to course through his veins... Something that was warm... a family embrace.

Quintillions of people that prayed to the emperor and their power of faith trickled into Magnus...

He could sense it... their hopes, their dreams... the Future...

Magnus now have enough power to free themselves from the taint.

The Spell erupted as it covered the square where the legion was waiting to be freed..

For a short glimpse as the world around him turned to white, Magnus saw the Emperor without his armor sitting under a tree along with his dead brother that stood by him, smiling and they spoke something that only magnus could understand... And the Planet was engulfed in a golden light...

Alexander would find Magnus with tears on his eye...

"Thank you..." Was all he spoke as he watched over his sons now cured from the Flesh Change... The Silent sons of his now able to remove their helmets and show their brothers that they were truly back in the flesh...

The Thousand Son Fleet now joined with Olympia as they set off course to Nurgle garden where their last brother stuck in the Warp Remained. 

Magnus was made aware of the Clone of Horus on Alexander ship but he took no offense as he didn't do no wrong as the Brother of his that caused the downfall of Prospero.. is dead... He was more Lenient on Leman Russ... but next time he meets he would gladly punch another heart of Leman Russ. As only that furry fool understands his meaning through violence... He took the Stasis that held his brother skull from his tower as he could not bear to leave it behind...

"Perhaps one day I will bury you in Prospero when we rebuilt it from the ashes...But for now brother... bear with me as I go on this lonely path..." He touched the glass as he smiled... 

He noticed his brothers waiting by the door and welcome him.

On the Empty city of Sortiarius, A mechanical demon wandered the area as if he was searching for something... Vashtorr arrive at the Planet of Sorcerer...

"Ah, there it is..." He chuckled as he managed to get a fragment needed for his ascension, it would seem that the mortal accidentally lost the fragment in the fight, to open the Arks was Abaddon and his Idea... He was amused of the fact that the mortal have left bread trails for him to follow and without any Indepth contracts... He simply disappeared from view as if he didn't existed.

[Alexander Pov]

I was in the subverse as I stared at the Bottle that held the Craftworld Altansar I seek was actually close by... How did he stuff it in a bottle? Could try breaking it... But right now, I could try removing the Cork... Like a Genie in a bottle the Craftworld materialized in this realm.

And what do I know when you have the population of a craftworld agreed with joining the league as I asked them to join and the Mission to free Isha have persuaded them to eagerly to assist me in my journey... The Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra that was somehow trapped along the Craftworld agreed to Assist me to free Isha... Somehow, I am more amazed of Magnus managed to apprehend the Phoenix lord and stuff him in a Bottle...

I understand their plight. Even if they exited in realspace, the Eldars would condemn them as tainted and consorts to Chaos... Despite our Efforts to Kill Slaanesh... They are single minded fools... But their efforts of assisting me will not go unnoticed... And those wily Seer Councils will change their tune when I returned... I simply released those that volunteered on my suicide mission on my ship while those that remained in my little universe until I returned to the League.

Farseer Caerys and Dimh-Yriel realized that there were more Eldars loitering in my ship, and was informed that they were warriors of the lost Craftworld Altansar...

I never knew a Eldar smile wholeheartedly as they looked at me, they no longer fear Slaanesh desire for their soul... Especially Dimh-yriel realizing that our current destination is heading towards Nurgle realm... Our mission coincide theirs. I knew she was the one that Saved Perturabo when she tossed the Wraithbone Spear into the C'tan shard that was about to deal a fatal blow... I have a certain respect and gratefulness for her saving him. For now... I see where her path leads.

She noticed me as she smiled as she greeted her lost brethren...

But in due time I have more pressing matter to deal with...

In a secret building that was not known by Perturabo, where it is my own workshop and laboratory...

Opening it is a Enormous hall that is not seen from outside as I already twisted the reality making this place bigger in the inside... And a enormous empty Vehicle Hulls was strewn about.

half of my work is still unfinished and a document of Project Bolo MK 33 is strewn across my workplace.

I did Planned to Make the Ultimate tank and introduce it to Warhammer but I could not get the actual schematics nor time to finish it as copying it from my screen is just a foolish endeavor as I do not know where to place the wiring... Trial By error as I make 32 prototypes and they didn't work as intended like the original...

I have the technology from Dark age of Technology, The Replication system from Star Trek, and Metals to complete it...but time is dire for me to even think about finishing it, And there was a more dangerous inventions and weapons I left out of Perturabo clearance level... He would have a field trip if he was still a Chaos Lord, life in the galaxy would end when he received such a weapons of destruction.

Through the depths, I travelled deep down, only the soft tremble of the Men of Iron that strolled in this place reminded me of the loneliness I have to endure...

I walked into the empty room with several Men of Iron watching over a Sample from my fight... it a part of what remained of Khayon... still struggling under the stasis.

I managed to get a sample before Magnus erased the infection from existence...

"Partner... scan the sample... thoroughly."

I waited as it scanned what is contents from within... how does it tick...

[It would seems that there are exotic genetic sequences trapped within this flesh...]

"Which Universe they are from? If its purely the Warp, Magnus would know and he wouldn't paused when Khayon turned into that...

[Its a combined version of a Xel' Naga Hybrid flesh from Starcraft, Flood spore and minimal traces of certain Psionic races...Also it been heavily genetically engineered to thrive in the Warp and easily merged with chaos, instead of a Virulent factor desire to spread its infection, it was design to kill you...Seems they are aware of your travels in the warp but not aware of what you have become...You are lucky that you enveloped yourself in the Emperor Flames or else you would be Infected...]

"Seems that Spending time in Warhammer is no longer Viable... I better get ready soon..." I incinerated the last sample to oblivion and tossed it into a Black hole never to be found as I leave the Laboratory....

[I hope you are prepared...This is simply the first wave...For what is to come] the voice spoke as the doors behind me closed.. 

"I will be ready for them... Partner." I smiled.