
Journey through Rapture.

(Alexander Pov)

I am not sure about Brigid Tenebaum sincerity as I gather several of her recordings of her personality of who she was from before, a Mad scientist that affected by a illness call maternal instincts, that in a sense is a double edge sword for her... But seeing as she is proven quite helpful... Sending gifts at the tonic vending machines I come across is worth it.

I noticed the citizens of raptures forgotten and insane took notice of my presence and rushed towards me like a meat for the grinder.. I didn't bother to use any higher tech than what I salvage. It was a somewhat blissful when I am not commanding a entire armies or having responsibility... Scratch that last one as I will raised these little girls as my own... I am aware that their parents that had the means to look for this place would've been dead, and those that didn't already accepted their lost ones... I have been seeing several visions or what it represents, echoes of the past?

Voices and phantoms of the people that lived in this place... Some emotional love scene, some their last agony. Perhaps the Electro plasmid allows me to connect to the static remnant of the people. I found a Tommy Gun and a 12 gauge shotgun. It was nice to hear the pump action. Not that I worry of running out of bullets anyway.

I already ransacked most of the vending machines especially the Circus of Values... It was funny to hear a Circus theme song in such a dire situation.

Every Eve and Adam Tonic I didn't used aside from what Atlas gave to me as I need Mortarion and the Magos Biologos to research this wonderful treasure. Met several living slugs that gave the Adam... Somehow I got the urge to make a Farm for them in planet Io to keep the supply on hand.

The fight continues, I leave a trail of corpses as I head to my destination, some that had a inkling of reason not to mess with me have fled my path... And unfortunately they are in the minority.

Arcadia Garden is where I met something wrong in this setting...

One of the Foes is a Houdini user that teleports... But somehow I sense the warp emanating from him.. albeit weakly. He was able to channel Warp demons every time he disappears... Had it been Jack.. I doubt his protagonist aura would able to defeat a Blood Letter.

It took a couple of 12 gauge that is laced with plasmids to kill that sonuvabitch.and a Bash in the skull on group of blood letters.

The only dying breath he made a gesture that something knows I don't belong here.

"He knows" was the last thing the Houdini Splicer spoke before he died.


I could sense the foliage is alive in a sense... Not in a good way. Vines and tendrils wrapped the dead user and disappear somewhere...

I better get the little sisters that is in this area and free them before something bad happen.

I arrived at Gathering Garden where I met Dr Julie Langford... She noticed my approach and about to greet me and I heard Andrew voice as he speak to her termination as he gassed her for making the Lazarus Vector as it overthrow his power. I am aware how useful it is for Terraforming... I am not stingy to use it as it provides a more cheaper solutions... She pressed finger on the screen that separated between me and her and gave a number, before she expired.

Then the door opened releasing several Gass until it was vacuumed by the air vent.

I approached her dead corpse... Her flesh is weak... But her soul is unwilling to pass away.

I checked her flesh and find out that her DNA was horribly disfigured and her flesh is dying at a speed I could recover... The only thing I got out from her is her soul... Perhaps she wouldn't mind a clone body and a more... respectable employment. I found a safe nearby... Perhaps...

Using her number before the gas fully faded away on the safe, I found the formula to creating Lazarus Vector. And her recording.

The lockdown would not release until I pump oxygen into the system.

"Oy, Boyo I am see that you are block. I suggest to head to Farmer Market nearby to find the ingredients and remoi the lockdown. And do it quickly as we are chocking out of air to breathe!" Atlas spoke.

I grunted as I head towards the place.

Funny thing about Andrew Ryan Marketplace... It was the only public institution from all the things you need to pay for.

But ironic enough it was the first thing that got ransacked the most... Market stall is riddled with bullets and gashes of blades. Some were overturned and their produce is rotten... That a rat would not even bother to eat.

One of the ingredients is a Honey bee spit.

I could simply go through the bee hives and not bother to get the power to control bees.. but sidetracks is the fun part. Found three tonics that allows me to control bugs... It was hilarious, maybe I give one to Carl so that he could control Actual Bugs.

One checklist another three more.

After finding the ingredients I made for Lazarus Vector I could see the oxygen gauge is slowly returning to normal.

Might as well get the Skitariis on board in their expedition, in a corner where Atlas Cameras and Radios is not in range, A Portal appeared and several Skitariis appeared from it.

And the first one notice me and stood by

"Soldiers of the Machine God, this place I show you is a treasure trove of technology that we do not seek, if you find them, may your bounty pleases the machine god, any one that steps in your way... Eliminate them and spare the Children. You may head to your designated gathering spots after I leave this location at 30 minutes, to conquer this place for the Imperium... We must know what we are up against."

After I left hordes of Techpriests rushed out from the portal and began to gun down my splicers and dragged their remains into the portal, even a dead one provide several opportunity to evolve the human race...

As I approached around a Corner a little sister stood by one of the tonic machines. It was one of the cured little sister.

I knelt down and asked her.

"Why are you doing here?"

"I want you to save pretty lady? Please, please mister bubbles?"

I could guess one person that fits the job...

"Then hop to my back and we will rescue pretty lady."

"Yay, thanks mister bubbles!" The Little Sister hop on my back as she was like a cat. And directed me to a location...

Dr Suchong Clinic, now dilapidated and not maintain over the years... Ironic behind the free medicare, there is a lot of corpses behind his facade, I passed by every evaluation chambers and several technology is may be archaic to the Mechanicus but it is viable, I sense the clinic is blocking the radios signals so I wouldn't be bother by that annoying prick... I saw a unfinished prototype of a Songbird? But some of the parts are what seems to be... Ceramite? Or what weaker version of it.

After "borrowing" several item and cleaned the laboratory, I reached where the little sister pointed at. In a rubble that is blocked by trash and plaster, I could see a silhouette.

"Over here mister bubbles, Right in this wall!"

I smashed throw it and I found the remains of Elizabeth Dewitt or Comstock... Untouched by bacteria that dissolves the corpses, something I never get use to it. Reviving her? I could just use the Vita Chambers... But remembering that Andrew Ryan issued a lockdown and only those that share his blood or related to him able to use it... I looked around and found a Prototype Vita Chamber now correded in time. It was not biolocked so it should be find... Opening a panel it was rusty as Fck. I simply just use the good ole Emperor of Mankind Olympian Special. Touch it and make it return to its pristine form. The corroded section of the machine now slowly revert it back to normal. I simply place the corpse and see if it works its magic...

(Elizabeth Pov)

Darkness... All I remember is the darkness of this place... I was like a songbird trapped in this abyss from the skies that I am caged by my father Comstock... But knowing the man named Dewitt is a reality I sought to eliminate every Comstock versions to free myself.

I could have done with this place after ending my alternate reality of a Father and leave... But Sally... How much I made that sacrifice... I never wanted Rapture to end up like this, by allowing Fontaine to start his rebellion, and I basically handed the keys to the city for that little girl... I could only wished that I could do better...

"I wished that I could have a second chance."

I felt something in that darkness approaching... Something bright like a sun staring at my face and felt my body is lifted up from the darkness.

My eyes opened and found a Armoured figure staring at me... I couldn't scream as I would have been dead when I woke up.

"Pretty Lady!"

A word I haven't heard a long time... And I looked beside at the armor figure and saw the same girl I protected all those years ago.

"Pretty Lady? Are you okay?" The Sister waddle towards me.


(Alexander pov)

I watched them have a reunion... Something I haven't found watching directly from all the broadcast of the Federation... So Sally is that little one.

I removed my helmet and introduce myself.

"Hello, Elizabeth Dewitt, I am Alexander Solair of the Celestial Imperium." The woman looked at me warily.

"How do you know my last name?" She spoke as she clung to Sally.

"I am like you but a more grander scale than your rifts... If your rifts is like a hopping to countries of countless version of yourselves on a planet, mine is like traveling said planets on my journey."

"So you are like Lucetes?" She asked a question.

As far as I remember they were twins that made a machine allows to travel in their parallel dimensions until Comstock destroyed it forcing them to be able to travel in the Bioshock universe wherever, whenever they wished and messing with outcomes and inconsistency.... I shook my head.

"Those two are only allowed to travel parallel, mine is like traveling outside the play."


"Alright, think of a story in a book or a television. And you are part of it in real life, I know some of your past but not wholly."

"So my life is a character in a story? Repeated over and over again?"

"Not necessarily, you already done your part and is now free from it... I would like to Invite you to my universe... Somewhere free from Comstock."

"I can't... I may lost my reality bending powers but I still need one last version of me to be safe..."

"I am not going to cage you like your father. But I will find a way to get to your remaining version and you have a chance to travel with me in the Multiverse... It is hard and it is full of wonder...I remember that you wanted to visit Paris?"

"So you know about Booker Dewitt..."

"Aye... What a sad man... Had the Lucetes experiment didn't work... You would have been safe with your father..."

Elizabeth was left to her thoughts.

"Right now I am heading towards Fort Frolic.. and I think that you might recognize someone there... Sander Collins, ringing any bells?"

"That man is alive?"

"Yup, So as Fontaine and Andrew that is still having their little civil war."

Elizabeth eyes widen as she recognized Fontaine.

"Alexander, you have to stop him, his Ace in the hole..." Her mouth was pressed by my fingers.

"Is dead... Killed in a plane crash on the surface and he thinks that I am His Ace in the Hole."

Elizabeth chuckle.

"So you Con the Conman?"

"That's right, but he never asked my name in the first place. Now get ready... I obtain several weapons for you to handle. We about to end this nightmare." I let out several weapons that I scavenged and she took a revolver and a Shotgun.

As I passed by a duct I placed Sally into it.

"Stay safe Sally... Pretty lady and I will save the day. Go to Dr. Tenebaum okay?" I ruffled her hair as she delved into the maze...

Now then... Onward to Fort Frolic.

As expected, the Radio is being blocked, and the only way to Ryan is in Sander Collins Key Card as he was closest to him. I should thank the Artist for blocking it out as I hate that asshole that rambles like shit.

The sound speaker came to life.

"Ah, my Sweet Little Songbird... How nice of you to come home." His words made Elizabeth felt disgusted.

I have no time to fight the legions of his deranged fans and his search for the traitors and picture their remains, If I missing out the pyro plasmid so be it, the Skitariis would end them.

We walked towards where he is hiding.

"No stay back the Artist is not ready!" He scream in a corner of the room.

I simply broken the guarded gate and found the artisan shivering in a corner...

I stepped aside allowing Elizabeth to do his fate.

"Elizabeth I known you for years..." His head was shot.

"You trap me like a cage..." Her mind was furious as she keep on shooting the man. I placed my hand on her shoulder...

"Enough... We got the Keycard. And we should head to Ryan." I found there was a lever that removed the radio interference and shut it down.

I stare at the corpse of the former artist and place a Rose on his hands... He may be a prick... But his works live on..

As soon as we reached the Bathysphere to where Andrew live, the radio came to life. I press the receiver.

"Ah boyo, I see that you dealt with that obnoxious prick Collins, seeing we are able to contact you, Would you kindly kill Andrew Ryan? And if you seen that Broad Elizabeth Dewitt roaming about in the old Dr Suchong Clinic, would you kindly kill her?"

I stopped the receiver and looked at Elizabeth and she looks mixed about the man still being alive.

"Don't worry... He would get his due." I comforted her.

We were in the Bathysphere in silence until she broke it...

"Tell me Alexander, you seem caring about the Sisters."

"They remind me of People I swore to protect."

Elizabeth eyes widen.

"You have family?"

"I do and a awkward family tree at that. But they are so far away from me..."

"I see..."

"Anyway, You could visit Paris with your younger self and Sally. At least it is safer there than here... Seeing that it is impossible for them to live in this world in a Normal life as people would always look for the next sensationalism..."

As I converse with Elizabeth, I noticed there was something that is watching me outside of Rapture.. something hungry was watching me...

The Bathysphere stopped and we arrived at the Ryan Industries...

I looked at the label and reminded that I could end up like the man that hidden himself... As we fought our way to his office. We met by scores of dead people that is impaled on the sides and the entrance that leads to Andrew is locked by a barrier.

"Damm, that is hardest to crack... Knowing you, you will never follow his plans."

"Yeah, just bash it, yes I would not rely on a Conman, might as well kick the chessboard.."

I raise the power bat and raised the Gravity Enhancement to halfway, full power is already enough to crack a planet.

A crack on the gate, and several more blows is added until it gave way... Crashing it down.

We waltz into the room and met the Architect of Rapture, Andrew Ryan.

As he about to spoke to his invaders, I could sense a bit of defiance.

"Tell me... Who are you?"

"I am just a messenger."

"A messenger does not go through my army of splicer and lived to tell the tale?"

"You gone too far Andrew... Even your ex lover... She gave her child to kill you..."

"My child? Huh its been ten years I seen that woman..."

"Hah, she sold her child to Suchong remember? He pumped it full of steroids and chemicals to forcibly grown it into a man that is control by Fontaine."

"Fontaine.. he always messed up my plans." he growled. Alexander could sense his insanity now growing... He could converse with the man further, but he is far too gone, to have any reasonable conversation.

"I am Sorry..." I grabbed my pistol and shot the founder of Rapture..

He was a man of vision... But he never had someone to tell him that he is wrong... Even if that Conman got rapture.. it is too late to fix it. The aluminium beams that held this city foundation is slowly breaking apart. It was a miracle that it held as long as it did... I do some honor of giving him and his son a grave... Away from this place...

I turned on the radio and Fontain shouted.

"Were the hell you been boyo? I been contacting you, Andrew Ryan office is defended by a barrier and you need a-" I stopped him.

"I already killed him." Fontaine was surprised.

"Okay, then... Would you kindly get the key from Andrew Dead Corpse and plug it into the city mainframe, so that we will release the lockdown?"

"No." I nodded at Elizabeth as she headed towards the mainframe.

"What do you mean no?"

"I said no, I am no longer your puppet. Atlas or should I said... Frankie?"

"How do you know that name? I am sure of keeping my tracks clean."

"You are a Conman that killed Fontain and got his identity, the dead don't lie, Frankie and they want your head." Frankie began to panic.

"Code Yellow!" But nothing happens.

"Farewell Frankie... You are already dead from the start."

Elizabeth coordinated the defenses of the dying city to where Frank is hiding...

I could hear his pleads as the Gunfire from the Sentry robots empty their rounds into the con man... I do not want to fight a Frankie that roided up from all the Adam in the city. And what guarantee me that a bunch of little sisters would save me despite they could be smashed to pieces?

Elizabeth approached me with Andrew Ryan key..

"You become the leader of this city... What would you do next?"

As I am about to respond, I felt tremors that shook the whole city... I looked out the glass from Andrew Office and I saw a Hooded figure standing outside Rapture.

A Psychic message rammed into my mind.


I found myself... Blasted across Andrew office and Elizabeth ran up to me.

"Head to where Dr Brigid Tenebaum is hidinng... I have a foe to meet."

"Can I assist you in anyway Alexander? Don't tell me why should I not able to help?"

"This is stronger than your past abilities... And I doubt you can handle the pressure of the depth of the ocean." I pointed out the bloodlust emanating from the depths..

"Keep those girls and yourself safe. This is beyond mortal means to defeat it." I looked across the office and the figure is slowly approaching the city.

I could hear the foundations cracking under it's approach... After seeing Elizabeth left... I find sealock that allows emergency repairs outside and ventured outside the city.

The darkness of the depths does not blind the rage the being have against me. I got Harpoons of all the Dead Big Daddy's and ventured towards the figure.

"Theseus what is that figure." I asked warily.

The Numbers, I met is slowly becoming more insane or out of their humanity. Some even no longer human...

<Jacob the Plasmid Lord... Former third seat. He got all plasmids known to humanity.>


I met by a torrent of underwater whirlwinds that is laced with electricity. A Psychic scream grew louder within that underwater storm.

"Midas, I want... Your flesh! Make§us_#hole, Flesh of a God must make us complete@$" Jacob mind jabbing noise entered my mind.

"Fine you want a god? Then I will give you one!" I removed my power bat and raised by Faithblazer.

(3rd Pov)

The flaming sword light up in the darkness of the city. Many of the remaining people that survived in rapture watch with awe as a Fight commenced. Lightning, Flames, all sorts of maladies clashed from the distance of the city. They could have sworn as they envisioned a Giant Man with a flaming Sword fighting a Eldritch monster from the depths. The world they once knew tremble at the tremors of the fight. And shockwaves have splash into the city, damaging it further. A flare of fire that was like the sun in the depths of the ocean erupted and momentarily blinded them until it disappeared...

(Alexander Pov)

What the Fuck is this thing?

As I stared at the figure that is rapidly regenerating like a starfish... For the first time I met a tanky fellow...

"Ki@$_Mu$#-K@ll_y©u" Jacob head scream.

Even though I obliterated his body he still survive like a rat.

I can't kill him and he can't kill me... But I know one place that could...

"What time is it?"

<10:30 am why?>

"I gonna toss that sucker to the sun."

<You only have a few minutes till the sun passed by.>

"More than enough." I replaced my weapon once more and got my power bat and put it to the highest setting. And approached the being.

"Batter Up!" I swung upwards and sending Jacob towards the sun with such force that the ocean that surrounds the former number suddenly went upwards momentarily...

"M¢$t kill" he screamed as the sun voraciously swallow the figure. He tried to used his plasmids to stop his body from being devoured and it was a hopeless endeavor as a viscous cycle of draining his Adam, flesh, and he was devoured by the Sol.

<Jacob the Former Third seat is dead...>

"You mean there's a new seat?"

<Somewhere in Columbia I'm afraid so. But seeing that you have Elizabeth Dewitt with you, She can give the coordinates for to travel realm.>

"I could fulfill my promise... What is that?"

I noticed something shining below the depths of the city... I instinctively know the thing I needed the most...

In the depths of the ocean, there was a heart that is beating despite not having anything attached, a liquid flows from it... And several slugs are consuming the liquid.

"Shit... No wonder Hades mentioned about it being in the depth of the ocean... Where are the guardians?" I looked around and swam towards my heart, I saw several giant snake like creatures lain silent as if they were slain recently...

As if in que several big Daddy's bursted out from the snake corpses and approached me on high speed... I noticed something is wrong with them.. they have the taint of chaos... But they don't hold any visual from the four gods...

<Analysing.... Vashtorr have a hand in their creation.>

"Great, now what does the thinkerer wants with my heart?"

<Kill first and ponder later Alexander!>

Their drills was like Ceramite augmented. And their harpoons was daemon tainted. Great they want to corrupt me?

I shot electricity towards them...

"Shit... That is bad we are running out of Adam!"

I could fight in the land but in the ocean... That is difficult to get my bearings and especially several monsters Ramming with their drill is not a pleasant feeling.

I smashed one of their view ports and what came out is not human blood but a haze like mist that is tangible swept across me.. I release my sword once more and burned the taint. And a psychic Firestorm in the ocean engulfed the attackers and eradicate their warp controlled bodies...

Now then... Time to claim what left of me...

I approached the beating heart a notification from Theseus gave me some info of what hades told me to seek.

[Heart of Midas] (damaged)

A Heart that held the powers of the universe, was wrenched from a Clown god that swept past this land to avoid his pursuers... One day to be reunited with it's vessel. It constantly pumps blood and convert liquid that is transformable. It bled for Several Millennia. It would regenerate as soon as it is transplanted.


. Gain a Second heart pumps Adam, Eve, Warp energies or what universe is deemed necessary.

. Limited usage as you are still incomplete.

. *Redacted*

"Shit, you are not telling me the rest of the benefits?"

<You are simply unable to handle the truth...>

"Fine..." I grunted as I held the beating heart towards me...

I felt power thrumming through my veins...

I felt a memory of the fragment.

I found myself standing in a parade wearing a imperial clothing and heading towards a castle that touched the skies and I looked about and saw many faceless people cheering for me...

"Midas, our beloved child!"

"You have the Hand of Gold Midas!"

"Bless us with your touch!"

"Glory to the Royal Family!"

I found myself staring at what seemed to be my brothers... Ten thousand of them and in the middle of them was a Man that is familiar to me... The Emperor of Mankind, however he was in his human sized version.

"Son welcome home. Your brothers await you. Crown Prince... Would you do the honors?"

I am stunned as I saw a spitting image of Horus approached me.. making me felt something was wrong. I was pulled out.

Another fragment memory I found myself in a town tht is filled by plague... I see people that covered in boil and pus as they approached me.

"Midas save us!"

"Save my family Midas!"

"Save us from this war!"

I saw shadows of people scattered about and monsters killing them without remorse.

And the last fragment.

I found the Castle is burning... I found several of the supposed brother killing each other... Some was filled with the plague and others filled with hatred, it was as if I was in the Siege of Terra but only worse... And I felt my body is rushed towards the hallways of the castle.. everywhere I went was dead bodies and blood... Brothers and soldiers dead on every step of the way.

As soon I reached toward the throne room... I saw the doppelganger of Horus stabbed the Creator...

I only saw fragments of of the fight... But I felt tired and saw glimpses of a Jester and his outfit shooked me to the core.

"My old friend... Please take my son away from this realm. It is beyond saving."

"I will old friend, and me and my harlequins will do whatever it is necessary to get away from this place."

I felt a mother warmth that touch my head. A woman voice echoed my ears...

"Midas my child... May you be safe from your brother wrath.."

I felt my head I burning... I listen from the last sentence before my eyes slowly darkened.

"Cegorach... Save my son... And make sure he never knows his heritage-*unintelligible words*"

I broke free from the fragment.

A child.. A castle... A brother?

I was left adrift from my thoughts... And I proceeded to return to Rapture.

The Mechanicus have already had their fill as they returned to where they came from.

Entering the Sealock, I find my way to where Brigid Tenebaum is located. I was met by scores of little sisters that I saved...

"Mister bubbles!" They scream in joy as they hugged me. Elizabeth approached me.

"You finished?"

"Yes I did... Now then, Dr Tenebaum, I will take this kids away from this place."

"Understood Herr Alexander. I will take one of them to the surface... It's been a long day." She left without a word.

I opened a portal to my world. To a local Sororitas orphanage near my house. I gave each of the little sisters a Badge of my spirit imprint, so that they would not get abused... I finished counting... It was about 901 of them including Sally.... How many did I not saved?

<Parenthood is going to be a bitch. And I am glad not babysitter.>

"My mom wants grand children then I just get her wish."

Now then... Time to head towards Columbia.

I turned towards Elizabeth.

"I could now able to find a way to reach your last counterpart."


"I place my fingers on your head and you concentrate where she is."

She closed her eyes as I focused her willpower to where the last Elizabeth Comstock that needed saving is.

"I see her!"

A portal opened next to us.

"Now would you do the honors?" I held out my hand.

Elizabeth held it as she chuckle.

"My pleasure." We both enter the world where the last person that need saving.

We found ourselves in a city that floated up in the skies. And airblimps floating by, a Sign nearby read.

"Welcome to Columbia where chosen ones remains pure."

Welcome to a city where Jim Crow laws intensified and a large echo chamber locked the city into a powderkeg waiting to blow.

We rushed towards the city square and I met a strange people. Each of them wearing a chalkboard signs of signify head or tails.

"Heads?" The woman asked.

"Tails, I presume the man would agree with me?"

"How about both?" My answer stunned them.

"Well I suppose that we should see that if it's possible." The man handed me a coin.

I flipped it and it ended up perfectly, as it should be.

"Well then, I don't see that everyday... Thanks sir for that valuable moment." They went away.

Elizabeth went by my side. "After this is the bag throwing game."

"Can we simply go bypass them?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No,it always happens regardless if its booker or me, it is inevitable."

As I reached to a crowd that is jeering to a interracial couple, I got all the free sample tonics as I will unable to get them in the chaos, a woman handed me a Ball that is Numbered 77.

And they began a lottery number.

I pray they wouldn't pick me...

"Number 77 it's your lucky day indeed! Step right up! And render judgement on the unholy couple." The man on the stage yelled out.

"I never have a vacation..." I clenched and tossed the ball in such a force the ringleader skull is smashed into a mist.

The people took a few moments until they started screaming.

"Ah! Somebody killed Jeremiah Fink! Help police!" A woman scream. And the crowd scattered. The police came and acted cocky with me.

"Is he the one from the prophecy? The one with a flaming sword." One of the policeman whisper among themselves.

"No, he is simply just a rebel sympathizer! Kill them!" The Police Captain yelled.

I immediately opened fire at them. The armor I had is already enough to handle their small arms fire.

Some of them approached me from behind and met by several shots. Elizabeth revolver was smoking.

"I am guessing that the element of surprise is out the window?" She sarcastically asked..

"Yup, any airship that we could hijack?" I removed all my weapons and replaced it with a more brutal ones, a Power sword and a bolter that is filled with dragonfire and Vengeance rounds. I grabbed few of the officers Sky Hooks for us to use.

"There is one close by, but we have to fight our way through it!" She yelled amidst the Gunfire.

"Rip and Tear People!" I grinned.

The police tried to stop us. Emphasis on "Tried". Their were unable to stop the bolter rounds from killing them and hiding behind cover is not even possible as the shell bashed straight through the cover and exploded. They sent a Fireman to stop me... I could only watch in silence as the bolter round ripped it apart... I headed to a Alley and I found a couple of Slaves whispering to themselves beside a overturned truck.

"I heard that Jeremiah Fink is dead."

"Really? That bastard already done in?"

I approached them.

"Are you able to send a message to the rebel leader Ditzy Fitzroy?"

They began to raised their guard against me. I simply raised. Flaming sword and they agreed tht I am the one they needed.

"We are unable to bring message to her, but I know someone who does. What its the message?"

"I am the one that killed Jeremiah Finks and I suggest that your group is to take action. I will be heading to deal with the Order of Raven and Songbird." I handed a message to them.

"You crazy man!? Beating the Songbird?"

"I faced more terrible things than a puppet in the skies."

"I see to it if that happens."

"When the Order of the Raven Collapse, you can use it as a staging point and one last message for her: fight like hell."

"Well good luck in the endeavor!" The slave nodded as they fled into another path.

Elizabeth approached me once more.

"Why would you trust a rebel? If you know what happens to me why should you believe in her?" She questione.

"To resolve the misunderstanding in the long run Elizabeth... I am giving the people of Columbia a chance and I have no desire of ruling this place... Right now, your sister version is still living in fairytale land and I wished she wouldn't be broken by the time they are done with it. And I know she would definitely stay and try to help at the expense of her life."

"Let's go free the lamb from her tower." Elizabeth smiled.

I borrowed a lot of the tonics that is left behind.

We found the Airship that Elizabeth spoken and headed towards it. The System is rudementary it is easily hijacked. I placed several Bolter Turrets and missile turrets. Good luck when they are armed with Metal Storm and Vengeance rounds... And the missiles is with krak rounds . We journey towards the Order of Ravens.


(A/N): Aware it is short... But hell I need to have time for my farming work.