
Fate of Jago Sevatarion and Altani, the Traitor Loyalist Remnants in the league.

This happen during the post Heresy... And in the midst of the Scouring... After the Death of Warmaster Horus... Many Traitors fled and scattered... The League ships only arrived in the Sol system and did not gave chase was the only source of comfort...

After the Heresy ended, Konrad Curze somehow gain a semblance of sanity... And order his men to head towards the League as they still willing to forgive them... And his foresight predicted their intentions...

Jago Sevatarion looked at his Genefather Flagship slowly disappear in the distance as he berated them to head towards the League...

Despite he was plagued by outburst of insanity... He still considered them as his sons... And he didn't allow the Nigh Lords tarnished but there are some that followed Horus in their damnation...

Perhaps the reason why he fallen in madness was that his brother died in Nostromo...

Was the conclusion Jago had made.

He was a glue that made the Night Lords together...

And Jago was his Student...


In the simple home where Konrad was raised as a child, there was discussion in the workshop...

"So you are saying that fear must be balanced with benevolence?" Sevatarion looked at the Father that raised Konrad... The Arbites calmly explain his reasoning.

"Sevatar... Your Legion Tactics is the most humane compared to the rest of the Primarchs... Kill a few to save the many...but the way you does things is... Not understandable by the humans."

"Surely fear only would be best to keep the rebels in check?"

"That is if you planned to stay there forever as a symbol of fear, Konrad knows that and he find other avenues to keep the conquer planet in check... Planets that contains Humanity is vast... And we are but a few to contain any sort of rebellion, once we leave, then it would take more resources to contain the flames of rebellion, and fear will be replaced by hatred... So fear and benevolence must be balance..."

"How do we plan to do that?" Sevatarion asked.

"At the start we can be the symbol of fear to the authorities that defy us. But we must not degrade ourselves to be a mere beasts by making the example out of the people... We should let the population know that we are the better choice than the government that defy the Imperium... We are the one who uphold Justice in the Night. We should do patrols, ensure the Stability of the World we conquered through fear, the laws and administration, assist the people to the point that fear will be replaced with reverence..."

"You starting to sound like one of those Choir boys in the word bearers..."

"Different approach Sevartarion but same effect. They used religion to control the people, but we use the power of the Law to keep the population in line. As society need order...we should be there. We defend the weak from the darkness... So that they could live in the light. Remember my teachings my student... I am not sure how long will I be by Konrad side...but at least... You can carry that banner for me?"

"I will..."

Such a memory was part of him... But he failed...

As the Battle Barges that contains the Remaining Loyalist Night Lords facing the Enormous Warp rift.

They met a Company of Iron Warriors under orders of Perturabo Brother to head to the League...

And they could sense a Imperial Battlegroup is chasing after them...

But there was a newly made passageway opened in the rift storm... And they rather not wished to fight them once more... And took the chance to enter the rift...

The ships fled into the storm but Sevartarion sense a vision that the Thousand sons had a hand of providing a safe passageway...

As soon as the last ship entered the Warpstorm... It was closed up passageway, preventing the Imperium Battlegroup of chasing after them...

After entering the League they were detained... And they been scanned several times for the taint and Eldars that lived there observe the any darkness dwell in them...

They met with the supposedly High lord that somehow entered the Warpstorm...

They were treated with respect... And found out that there were few traitor legions that arrive there... There were plenty that question their Primarch orders and decided to head to the League before the Istvaan massacre happen...

At first they were treated with scrutiny as they were part of the traitor legions... But after they assisted the defense of the League from Abaddon armies... They were greeted with leniency... And respect...

3 worlds that was given to the Traitors, 3 remains of the legions that followed Abaddon to damnation... They managed to assist whatever they could... Alexander managed to get a perfect Copy of the Primarchs Geneseeds in exchange during the Grand Crusade if something bad happened, they would replenish the stocks of the Gene Banks of Luna and the League would provide more Legions that is away from Luna to ease the logistics... Now it was used to replenished the Loyalist that dwell in the Warpstorm... It was by luck that they received information from Corvus Corax raptor project... They were limited by a Cap of Hundred Thousand any more they would have to discuss the dealings...

The World Eaters that reached the League with what remains of their sanity intact, had their Butcher nails removed now assist the defenses of the League against Demons... Providing daylight security...

Thousand Sons that was stationed as ambassadors in the league at the start of the Horus heresy now governed new Prospero and they learn much of the Eldar knowledge of the Warp... In hopes to bring their Gene father and their brothers back to the fold... And a cure for their flesh change...

They made controlled contact with their brothers in the other side... And they provided the knowledge of the Galaxy beyond the veil ...

Iron warriors worked as mercenaries, exchanging their knowledge of the siege warfare with resources to make a new Olympia... And provided construction services if one planet is needed to build with their expertise in construction.

While Jage Sevartarion of the Night lords was provided a Homeworld that had similar to Nostromo to allow them to stay comfortably...

It was a planet that had people that migrated from Nostromo... In hopes to make a living... In the league... It was home in a Sense... But their duties was more perfect in line of their task...

"Investigation and Scouting outside the Warpstorm?" Sevatarion eyes raised as he and the Night Lords task was simply that...

"You see... We have the Technology to bypass the Warpstorm but we need people like you to observe the condition of the Imperium..."

"Why not the Alpha legion? Surely you have some connections with them?"

"That is classified as they had a task that is more important to attend to.."

"Besides it is just Information gathering... And I rather not risk any lives of my Brother sons... surely Konrad would be upset if I did that..."

"When will I start?"

"On the next Spy fleet is launching next week...you are given command to it."

"Why do you trust me so much? You know we could betray you at any given time?"

"Then is Justice that malleable to be twisted to chaos?"

Jage Sevartarion stayed silent as the man reached a book in a bookcase nearby...

"Justice in Darkness, and Hope in the light." was written as a title. But the author was unwritten...

"That is..." Sevatarion eyes opened as the first sentence appeared.

"During my stay in Nostromo... I understood the depths of madness and depravity that human could inflict on their own... But in my heart I believed that the planet that I stood on could be redeemed... Even in the depths hell... There is redemption...may this book be a guide for justice and a symbol of hope that any planet that is covered in darkness...will be redeemed in due time..." Past that was chapters upon chapters on how to deal with the criminals and the author point of view how it does things... Either peacefully or more brutally as possible.

"My brother book, he had made it in hopes that it would be a good example of bringing justice to the injustice... He took care of Konrad and he took you as his student... Surely... He would wanted you to have it... As it was the original draft that is not edited from the Imperium redactors. Read it while you are outside the Warpstorm... perhaps you might find something that even I don't know..." The man motion him to leave the office...

A fleet of stealth ships appeared past the Warpstorm and found themselves in the Imperium territory... Jage Sevartarion look across the command room as he surveyed the local vicinity...

The high tech sensors scans with absolute precision as the fleet moved on...

Sevatarion returned to his quarters and began reading the book that the Arbites left behind...

Trying to understand what make sense from the laws and regulations the teacher left behind...

There he suffers Vision..

Him being locked up in a jail, a Child voice somewhat familiar... His mouth that he couldn't control spoke words that comforted the child...

"You looked tired,Jago" as the child was placed in a astropathic choir...

That child tried to defend him by shutting down the dark angels that accompany him...

She had done more than enough...

As the vision ended.

He rushed out to the command room and demanded to set course...

"Where is the Dark angels Invincible Reason?"

The commander was confused... And immediately inputted the data of the Astartes question...

"Around two days at the state of the given course...or if you want to go there immediately, 4 hours but we are unavailable to assist you,Why?"

"I about to liberate a Injustice..." Was all he said...

Many wonder what insanity he spouted... But he was the leader...

As they arrived at the vicinity of the Gloriana class ship, unaware of their existence, Sevatarion managed to teleport into the ship alone...

Many of the crew that saw him panicked, he ignored them and headed to the astropathic choir room...

He arrived at the Astropathic choir room and teleported inside, in there was a group of gnostic pods that held twenty individuals not aware that a Nigh lord was in their vicinity. And now he sought to free that child he knows...

The child is more weak compare to the vision he witness...

Her skin is more bruised, strapped in a fetal position in the cushion Gnosis pod, with cords and wires impaled into the child body... He placed a Teleporter beacon...

"Why are you helping me?" A child voice ask him...

"I come to free you...Altani, but first... Time to give punishment to the one that wronged you..."

He approached the Gnostic pod that contains the one that abused her... Overseer Mnemoc...

His Chainsword roared in anger as it slash into the primary gnostic pod life support systems.

It ejected the occupant pod casing, a man that looked fifty, and had the health of a man of Seventy but he was thirty... Mnemoc eyes was still blinded as the lights shone upon him... He screamed in panic and pain as he was ripped out from the gnostic pod as wires and cords was ripped from him with such a force as his scream almost drown out the choir harmonic hymms...

"I have come for you..." Sevatarion snarled as he grabbed a lash that Mnemoc crippled the child that her spine broke...

Overseer Mnemoc Mnemoc's first words was a single syllable, he ask what reasonable men In his position might as well ask in this situation. "Why?"

Sevatarion used the lash and collar the overseer with it, making him choke from his weapon... His face turned black and purple, he didn't kill him immediately as he was experienced in dealing with torture on what was necessary force needed to kill a man. He chokes the Man slowly, until the man lost his life... He approached the pod containing the child...

The doors that was originally sealed now opened as the Dark angels now dressed in Black is now in a Phalanx formation, ordering him to stand down and he would be judged.

"I am Justice," Sevartar calls out to them, as he ensured the pod was safe, he stood facing towards them, "I am Punishment, I am Hope..." A bright light erupted in the room as the Dark angels did not see the intruder anymore... They immediately scanned around the surroundings and raised the alarm...

The captain of the ship was nervous as he might as he might be implicated to attacking a Imperial assets... And the fleet was more into stealth...

A flash of light appears and the Night lord returned... With a extra occupant a gnostic pod... As he took a peek, he immediately called for the Med bay.

Sevatarion looked at the child now sleeping comfortably in the hospital bed... The medical drip now flowing into her as sustenance...

"You got the balls Sevatarion... Invading a Dark Angels flagship just for a child?" The doctor spoke with jest .

"I did what my Genefather would had done... Saving the weak..."

"Then it would be her lucky stars that she is probably the first that is saved by you, had she stayed there longer, she would have died in another three months..." The doctor said.

"Fractured bones, her spine is broken... Malnutrition, and her eyes is scooped out crudely and her mouth is sewed... It was surprisingly amazing that she still clung to life... What would you do now?"

"She would be my adopted daughter..."

"Well, I would ask the adoption papers... But seeing she was part of the Astropathic choir... To hell with that! At least she would be kept in good hands...just be there when she stirs. I don't want to have another Psyker outbreak." The doctor left the medical room.

"Mister... Thank you for saving me..." Altani spoke in his mind...

"Jago... Is my name."

"Thank you... Jago."

"No...thank you..." As his vision came to an end. Another appeared..

He met his version of himself... The one that dwell in his madness that followed the darkness... He smiled as he disappeared into the shadows... Somehow freeing his mind.

After Sevatarion done his investigation, he went back to the League and she was registered as Altani Sevatarion... Her eyes and her mouth was fixed... There she consider him as family...

Oftentimes he was seen taking care of Little Altani, and was doted by the Night Lords. And those was aware that she was a Psyker she was trained by Eldars to control her powers...

It eased the tensions that the reason he had the gall to invade a Imperial ship just to save a abused child have made the Night Lords reputation more respectable.

Sometimes when they did went on Information gathering given by the League they often take the children that faced injustice, and they trained in the virtues of Konrad Curze. Their ranks swelled... But that Is a story another time.

A/n: Come on at least give Sevatarion a good ending at least?

In canon the child would have died even if he killed that overseer... Remember dark angels would have investigated reasons why he was there... And killing the overseer would have pointed out his abusive relationship with Altani... And she would been killed for consorting with Traitors especially she prevented the dark angels from transferring Sevatarion to a prison ship... Making his justice a joke at that point...