
Extra: Piper.

As the chapter closed behind the institute destruction and the fact that the mayor of Diamond city disappear.. After piper separated from Alexander she went to check up what is happening in diamond city

She found the city came to life. Caravans flowed in and out as the surroundings is demolish and reconstructed. She looked around and found her sister is waiting for her.

"Sister, it's been a few days since you and Alex left." She hugged Piper as of not wanting to let her go.

"I won't die just yet, you know me Nat, I always will take care of you." She stroke her sister head.

She noticed the people around her was filled with uncertainty and anxiety of their new leaders, but she simply just requested a Interview with Alexander himself to ease their concerns.

She found that he was with someone else, something in her made her... Jealous.

"Hello, Curie Meet Piper. And she is a robot that become a human." He introduced Curie that greeted her warmly.

"Alright, Can I ask her some questions? Our interview would be next week, is that okay with you?" Piper asked.

Alexander seemed unconcerned and agreed with the meeting as she dragged Curie to her office.

"Curie, tell me what is your relationship with Alexander?" Piper asked

"Madam Piper, I assure you that he is just a friend and benefactor that granted me this body." Curie smiled.

Piper felt something is wrong a bit.

"How are you human?"

"I simply requested Alexander to be one..."

"Can you tell me your adventures with him?"

Curie spoke all her interaction with Alexander and somehow, piper somewhat felt a distance between her and Curie. There is like a barrier between her and Alexander.

"And then.... Are you okay Madam Piper?" Curie noticed her expression.

"It's okay Curie, what did he say about me?" Piper tried to probe.

Curie thought for moment.

"He says that you are a good reporter that cares for her sister, he spoke highly of you Madam Piper." Curie smiled.

After Curie is escorted out of the office...

Piper sighed as she had some time to filter out her emotions, she have some mixed perception of the man she followed...

Due to her being Alexander companion, she managed to get the archives that the imperium held and recorded on what happened in this world.

Their influence, history, and power all laid out before her.

There was nothing to lie in absolute power. But seeing these accounts and memoirs of people that followed him till now have been mind boggling to say the least.

"This is as if he is from a fairy tale... No man lived tht long and accomplished more than he should." She muttered as she went to a bulletin board of Alexander sightings throughout three hundred plus years...

Every photo, every news articles there is always him in every event in humanity turning point. Each bullet point pointed his influence.

He singlehandedly united America and parts of the world... And he already controlling and expanding in space... The very notion that he already covering the stars under his influence is absurd.

"He can't be a synth... The institute technology to make a perfect mimic humans is just a few decades old at least and the first gen and second is unable to replicate his movements..and technology to prolonged lifespan wouldn't start in the 2275. Made by his company no less." Piper push a pin to a Picture of him standing in front of the grand opening of Wondertainment with his staff.

"What is he? A spirit? No... He is in the flesh that eat food with my sister and me... A Demon? Perhaps... Considering how brutal he lash out against evildoers... No... We passed by a church and it didn't phased him the slightest... God? No... If he is a god...like those people said... " Piper pondered.

"There is no such explaination of how he manages to live that long and be almost three hundred years, there are too many accounts of his existence that is in their logical point of view without the religious dogma, he never took any wife or had biological children... The only exception is that he raised Robert House as a Caretaker...perhaps..." Piper realized something.

Mr House from Robco was his Adopted Son... And he is alive in New Vegas.

She took a plane to Vegas and went to Interview the exclusive Leader of Vegas.

She watched as the nation that Alexander left is now fully futuristic and coming to life. She arrives at the airport and booked a passage to the Strip. And ended up in Lucky 38.

After informing a Robotron named Jane that she was here for a interview with House, she was let in and allowed in his quarters. Where she saw the man looked like in his early Thirties.

"You must be the Reporter from the Public Occurrence?" Howard asked.

"I am Piper Wright from Boston Public Occurrence, I am here to discuss your interaction with Alexander Solair before the bombs fell." Piper held out her hand as a sign of good gesture. House gave a firm Handshake.

"Tell me... Is he doing okay?" House asked.

"Yes, he is currently overseeing the reconstruction of the Commonwealth and Capital."

"That's just like him... Come, lets hear what you have to say."

As they say down, piper held out a notebook and asked House Several questions.

"Tell me, Mr.House, when did you first met him?"

House ponder and spoke.

"When I was five, my father who was the president of Repconn, he took me to see Alexander Solair. He looked the same as the way he is now... "

"When did he influence your life?"

"When my parents died of a freak accident, my half brother kicked me out of the will and took ownership of my father company, kicked me to a orphanage. It was Alexander heard about my plight and adopted me as his son." House spoke with a smile in his tone.

"He gave me everything what made Robco successful... His knowledge and resources I became a youngest genius of America at 20, but he never was proud... Of what awards I achieve in the field, but what my potential I could reach." House remembered the day he met Alexander.

"When I propose to him as a Stakeholder of my company for a exchange of twenty million dollars, he told me in the eye and said, Make that 520 mil and I don't need a stakeholder claim, just make me proud and Don't squandered it! That is my graduation gift to you House, make your parents recognize that you are more than a failure... You were their son. Those words echoed my mind, he already got enough money and industry behind him, but he always welcome a competitor in the market. The money I was given, have been the foundation of the Robco industries... "

"But there is something supernatural around him yes?" Piper wanted to asked House.

"During the day of my graduation, I saw my dead parents next to him cheering me... When I have a hostile takeover to my family company and I went there personally to tell him that his way of doing things is a mistake, my dimwitted half brother, activated the factory defenses as a desperate ploy to keep his reins in Power and wanted to kill me... I found him furious and slapped my brother and the same nature of seeing my dead parents appears next ot him, berated him till he broke down... "

"How did you felt about the situation at hand?"

"It was... Something I found reconciliation to express my parents... I am able to reconcile with my deceased parents and found solace." House sighed as he grab a bottle of whiskey.

"He is like a ghost, when we met after the bombs fell, I was caught in stasis under 200 years, I awaken and found him still the same and now controlling Texas as his capital."

"Is he a god?" Piper asked.

"If a God come in this strip with a ranger uniform with a anti material rifle, handgun and a Trench shovel... Then that's it. I never really believe in god... But after seeing how he assimilate the world with such little time... Is that already not in the realm of the supernatural?" House stared at her.

"Besides, he kept his word, after fixing my home state, Las Vegas is now under my jurisdiction. As we promised before the bombs fell."

"Is he fair?"

"He abide by his contracts, and judging on how prosperous every part of the territory he controls, he is much more brutal towards raiders than the Caesar legion."

"I heard about this Caesar legion in the archives, but who and what are they?"

"They are a group of tribal groups that follows a single man that called himself Caesar. It was brutal, slave state that mimicked the Roman empire using bladed and sports wear. The imperium waged war to liberate what we called Arizona state. From their hands."

"Mr.House, What do you think about the imperium?"

"It is my Caretaker legacy and a good business partner, the law and order is now returning to the wasteland, they kept their word. As long as you don't fight against them it is okay."

"Thank you for telling me your story, Mr House."

"Thank you for interviews, Ms Piper, I am grateful that I heard news of my friend is still alive" House smile.

Piper left the lucky 38 with more questions than answers.

"What is he?" She scratch her head as she headed to a motel in Primm for the night and bought a Dinosaur statue for Natalie to play with.

The next day she arrived at Boston and found the city changed for the better, and there was a Holo Tv in Boston Common for all to see.

She saw a interview with Alexander. She pouted that he got a interview with someone else.

The scene shows a man dressed in formal.wear sitting on a chair and waited for Alexander.

He arrived in tuxedo uniform and sat across the host seat.

"Welcome back, Tell me Mister Alexander, of your concerns with the People of America?"

"Thank you Mark, I have a few proposals that I wished for the people to know about so that there is no panic for the people in Boston . One such proposal I have allowed to enter our laws, is Taxes, Before you raise pitchforks and start to yell "no taxes", it is only a flat 5% of your total earnings, and used for Infrastructure maintenance. Nothing more nothing less. We are not a slave to taxes, and I believe it as taxation for representation. And I certainly don't taxed you when you want to lived abroad or in space for that matter."

"I heard that you allowed subsidies on public and Small time Business owners?"

"Of course Mark, The foundation of a nation's start small businesses that made up the imperium, the moment they become a large corporations, our assistance will come to a end and we will not bail out their failuress, and I trust the people, such as Farmers, Miners and Oil rig workers to do their part."

"Any thoughts about the bill concerning of census Wasteland doctors?"

"Look, I know that there are good doctors, but we cannot allow quacks to murder our own people with medicine that is unknown to us, if the doctor that is registered in our database is caught with malpractice, their license would be voided, arrested and charged on how serious the crimes are."

"You are a advocate of Imperial service guarantee Citizenship, your thoughts?"

"Look, I agreed with it as people should be aware that votes comes with a price of blood, and responsible people should understand the consequences of Voting. It may sound biased to many, but it is necessary to separate those who have a interest to change the course of the imperium by their hands. I just the captain that steer the ship that is the Imperium and I need people that have a vested interest of helping me keep the ship afloat."

"You are proposing the introduction of the National Guard and local Militia? What is your reason to do so?"

"I know that, the Imperial Guard is plenty, but there comes a time that this nation must walk on its two legs without our aid and need to defend themselves, the National guard is split into two places, the east and the west national guard as our culture and beliefs are too different, until the time when we are united in one mind and one America, then I allowed to merge the organization into one, the Millita groups that I allowed to make is enough to defend themselves against the wildlife, and the crimes that the Adeptus Arbites is not bothering to look."

"What do you mean by no military Industrial complex? Can you tell me more about it?"

"In the past, America waged wars for the arms manufacturer, our ideals of liberty and democracy is perverted by those that lobby our men to die in foreign lands that hates us and veterans left in the cold as soon as their value as a soldier ends with their limbs blown apart and kicked into the streets...

I say no more, the Imperium has its own Manufacturing Capacity that no other Arms manufacturer could dictate our needs. No more Corporation that lobby for war, no more corporation that jacked up the prices of our food and supplies, just focused on building Commercial goods is enough, the only arms market is only small arms for personal usage or vintage collection."

"I heard that the Imperium Bank is increasing the Percent for saving by 2.9% do you think we would return to the federal bank of America?"

"Mark, I sorry to say that there is no chance in hell that the imperium Finances is controlled by outsiders influence, The Imperium bank is solely controlled by me to prevent inflation to go out of control. I care about the future generations and I wished them not to curse me when they had no chance to climb the economic strata."

A staff arrive with a letter and the show host read it.

"Oh here is a letter from our viewer today, someone asked that would you willing to accept democracy or be a Dictator for life?"

"Funny, really what do the people want ? A Man that cares about the people and who uplifted humanity from the ashes of nuclear fire made by democracy, or some sleazeball politicians, that take advantage of my people sacrifice, sweat to keep the system running to feed their vices? Remember, The examples of democracy is the wasteland before you and what happened to the New California Republic that voted to nuke their own state, wanting people to die for their beliefs, is that the democracy you wanted? Don't give make me as a painted Dictator. You are no better than those people that claim their opposition as nazis, while sucking the fruits of our labor. Simon please go back to your work in your father workshop, than demanding democracy to hide behind the masses for your failure to be successful."

"You seemed to know the guest very well. Did you know everyone names?"

"They are the people I sworn to protect by the God Emperor design."

"Okay, and the opening of a nuclear power plant is setting up in Boston outskirts, people fear that it will be a bomb that will go off. Can you relay their fears?"

"Of course, we have already perfected the nuclear generator to be miniaturized, and easy to stop if there is a meltdown, there is a difference between civilian grade uranium and military grade."

"What are your concern about Home Owners association and Zoning laws of old America?"

"We do not want civilians to have a power trip, and we abolish zoning laws of NCR because they would never have enough spaces, and too many red tape to go by, we want more spaces for American to have a home, even a apartment would do."

"And here is the last topic of today. Would the war in Russia be the final war for this world?" The host spoke what the people wanted to hear.

Alexander smiled as he spoke with his heartfelt concerns.

"Yes, hopefully it would be our final war, when we defeated the Communist rebels in Russia, the people living there will be welcome in the Imperium as brothers in arms. I am hoping that our men would go home alive... I am tired of writing yellow letters and send them to the widow and the begrieve families. I hope, after this war, the world will have time to heal from the danger of radiation, monsters and raiders alike."

"Thank you for being with us today Mister Alexander Solair."

"Thank you for a wonderful time Mark, for the people know what is happening in the outside world."

"This is Mark Hamilton of the Imperium Daily, bringing truth against the darkness. Up next in Vox Cast 111.7 FM, Do Radroaches tastes like peanuts?"

The show ended and Piper ended up returning to Diamond city. A lot had changed while she was away.

She met Alexander in her office tired and carving a statue of a hooded figure and a imposing man in the coffee desk.

"I heard about the little interview that you made."

"Oh? Want some private interviews with me?" Alexander smiled as he put down his work.

Piper sit next to Alexander and held her notebook as she began to asked questions.

"Tell me the truth Alexander, are you a alien?"

"Nope, still human."

"If you ain't a human, a synth?"

"Piper, if I was a synth, the institute wouldn't have attacked Good Neighbors to catch me in the first place." Alexander chided.

Piper groand softly.

"Are you a god then?"

"I am not a god, and may have found the solution of making me lived this 300+ years I wouldn't dare say I am a God."

"I was heavily genetically modified over the years, wanting a perfect weapon of war by my creator. And somehow the experiment have made my telomere so longer that I almost able to live till now."

"Is it true that there is a enemy in Russia?"

"Very dangerous, and they won't stop at nothing to destroy what we create. And I am just in their way."

"I see, do you want the first copy of the public occurrences when our interview comes out?"

"I appreciate that and I will pay it accordingly."

"Do you want the come with me to Europe? Surely we could use a reported like you in the ground."

"No, I have my sister to take care for."

"I see... I will head there in a month, take care as well."

"Bye... Alex"