
Experimental Chapter: Ex-Guardsman x Ex-Callidus Assassin?

"Thank you for your Service!" as a Colleague Thanked the Woman as the Wondertainment office is closed down after a Day work....

Tulyah Kotode is Grateful for the work given by the company she worked for and the pay is decent as well...

She Took a Bus toward the outskirts of the city, and into a New home, The Apartment was a Bit Cramped as new belongings and Items from her days at her workplace piled up and From her Vacation from the Legendary Holy Terra, she kept quite a few articles and Souvenirs on her Company Business trips, She and Her brother saved enough money to purchase a Home with a Orchard on the outskirts of the city...

Balphus Kotode, now a Retired Guardsman and landed a Job as a Lunar Guard that worked during the night and during the day, he just Tended the fields...

As she opened the Door of the House, It was big for the two of them.... though she would love to have a Woman to chat and gossip with her...

It continue like this until....

"Sister, Allow me to introduce to you my Girlfriend...Della Syu" as a Woman bigger than her brother wave at her...

As she greeted her Brother, She saw his girlfriend, she felt Danger, While she worked at the Noble house, she kept a few things that she learns there to avoid being killed in the internal disputes of the House of Kane... and her brother Girlfriend... the Aura around her screams Bloodlust and Death around her... Tulyah just smiled and greeted her cordially... And the Aura just stopped just like that...

A while they were Having tea... Tulyah is having a discussion with her brother Girlfriend...

"So where did you two meet?" she tried to probe Della Syu for any information...

"It was My job during as a Lunar Guard, we Met for the First time... And She was my Co-worker" as He Laugh as he drank his team, as if blocking his sister from interfering...

"Hmph, I talking to her not you... Brother, I would Love to hear why did you fall in love with my brother? Della Syu?"

"He is very kind and helped me on my job... during that time... I gotten close to him..." as she squeezes his hands gently...

"Hoh? My brother Kind? now that is a new one, when your Coworkers in the Army mentioned you were overprotective of me?"

"Sister, I can Explain, You were my only family left... And I didn't want others to take advantage over you..." as the Man Explained...

Balphus Flashback

"Bye Sister...." As I saw her off as she Left for work...

I am Grateful for the Job that was given to her...


Hello?... There's a Job? At the Docks? Okay...


"Let's Get to work" I Smiled as I pressed a Button on a Statue

a Simple Click and The Home was Filled with Weapons and Armor... Though he told his sister that he did retire from the Army... and Worked as a Lunar Guard... A Guardsman is always a Guardsman, even when he retires, what he defend Humanity in the light, now worked as a Guardian in the Shadow, "Lunar Guards" apt name for dealing the Freaks and Monsters that hidden within Humanity and Flushing them out... and defending the Solairs residential home...

"Clive, is our target on time?" I approached the Observer in a Power suit...

"The target will be on time, a Hour from now... hah, another assassination to the Solairs, Don't they ever give up?"

"He must be very popular to make his family the Highest bounty in the underworld, Fuck, it even reached a Yearly Budget of the Federation due to the Cash Pool... Oh there is Someone new in our team..." as the observer moans as he pointed toward the shadows..

Balphus Looked at the Shadow and Saw a Huge woman that was Playing with a cat almost merging in the dark...

"Little Kitty... Shush now..." as the woman purred, tickling the Cat belly...


The Cat left her hands and rubbing its face on the Woman Legs...

"Oh boy, Help her learn the ropes of the job Balphus... as she is your Partner..."

As Balphus Approach the Lady, She looked at Me, observing my actions as her green eyes stared at my soul...

"Hello, Name's Balphus Kotode and Yours Lady?" as Balphus Held out his Hand, she took a Few moments and she shake his hand..

"Name's Della Syu" as She Spoke in a Quick answer...

"That's a Good name, Do you know what our purpose is?" the woman shook her head...

"Our Purpose is to defend Solairs from the Shadows... and Here is one example of a mission Ms. Della" as Balphus Pointed at a Car now Bringing in Heavy Weapons...


A Group of People Now Converged checking crates of Weapons and Explosives that they managed to Smuggle out from the Now defunct Morita Industries....

Ever Since Alexander Solair Built his Organization, he had Touched many people interest over the years, and Those people now Funded Extremist groups at the start, at the Fringe Space to divert Alexander attention, only to be Crushed, not by the Security forces, but the Civilians took to their Hands and Destroyed the groups...

Then they made a Money pool in the underworld that was Worth 1.320 Trillion Credits, as Alexander touch more and More Sectors of the industry, such as the Medical Association and the Tobacco Industry, They feared of losing their jobs added their cash to the pool, Swelling up by another 2.790 Trillion Federation Credits causing Bounty hunters, Assassin, Mafia to try their luck...

Upon Realizing that he couldn't defend his family and focus on the Front for Prolonged periods, he decided to create the Lunar Guards, A Organization that defend his family in the dark with the best technology available, As Some of the Assailants were supernatural abilities such as Making a Flaming Sword or hypnotic suggestions...

"Boss, are you sure we should attack them? You know that even if we did kill his family, he would find us, even if we hide ourselves in the Bug zone? Even our group Masthead that is backed by some of those Feddies, I Get the sense of a Feeling that we would never escape..." as a Henchman nervously pried the Crate that is filled with Pre-war Morita Rifles...

"Didn't you know? Their Stakes gone up, Their Sister and His Mother had increased 100 million each with their Corpse largely intact... Sick Fcks." Muttered a Man who don't comprehend how does a High echelons that want to r*pe a Dead Corpse..

"Shut it you two, Once the deed is Done, we would be wallowing in cash till the end of our lives, Let Me Call Justin... Hey You There? *Static*"

The Boss nervously waited until it was picked up...

"*Static* Yes Boss, I am here what is it?"

"*Static* The operation commence in an hour"

"*Static* Received now, Waiting for the rest to join up..."

As The boss turned off the radio, He didn't realize that Justin was already dead along with the group he was supposed to meet up, and was filled with bullet holes and being carried away to a Incinerator and a Woman Held the Radio with a Small Grin...

"*Whistle* You done so smooth, I am glad I am on your side.." as Balphus complemented her...

As the Mastheads that is armed with a Thousand men Reached the Place where the Solairs lived, the boss sense something was wrong... Security is down..

"Contact the Other Group, Something is Wrong here..." Whispered the Boss.


"Shit, its a Trap! where is that Superhuman!" as the Boss yelled at the Hooded figure among the Masses...

And Two of the now Graduate, Now veterans of the Trade, Joshua and Isabella now Keeping count how many they killed...

"Killed 21, What's yours?" as Isabella now Blasted a Man Skull with a Autogun

"Mines 32, Wanna go on a Vacation after this?" as Joshua Shot another with his lasgun

"Gladly, I could use a Shower, Wanna Join?"

"Some Other time...."


"It's a Abhuman! Muscle Class!"

As The Hooded figure is a Juiced up human with genetics tweaking rushed towards the defenders, As he ignored the Damage accumulated in his body, Proceeded to snapped one of the Lunar Guards into two making the Mastheads morale rise, Joshua managed to closed in with a power sword and Sliced the man into two, Reminding the People that Those who wished to harm the family of the man that made the Federation more bearable will be met by force...

Most focused on another Duo, One that Danced in a Duet of Blood as A Woman in a Skin tight suit and A Man in a power suit, Butchering them in the Tens, one of the Assailants aimed his Rocket at the Woman as he deemed that she was the most dangerous than the man in the Power Armor and pulled the trigger, ignoring the people behind as the Back blast Scalded their faces and Skin...

Balphus Detected the Rocket launch and Stood Infront of Della...

The Missile Exploded into his Chest and he was flung to a wall nearby.

"We got the Dangerous Ones ou....*Head Splattered*" as his body slumped to the ground... a group of Ogryns Rushed in Armor And Tower Shields with a Mace.... plowing through the disorganized mob...

The rest that Survived, They don't need no law to protect them as they were turned to Servitors to a Slaves by the Techpriests and with the Introduction of Immortality, their suffering is more pervasive than before, working endlessly into the mines forevermore.

"Those Bastards lie to us! We ain't fighting these Fre *Head Smashed*" as his Body was Blasted away from the Sheer force of a Club as the Ogryns reached to the Downed man and Carried the wounded away in safety....

The Leader Tried to escape from the slaughterhouse to provide more information to the rest of the underworld...

"Where do you think you are going? Joshy, I got 151 let me have that Man Head!"

"Nuh uh, I also Got 151, Let me have the Head!"

"How about we Cut in half?" Isabella Conceded.

"Fair Point... Where did he go?" as Joshua was baffled where did he went...

"This Group are Crazy!" as the Leader mad Dash Towards his car and drove all the way back to the Warehouse to Equip one of the Outdated 1st gen Power Armor that Alex made for 1st Klendathu drop...

"You Guys Keep them busy while I warm this rust bucket!" The Man Yelled to the remaining grunts still in the warehouse.

He climbed into the suit and Started the Interface...

"He's Over Here!" As One of those wretched Lunar Guards found where he is.

Mastheads Immediately Began to shoot the Moritas and the Railgun Rifle at the Incoming Lunar Guards...

"You will never Kill me that easily!" He Yelled not noticing Several Grenades was Dropped in power Armor surrounding, While Alex made it Bug Proof, He never included Emp Countermeasures...

Bolts of Electricity and Plasma Surrounding the Power Armor, Shutting down the Vital systems of the suit and Cooking him alive... The rest was butchered without mercy.

Thus Ended the one of the daily nights of Solair...

[Time skip]



Balphus Woke up in a Hospital Bed...

And found that his Partner was Calmly Peeling the Apple...

She Noticed him awake and gave a Smile...

"Seem that you are awake..." Della Smiled

"What Happened? Are there any survivors?"

"The Armor saved You, it managed to produce a Shield barrier before it failed completely, made you unconscious for Three days...And the survivor was sent to the Techpriest to be introduced as Servitors..."

"Those poor bastards...Well... what are you doing here?"

"Director said I should watch over you as you are my partner until you are healed...and asked you to show me around the city.."

"I prefer if you stay with me for a awhile...I would be glad I have the honor to showing you this place."

Balphus was Discharged from the hospital...

and his partner was joining him in Causal Clothes in human size...

Though he did question how she Became small...

"Let's go..."

[Della Syu Pov]

Memories... Something that I longed for in this new life of mine...


In the Depths of the Assasinorum A Young Girl was Training with the rest of her peers...

"Remember Your Training in the Dark, would made the light for the Imperium shine a Brighter future... " A Instructor Told to a Group of Women as they Trained.

All she remembers was the Training she have done and the Surgery of Cybernetics that was planted in her...

Pain.... Suffering... and the survival of the fittest.

She has Fragmented memories of her missions, some she disguised as a Captain to kill a Crime Syndicate, others she was a Guardsmen that was introduced to a Camp to slaughter the Traitors, She did met her first love that day... But orders are orders... Her blade pierced his head without any remorse...

Some of it was terrifying to her when she did start out... but gotten numb to it...

She woke up in the middle of the night remembering the missions she had before...

She went to the Director Alexander that is a Doctor in a Sense as he Examine the Cybernetics in her body... He noticed something was Wrong with her...

"Is something wrong?"

"I just keep remembering the missions I have done..."

"Well, Della we both have the same share of bloodshed in our hands... Remember I will not Order you to do something that is not Necessary, this place might not need Assassins to handle my issues... Hmm, it would seem that you have a Partner right?"

"Yes, Director... "

"How about Asking him to experience what is like being a Normal person, Perhaps you might find love in this city...Seeing that this rotation is pretty maimed, they will need some time for your group to be replenish...So you have a lot of free time until your group is replenished..."

*Flashback ends*

I found Balphus entering a Arcade machine and Found him Play a Claw machine that is Filled with Cat dolls...

I amused of his attempts until he manages to get a Jade Colored Cat doll...

"Here, A Congratulatory Gift as a Partner...."

A Gift... Something I never did receive even in my work...

He took me to places that I never bother to knew since they were not a priority to saving Solairs...

Things to eat instead of the MREs that I grew Accustomed to eating..

When we reached the Wall, I saw the Sunset...

Not like the time I work to defend the Imperium... I never had the time to enjoy the little things in life...

"Beautiful..." I watched the Dusty sun in the distance.

"Well take it easy in life and perhaps it will bring you a new day..."

When the group is reestablished and reformed.

It Made the Work more Bearable as Every night The Duo Managed to Prevent more Assassinations than the College Duo Isabella And Joshua, enjoying their Competition...

To the point that they trusted each other backs...

"Hurry up Balphus... We are Late for our meeting!"

"I am Coming... You seem excited for the Aquarium..."

As the two walked in the building, it was like a paradise under the sea... fishes were following in the swarm and a Shark whale passed by...

I stared in the wonder of the life under the seas...

When we time that we went to the Theme Park in Terra...

"Lady... is that your Boyfriend?" a Elderly woman next to me grinned as she watched Balphus got his Ice cream taken away by a Sea Gull

I have Mixed Feelings about it...

By day they gotten closer... Having Dates and What Normally a Couple would have done.

By night they are Partners preventing harm to their Benefactor family... from the Darkness of Society...

In a rooftop that overlook the Solair Estate...Two People was having a Night watch...

"Della once we are done in the Night will you be my girlfriend?"

She Stood Silent as she ponders of her choice... and Remember The director spoken words to her...

"Yes..." Her words spoken softly barely enough for Balphus to hear...

"And that's how I met Her...and Ended up as my Girlfriend."

"Oh, Really Brother... I guess you managed to have some balls to get a Woman, I rather not want to hear from our neighbors that you are a Siscon..."

"Come on sister, I rather not want to lose you... not again..."

"Well, I better get My Sister in law to know what dish you like best with the best of my abilities... Can you cook?"

Della nodded as the two entered the Kitchen...

"Am I going to be the under butt of the woman?"

"Oh Yes you are.. and that is a Big Booty indeed" Balphus could have sworn he heard the Director Voice...

"Must be the wind..." Balphus Shrugged as he went outside to tend the orchard.... Not believing that the Director was a joker...

Alexander reading the Reports and Amused with this Events...

"A Callidus Found Love.... huh? Perhaps I would give her my blessings...Well Even a Denizen of The Darkness in the Imperium wanted to be embraced in the light, Eh Revelation?" As he Spoke to a Image of Emperor of Mankind that is Smirking at him...

"And you owe me a Beer when you come back from the dead...You lost the Bet." Alexander Laughed as the Image became upset..

"Better let them handle the lesser Missions... Not as if anything is easy considering how many people hated me..." Alex Laughed once more...

Sure, Alex Could Have eradicated the People Behind the Attacks, But He gave them the Illusion "that if only one more try, I will be a Winner" Vibes. And Making them Drain their finances instead. Even if they could get past the Lunar Guards, The Custodes lead by George will end them...

He have faith in the people and return they believed in him.