
Surviving the Hentai world

He just wanted to have a normal life, but due to fate he is now a "she" and has been reincarnated into a Hentai world. Now he must defend himself from the thousands of perverts who want his body, while his problems increase. Can she survive keeping her virginity intact? Read it and discover it. English is not my mother tongue. I get help from my classes and a little from some translators.

Garus49 · Komik
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5 Chs

Life In the Souma Family II

Breakfast was a relatively normal time in the Souma family. It was one of those rare moments when you could feel like they were a normal family.


But now at this very moment both the mother and the two eldest daughters of the Souma family were looking down at the floor.


Shiro's cold voice was heard from the table.


"What did I tell you about letting the men sleep in the house."

After causing a massacre, Shiro went straight to the bathroom in her room. She needed to wash off the blood and semen stains on her hands and clothes. She cried as she had to throw her shoes in the trash.

"I-if I'm going to have sex with men I must do it in my room."

Mitsuko spoke with a somewhat trembling voice, this would not be the first nor the last time she would show some fear of her daughter. After all a young girl who has enough strength to take on several men was not something she wanted to provoke and more so knowing the temperament her daughter had.

"I really don't care that you are unfaithful to my father. I also don't mind that when father isn't home this place smells like fish. Although it annoys me a little, I also don't mind waking up to the moans they produce from having sex. I don't mind seeing my mother and sisters naked in the house and noticing how semen comes out of their pussies and asses. And that even sometimes those men they slept with are naked walking around the house. But... What I can't stand is something I've told you many times before. You guys know what it is right?"


Both mother and sisters swallowed saliva and remained silent.

"So you don't know... Then there is no other way, I must beat all the men you invite to the house until this place stops being a sex zone, until you remember what I told you."


The shout from her mother and sisters made Shiro happy.

"Oh. Then you remember. Then tell them what I told you at that time."

Mitsuko could only look at her daughter with a mixture of terror, pride and strangeness. Shiro always refused anything to do with sex, it was a strange thing for Mitsuko. All her daughters before Shiro were complete perverts like her, they were her pride in a way, each of them indulging in sexual pleasure on their own. But all that order ended when Shiro came into their lives, a girl who gave birth by having sex with who knows what man. She was cold, serious, I had rarely seen her smile. In a way she was similar to Kurumi, but unlike her older sister, Shiro was not a closet pervert, she absolutely hated sex.

Besides she had that strange strength that on more than one occasion had brought one or the other trouble. 

"So what did I tell you. Say it fast, I don't like to repeat the same words."

"""..... I don't want to be involved in your affairs """"

Those were the words Mitsuko heard from her daughter a couple of years ago when a man approached her wanting to have a happy moment. Mitsuko suspected something was up the moment she noticed that her daughter showed no sign of excitement, instead only disgust and anger. And then what came next was a massacre which left the man with a broken leg and a completely disfigured face. It was only thanks to her pleas that she was able to stop her daughter from continuing to beat the poor man. After that bloody event he never saw that man again and his daughter gave them all a warning.

"So why is it that the moment I wake up and head quietly to prepare myself a breakfast, I find myself being attacked by several naked men trying to rape me?"


Certainly the word rape was not something very common in the Hentai world or rather the end result was not. In a world where the raped woman somehow discovers that she loves sex and becomes a sex addict... Could that still be considered rape? And after a lot of research on his part, Shiro discovered that police reports of rape were very few. That's kind of worrisome knowing what kind of world she was in.

"Hahhh.... I'll let it go this time. But remember there won't be a second time."

Without another word Shiro headed to her room, she had lost her appetite.


Watching Shiro go to his room the rest of the family sighed in relief.

"I told you we forgot something."

Kurumi Souma the third daughter of the Souma family spoke quietly to keep her younger sister from overhearing them.

"This time she really got angry~"

Sayoko Souma the second daughter of the Souma family and elder sister of Shiro and Kurumi simply laughed at the situation. 

"Now. What do I have to do with the unconscious men?" 

Mitsuko saw the mountains of men which was a few meters away from her. She had had sex with all of them and it had been a more than pleasant time. But now looking at her pathetic state, she had lost the desire for another round.

"Shiro-chan actually had a violent moment with them and not one I'd like to participate in."

Sayako looked at the state of the men, it was clear to see that none of them were in any condition to continue. They all looked to be dead, though knowing her sister. She would only leave them half dead.

"I-I think Shiro is great."

Kurimi instead looked at Shiro's actions with a certain degree of admiration. While she doesn't deny being a sex addict, she does occasionally have her moments where she just wants to be a simple normal girl, but thanks to inheriting her mother's promiscuity it was impossible for her not to be a complete pervert. But that didn't stop her from seeing her sister as someone she can feel a certain degree of respect for.

"Hahhh... Well let's stop talking. I have to make some calls and come to terms with the fact that several of these men will not be returning to this house."

Shiro Souma certainly was the odd one out in the family.