
An Unforgiving World

 You remember when everything was great, you had your parents, your friends, and people who cared about you. That didn't matter anymore, they were gone. There was nothing you could have done, and you knew this. Their lives were taken by the walkers. However, you were thankful to see your dog was ok. Although the walkers seemed to aimlessly walk around, one wrong move could end your life. Your food supply was getting low, so you had to find some place that hadn't been ransacked, which was harder than it seemed. It had always been difficult surviving alone in the apocalypse, but you were able to manage. Mostly.

 The radio you had with you received a message one day, "Hello? Is this thing working and can anyone hear me?" a voice said rather softly, you replied to the stranger, "Yes, it's working, and I can hear you perfectly fine." The stranger seemed much more ecstatic when he heard your voice as he responded almost immediately, "Hello! May I please have your name?" You sighed, did you really want to give your name away to some random stranger? "I'm, Y/N. What's your name?" You didn't care much about this person's name, but you asked to seem nicer. "I'm Toby! I'm with the Bench Trio. What about you?" You replied with, "I'm alone except for my dog." You never liked to remember how and why you were alone, it always brought back the horrific scene you witnessed. You never actually felt safe alone, but it was what you were used to it by now as you only had your dog for a while. You protected him with your life, and he protected you too. You noticed the radio was silent for a little to long. Toby had never replied, then out of nowhere there was a loud scream, it didn't sound like Toby.

 You ran in the direction of the scream, your weapon ready, just in case. When you arrived you saw a blonde boy who only looked around 17 and had a knife being chased by the walkers, the small clearing you found him in was probably where the walkers found him. Without thinking you fired a shot in the air so you could attract the walkers to you instead of the boy, luckily it worked. Now with the walkers concerned with you, you yelled to him "You need to go! I can handle these guys!" The boy hesitated but quickly left after a few seconds. You hoped this guy would make it back to wherever he came from. The walkers were easy to take down, but it was only because you had your shotgun.

 You still needed to find more food, and water. You set down your stuff and sat down near a tree close by. Just as you thought it was alright to rest a walker snuck up behind you. Your dog had gone off somewhere and you weren't close to your shotgun nor your bag, which had your knife in it. The walker was now on top of you, trying to fight back, you heard a gunshot, it sounded like a pistol. The walker was dead, someone had saved your life. When you looked you saw three people, one was the guy you helped earlier. The shorter one of the trio spoke up, "You alright, Tommy ran to us and said what had happened." You recognized his voice, it was Toby. "Yea, I'm alright, thanks for that. I owe you." You never really like doing things for people, but you could make an exception for these guys. "I don't think that would be necessary." The tallest of them said. "Also, we are Mark, Tommy and Toby, we are the bench trio." (In this story Ranboo is Mark). You grabbed your stuff and called your dog but with no response. You had assumed he had gotten lost, but that idea faded when you heard the yelp of a dog getting injured. He had possibly gotten attacked by one of the walkers in the area. You just stood there, shocked. You lost the last thing you had cared about. You sat down in the small clearing and stared at the ground. The trio tried to comfort you, but it didn't help much.

 You knew there was nothing you could do, you felt like you failed your dog. You all stayed quiet for a minute. Standing up you said, "I can't cry over another loss." The trio stood up with you, Toby, whispering something to Mark and Tommy. "You know, you can come stay with us." Toby said after he was done talking to the two. You thought about this for a second, not only would you have a place to stay but you would have people who cared about you again, but this also meant you could lose them and go through what you had wished you had never seen. You didn't want to be a burden to them, but you needed a place to stay. You nodded but said nothing. Toby grabbed your wrist and ran, Mark and Tommy followed close behind. Tommy snatched your bag and handed it to you. You were zoned out when this happened, so you didn't see the horde of walkers coming quickly towards you all. They were moving faster than normal and looked much stronger. It was one of the main hordes. The way the walkers work is there are three main hordes, with stronger, faster walkers. Then you have all the other hordes, with slower, weaker walkers. At this point you were ahead of the trio, and you looked back for a quick second but lost your footing. Mark picked you up and continued to run, Tommy and Toby now following closely behind.

 You looked in the trees and saw a woman in one of them, she was taking the walkers out one by one. She grabbed her walkie-talkie and said something. Then out of nowhere people with masks and sub-machine guns were behind you and the trio. They opened fire on the horde, getting rid of some of them. Mark, Tommy, and Toby kept running, not looking back. You stood there for a second, then you grabbed out your shotgun to help. Although you didn't do too much damage you were still helping a lot. Tommy stopped and looked back to see you were now helping these mysterious people. Toby and Mark noticed this too and stopped. You had now run out of ammo, but you still wanted to help. Without thinking you grabbed your knife and ran towards the horde. Mark yelled to you, but you were zoned out, you couldn't even hear Tommys' loud yelling