
Surviving in Ragnarök as Hades!

After being killed by a pebble, A man from earth gets sent into the Record of Ragnarok with the Rebirth System! “Eh…How am I going to survive in this hell hole! wait…I'M HADES?!” “Alright, I have around 14 billion years before Ragnarök, let's make these years count!” - - - AN: Yes this fanfic will be a multiverse story. A large portion of it will take place in the RoR universe but since the story is more focused on fights for the majority, a lot of it will be of my own creation as well. I will try to keep his personality similar as shown in the manga but Hades only got like 10 chapters of screen time so I’ll be adding my take on him as well. Please do note that my grammar will not be the best. Yes, English is my first language but I just suck at spelling so please bear with me.

AuthorISan · Komik
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7 Chs

Chapter - 1

So I'm dead, well you probably already knew that, but what you didn't know is I died in a very special way. Take a minute and guess alright? Is it the classic truck-kun, Maybe I was shot dead? or maybe I tried to be some lame hero by saving someone's life. alright I wont keep it from you anymore, I died to a pebble. Yea yea, I bet your laughing your heads off right now but at least I died in a unique way!

'sigh' well if your gonna be listening to me break the fourth wall for a bit, Might as well tell you a little about me. I was an average guy who worked as a gym instructor, Had myself 2 dogs and a turtle waiting for me at home everyday. I had a brother who lived on the other side of the world in Germany and a Mother who traveled for a living so she never settled down anywhere. My dad died when I was 2, Mom said he got into a car accident that took his life quickly. Oh, you want my name? well that doesn't honestly matter anyway since I'm dead, might as well call me The One Who Shall Not Be Named. I mean, I'm a soul, I think? not much use having a name right now if its not going to be used anymore. Actually, I guess I could tell you what it used to be, My name was-

"AHEM! I've been calling for your attention for the last 75 years! do you think I have all the time in the world for you?!"

Turning around, The nameless soul would stare at an old man who had white hair styled up into one of those Chinese wuxia ponytails, he had piercing yellow eyes that glared into his soul, literally.

"Ah, sorry was just doing a bit of monologuing to get over the trauma of being dead. 75 years though? its only felt like a few minutes"

The soul would speak in an embarrassed while trying not to meet the old mans gaze.

"ugh fine, I'll be generous to forgive you this one time but I swear if you start monologuing again I'm sending you to the fate universe"

"Wait, I'm being reborn?"

The old man would sigh as if he's heard this phrase billions of times

"Yes, you will be getting reborn. Where your reborn will be randomized but you will not be left without any assistance as you are one of the souls going to a fictional universe."

A giant gacha machine would come into existence with a mystery sign on the front of it right next to the old geezer.

"This right here is going to be how your assistance is chosen. It can be anything from having god-like cleaning skills to having an fictional power such as Ki or ice manipulation."

"So basically, Instead of money I'm gambling my survivability? on a gacha no less...."

"Yes yes it's a gacha, It used to be a roulette wheel before a random soul called it old fashion, bastard got sent to the boku no pico verse"

Having heard that, the soul felt visibly scared and starting saying prayers in his head while floating up to the machine

"Please let lady luck shine on me oh glorias gacha machine"

After taking a deep breath, the soul would crank the machine until the mystery sign on it started to change rapidly.

Saiyan Bloodline...Gamer system...Eyes of God...God-like dish washing...Life Manipulation...

As the machine kept flashing, it started to come to a halt on one power

**Congratulations on winning the Rebirth System, Have fun in your next life and don't come back**

"Alright, now that that's over, time to send ya off"

"Wait...I don't get an explanation on what this is?"

The old man looked at the soul as if he's the dumbest thing alive

"Kid, its a system. It'll come with its own manual, Now bye."

and with a snap of his figure, the soul was off to his next life, the old man turning towards what looked to be a tablet seeing his destination

"maybe that kid did need lady luck, hopefully he doesn't come back soon"

Looking at the tablet, it said

**Destination: Record of Ragnarök**

**Timeline: Before the Titanomachy Tournament**

**Bound Body: First Son of Kronos and Rhea, Hades**

Hope you all enjoy the first chapter, Will try to update weekly. Nearly graduating highschool and then I'm off to collage.

AuthorISancreators' thoughts