
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

SAW 30 - Slavery(2)

'I'm so weak...'

I thought to myself.

'I was so confident in my strength, which almost cost me not only my life, but Alex and Adrian's as well...'

I can't accept the way that bulky man, Argus treat the kid like an object.

But what I can't accept more is the fact that I can't stand my own ground to back my action.

Had instructor Alex hadn't shown up on time, I could feel it earlier.

I would've died, and most likely Alex and Adrian won't be spared either.

I then remembered what he said.

'You'll be dangerous when you grow up, therefore I'll kill you now...'

Since a strong guy like that marked me as dangerous, it means I can become a lot stronger.

'I need to get stronger faster...'

With that thought in mind, I started walking towards the headmistress' office.

Arriving in front of the door, a voice suddenly come from inside.

"Come in"


I opened the door to see instructor Alex, the nurse Lilian, and the headmistress talking about something.

Nodding at me, the headmistress then said to the instructor.

"You sure Argus saw his potential?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it. He already marked Kim Jaesuk as a threat, and will eliminate him in any way possible"


Listening to their conversation, I asked

"What are you guys talking about?"

Turning his head over to me, instructor Alex explained

"The criminal Argus has considered you as a threat because he saw your potential earlier, so he'll probably send someone to assassinate you soon. Or rather, he might even come himself"

"What? I don't get it..."

"Earlier... you might not realise it yet, but the spirits around you was ready to help you in that fight"


"Oh yeah, the spiritual power teacher was on vacation last Thursday, so you didn't have that class yet... kinda weird you don't know what spirit is though..."

"Ah, um... hahaha..."

Instructor Alex then continued,

"Spirits is a native being of this planet, and the one providing this planet the power to withstand natural phenomenon, manmade destruction, etc, is the spirit king.

But here is the fact, spirits doesn't favour anyone. They lend their power to people in exchange for spiritual power, and the fact that the spirits earlier tried to help you without you even realising it means that you're favoured by the spirits"

Listening to that explanation, I couldn't help but asking for the main point.

"What does that mean?"

Taking a deep look at me, he said.

"You have the potential to be the hero"


"He's right, Jaesuk"

The headmistress suddenly joined the conversation.

"As a criminal, one thing their group is afraid of is their intention known by their enemy. And when you awaken your power as a hero, you'll be able to talk to the spirits around you.

Spirits can tell whether someone have evil intention or good intention, as such you're at a very dangerous position right now"


"So, you need together stronger fast"

After saying that, she suddenly stood up and said to instructor Alex,

"Alex, take care of Alex..."



"What do you mean me taking care of me?"

"Pfft... Hahahaha I meant go take care of Jaesuk's friend whose name is Alex..."

"Huh? his name is Alex?"


"I think it's better for me to teach Jaesuk to fight instead, I don't think they'll target Alex either..."

"Its okay... just do as I say"

"... Okay then"

After that, instructor Alex left which leaves me, the nurse Lilian, and the headmistress here.

"Now, you both are coming with me to the training room"

"Ehh me too?? for what??"

Lilian asked.

"Yep, you'll find out later..."

Smiling slightly, the headmistress answered.


'I need real combat experience...'

I walk the opposite way of where Kim Jaesuk was heading to.

I then recall back at how easily I lost to Argus.

None of my moves hit him, and all he did was grab my leg to threw me around like that.

'A weapon...'

Had I brought my spear with me, I'm sure I could put up a fight against him as I'm not that good in hand to hand combat.

I walked outside the staff office building and arrived at the training ground.

I picked up the spear that I usually use and start training again.

Few minutes after, I saw instructor Alex walking my way.

I thought he's just passing by, but then he stood still nearby and kept watching me practice.

I felt uncomfortable due to his stare, so I stopped my training and asked him,

"Umm.. do you need something?"



"You're not bad with the spear..."


"What's your aptitudes?"

"Um... it's B for both sword and spear..."

"Why did you chose spear instead of sword?"


That question came out of nowhere which makes me unable to give out a proper answer.


"It's because Kim Jaesuk is using sword..."


"I don't want to be compared to him"

"Okay then... put down your spear"


After telling me to put my spear down, he rolled his sleeve and stretched his arm.

Seeing that, I can guess what's gonna happen, so I put my spear down.

"Are we gonna spar?"


Instructor Alex chuckled before disappearing from my view.

I then heard a voice straight next to me.

"It's a one side beating"

A punch to my cheek connected and throw me away.

"Ughh... shit!"

I got up straight away and instructor Alex is already in front of me with his fist coming my way.


I raised both of my arm to block that, but it still pushed me back.

I raised my head to see instructor Alex walking slowly towards me.

"Hey, isn't it against the rules to beat a student up?"

"You're not against it right?"

"That's true, but still..."

"This counts as training"

"Oh yeah?"

I then dashed towards him to take the initiative, which makes us exchange blows.

But the fact stands that I haven't land a single hit on him.

"Your posture is too stiff"

"Wrong, your move is too predictable..."

"It lacks power..."

After sparring for 10 minutes or so, I fall down to my butt and instructor Alex finally stopped beating me.

"Huff... huff... why are you suddenly training me?"

"It's the headmistress order"


"Every night, at 9 PM... come here and I'll train you"

"O- okay!"

I answered cheerfully.

It's hard to train alone, and if there's someone to guide me then I'll be more than happy to comply.

Instructor Alex then left towards the staff office building.

Seeing that it's still noon, I then went to the gym to exercise.

Entering the gym, I saw the blonde haired girl who helped me few days ago together with the black haired girl sparring together.

I took a few seconds looking at their spar, then start my exercise.

Just as I was finishing up my exercise, the blonde girl suddenly walked towards me.

"Hey... wanna spar?"


"Hey princess!"

I was about to answer before the black haired girl starts complaining.

"Don't ask a random stranger like that!"

"Hey, it's not a stranger... I met him few days ago"

"What?! You went out to met him few days ago?"

"No! I met him by coincidence while he was training and decided to teach him a little..."

They suddenly started bickering.

It surprised me that the black haired girl called her princess.

"Anyway... do you want to try sparring with me?"


"Umm... princess? You're a princess of the empire?"

"Yep, you didn't know?"

"I- I didn't!"

I exclaimed in surprise.

'What the heck?! the girl who helped me is a princess?'

"Okay, let's spar..."

I agreed to spar with her.

We then walks toward the middle of the gym and got into position.

"Um, are we doing bare handed or with weapon?"

"You uses spear right? You can use it..."

She said.

I then took a spear from nearby storage, and she picked a sword.



Right after I said yes, she started moving.

I responded to her attack accordingly, but it wasn't as strong as I thought she would be.

After exchanging a few blows, she suddenly stopped.

"Okay, let's get a little serious..."

After saying that, she uses body strengthening which prompt me to do the same.

"You ready?"

Before I can answer, she dashed and pointed the swords at me.

I deflect her swords with my spear and counter attacked, but she suddenly spun around while dodging my spear.

She swung her sword straight away after evading my attack, leaving me no choice but to step backwards which leaves me with a lot of opening.

Not wanting to let go of the chance, she then thrust her sword at me which threw me away.

"You're actually not bad for a first year!"

She exclaimed.

I got up to stand and answered her,

"Well, thanks to your lesson that night..."

"Nope... you've been able to use body strengthening before you came to the academy right?"


"I saw you before doing it..."

"I see... yea you're right"

"Weird isn't it?"

"What is?"

The talks is going to a weird direction, before she dropped a sudden question.

"How'd you able to use body strengthening despite being a commoner?"


"I looked into your past, which have no records at all together with the two of your friends"

I then felt a sword around my neck.

"Move and I'll cut your head off"

The black haired girl suddenly appeared behind me and put a real sword around my neck.

'The heck... I didn't even realise she's behind me"

"So, what's your objective entering the academy?"

"Lady, I think you're imagining things"

"I don't think so... you're just very suspicious right now. Entering the academy at the age of 21 as a student, having the headmistress to take care of you, it's weird isn't it because she's never shown any interest in any student..."


"Now tell me... who are you?"


Now that it's come to this points, I decided to spout some bullshit.

"I came from the mountain..."