
Surviving In A Reverse Harem With A System

Meet Wei Feng, an 18-year-old with a devilish charm that matches his striking looks. His cunning ways had a knack for turning friends into foes and convincing them to indulge in misdeeds. However, Wei Feng's life takes an unexpected turn when he's abruptly killed and transported to a reverse harem world with an intricate harem system. In this new realm, he resolves to utilize his devilish skills to the fullest extent, aiming to claim the coveted position of the female Monarch's favorite consort. Follow Wei Feng's journey as he navigates a world filled with intrigue, romance, and rivalries, using his talents to both advance his ambitions and grapple with the complexities of this unique universe. "Hello guys! although the novel may seem to have a more dominating FL than an ML, I reassure you that our ML will dominate so do give this novel a try" - DansepatSu ** • Cover Doesn't Belong To Me • Every 20 PS = 2 Bonus chapters. 2 Chapters Per day!

DansepatSu · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs



I was struck on the head with a baseball bat, and my body crumpled to the ground, nearly lifeless. The blow left my head ringing, and I felt dizzy and disoriented.

Then, I heard a deep, menacing voice from the large man in front of me, "Next time, know where to keep your hands off my woman!"

He bellowed his command, and his henchmen understood immediately.

They surrounded me, launching a brutal assault. Kicking, punching, and striking me

as if I were a helpless dummy.

I wondered if this was how my life would end. I'd always felt like I was destined for a tragic fate. After all, I was nothing more than a "Devil Child."

I was born with a manipulative mind and a streak of bad luck that drove everyone away. My parents abandoned me at an orphanage, and my so-called friends excluded me from group activities, labeling me as the "Devil Child" behind my back.

But with time, I embraced my uniqueness. While some considered it a curse, I saw it as a gift. No one could deny that I possessed an angelic and devilish face that left people captivated.

Yet, my beautiful appearance had unwittingly drawn the attention of a street gangster's girlfriend, leading to this punishment of being beaten and left for dead. I didn't expect anyone to notice my absence or come looking for me.

After all, I was THE DEVIL CHILD.


Beep... Beep... Beep...

[ System Booting...]

[ System Settings Complete! ]

[ System Activated ]

[ Congratulations User 105! You have successfully Activated the Harem Conquering System! Now get ready to dive into a world of Competitions and struggles]

[ Aim: Become The Female Monarch's Favourite Consort! ]

I woke up, bewildered, in an unfamiliar place. I was no longer in that dark alley with the street gang. Instead, I found myself in a black, empty void. To add to the strangeness, a blue holographic program materialized before me.

Suddenly, the hologram spoke:

[ User 105! I am Harem Master, your guide bot, and your first choice is now laid out. Awake? {yes} {no} You have ten seconds to answer! ]

The situation had taken yet another unexpected turn, and I had to make a decision. I hesitated for a moment before responding with "yes."

And when next I opened my eyes I found my self in another world.


As I opened my eyes, I looked around my surroundings.

Was I already dead?

I was totally not in the dark void anymore but not in my one bedroom apartment either.

Instead I was in a historical looking room with a wooden bed and candlewood floor.

The scent from the incense sticks penetrated into my nose that caused my body to feel slightly relaxed.

Just then, the door dashed opened and a tall looking, handsome man walked in but he was dressed in a rather funny way.

As he wore a green robe with his long, black hair decorated with a jade hairpin.

Where the hell was I?

"Brother wei? You're finally awake, that's good. How are you feeling now?" The handsome man asked as he helped me up.

Meanwhile, I Just stared at him speechless still confused on where I was.

"I'm fine now but where am I?" I asked him and hearing my words, he looked taken aback.

With a worried expression, he said, "Don't Tell me you've lost your memory Brother Wei? You're at the Ming Residence for the Low-ranked concubines!"

He revealed as my eyes widened shortly, "Low Ranked concubines?"

"Mn! You had mistakenly fallen from the stairs and hurt yourself but just take a rest, I'm sure you'll be better by Tomorrow. You can skip the morning greetings and have some rest!"

He said as just then a loud voice was heard from outside, "10th Consort Li, the morning greetings is About to begin!"

"Okay! I'm on my way!" The Man with the name 'Li Meng' said as he then stood up and smiled at me before making his way out for the so called greetings.

With him now gone, I once again looked around my surroundings as I tried to get up from the bed but collapsed slightly on the ground.

My leg and body were so weak. It was like I could feel the pain from those beatings I got from the gangster.

Having no other choice, I crawled on the ground, towards a long mirror at the side and upon seeing my reflection from the mirror, I was shocked and in horror.


Gazing at my reflection I almost felt like puking on my face right now.

I who was born with a face that no one could ever compete with was now with a face that even dogs would puke at.

The Man in front was tall and very slender and thin, it was like he could get blown away with just a slight breeze.

And apart from that was the scars visible all over his body and his face which was covered with different shades of make-up probably to cover to scars visible in his face.

Who did such an horrible thing to hima and why am i in a body that doesn't belong to me?

x x x


[ Li Meng: He is the 10th Consort of the monarch. There are three stages of ranks, "The concubines, The Mid consorts and The Consorts"

He is the 10th Consort which is quite a good role while wei Feng remains as a Concubine. ]