
Surviving Doomsday With My Supermarket Space

Amelia lived a life of misfortune but luck was on her side this time but not so much on her enemies as she woke up ten years later and vow vengeance to her enemies and protect her love once.

Rashely_Victoriano_9358 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Meeting Again

Chapter 1 

Impending Danger

A beautiful day it was for everyone but an ugly one for Amelia as she stared up at her beloved fiance and half-sister. "What's wrong sis i thought you would be happy for me," Jin Hu said sarcastically as she looked disdainfully at her.

 " Jin Hu you have no shame after everything I did for you " Amelia looked more hurt than angry while thinking about how she betrayed the people who loved her for someone who never even had a positive feeling for her, not even once, following this thought her anger grew just thinking about it. 

" What a pretty bracelet don't you think it was so much trouble hiding it every time you were present " Amelia was surprised it was the bracelet of her deceased twin sister, she had lost it and had been depressed about it for a long time since that was the only thing left after the fire killing her mother, brother and her two sister.

" Where did you get that, give it to me" Amelia rushed over trying to reach for the bracelet before she was able to she was ruthlessly kicked to the floor by He Jin

He Jin, Amelia's once beloved fiance looked at her with disdain. " I was really disappointed, I was hoping I would take your virginity and then throw you to my friends. They were begging to get a piece of you. " Jin Hu says while backing Amelia up to the edge of the roof.

" I want you to die knowing you are the reason my life is so blissful my dear sister, this bracelet of yours is truly magical I would have never found out if your disgusting blood never touched me I guess having you as my punching bag has a lot of perks to it" 

Amelia didn't want to hear her nasty words as she tried once again to grab the bracelet but was again kicked down

"Do you know that these bracelets can store things and there's land in there too with a beautiful waterfall, well it doesn't matter if you believe me or not your going to die either way" Jin Hu got closer, Amelia believed her, she has seen Jin Hu take things out of thin air and thought that she had some special ability, she never thought that the bracelet she gave her and her sister bracelet would be special.

Amelia and her twin sister had matching bracelets one gold, and one silver it was a heritage passed down by generation before her family died she gave hers to Jin Hu to show that she loved and thought of her as a family, after Jin Hu threw a tantrum at a family party cause she "felt left out" and that "she was a bother" but really she wanted Amelia and her twin sister to look bad and to make people think they're bullying her.

Amelia's anger grew the more Jin Hu talked. " Ow, don't get too angry now, cause you haven't heard the best part, I was the one to put the house on fire I was the one who killed your family "

This time Amelia didn't struggle or scream, she looked coldly into Jin Hu and He Jin's eyes. Shivers passed down their backs and before they could react Amelia grabbed onto them and with all her strength pulled them to the edge with her, she closed her eyes and fell off the roof bringing Jin Hu and He Jin with her. 

While falling down all she could think is (I wish I could go back in time and fix my mistake)

With a sudden jolt Amelia had woken up in a rather similar but strange environment, she looked around in confusion.

" Isn't this my room but didn't the house burn down when I was 16 "

Amelia got up and looked around, sure enough, this was her room and with a surprise, she looked at the mirror and to her utter shock she looked ten times younger, she ran to her bedside table and looked at the date on her phone

October 1, 2022

She rejoiced at her amazing luck but was interrupted by her twin sister. " Rubia can you go take care of Ehylan while I brush my teeth ''

Hearing her nickname from the voice she longed to hear she almost couldn't hold back her tears, she always thought that she and Sophia would live well before their ages but both ended up dying before reaching 30, she promised herself that she wouldn't let Jin Hu set the house on fire, no she'll make sure dad doesn't bring that women and girl to our house. She knows just what to do.

" RUBIA!! "

Amelia's eyes quickly landed on the person's voice. She and her twin sister were very different. Amelia and her sister had long black curly hair all the way to their thigh and blue eyes from their father, they had the same thin figure so all the clothes they had were shared but except that they don't share any other feature. Sophia got her beautifully dark skin from her mother and Amelia got her pale light skin from her father, Sophia got her nose and lip from her father and Amelia got her lips from her mother and her small nose from her grandma. they were very different either in looks or in interest but they were still close, inseparable actually.

After getting out of her thoughts Amelia responded 

" Ah, why are you screaming "

 " I called you like a thousand times you never listen "

" Okay okay I'm going, Morena let's go out later "

They walked out of the room and opened the door across them. " You, taking the initiative to go outside, is someone dying" Sophia said in a sarcastic tone. " haha, very funny "

Amelia's eyes landed on a cute 2-year-old playing with a toy car. He had beautiful blue eyes and was a brunette with beautifully defined curls of hair, red chubby cheeks, and a small nose with pink lips. His eyelashes were long. She quickly took her nephew into her embrace, she missed this house, this family, and especially her nephew which she loved to death. After a while, she carried him to the bed and turned on the TV. She played a kid's show like she always did and stood up to go to the bathroom before leaving, she said " I want to buy something".

" With what money I ain't buying you anything "

" Nobody asks you to, later let's leave Ehylan with Mami It's really important "

" What is it that your going to buy"

Amelia answered quickly with a serious tone " A land "

" No really what are you going to buy "

" A land "

" No you're not you're not even a legal adult, how is that possible "

" Just follow me. Even if I'm lying, if you come with me, you're still gonna find out. "

Sophia hesitated but agreed in the end she didn't believe Amelia would actually buy land but she knew she wouldn't do anything illegally. They put Ehylan to sleep and carried him into Mami's room.

" adónde vas "

" tía nos organiza una fiesta de cumpleaños "

" Tu Tia Ivelisse? "

" Si "

"¿Vas a pasar la noche?"

" Si, yo y Morena vamos a quedarnos una semana ya que tenemos vacaciones. "

Sophia was surprised but she didn't want to expose her sister so she stayed quiet, she knew they did have school tomorrow and that the nearest vacation was winter break which hadn't started.

They said goodbye and ordered an Uber. Amelia has to prepare for the incoming danger and her revenge.

That's the end of the first chapter. Tell me what you think. What is the incoming danger?