
Surviving Change

In a world that will soon fall in the throes of an apocalypse. Aashu is just an average college student, from a poor-family. A fateful/unfortunate day, Aashu comes to face with a lethal threat, but he manages to survive it. After the accident, he comes to know of a change, that was slowly going to affect the whole world. Depending on his calm mind and stalwart personality, he tries to survive in a world going through apocalypse. A world that was being changed into a dangerous land. But will he? How will he? Who will he? Will he try to save himself, his family, his friends or the whole world. What would be his decision? His morals, ethics and decisions are being changed in the wake of the harrowing nightmare. "I will adapt. I will survive. I will prosper. No matter the cost!!" Aashu repeated this sentence again and again, even though he saw no hope. Change is continuous!! It is eternal!!! How will one change depends on various factors. Which factors will he come across? Who knows? Give a try to this novel written by an aspiring writer and I am sure, you will not be disappointed by my storytelling and grammar.

Evercalm_Sky · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Meeting with the PSD

Aashu and the officer were walking down a long hallway. There were lightbulbs fixed at small distances to light up the square-tunnel like place. The noise from their footsteps echoed into it.

The hallway was almost empty, not many people were seen walking down its floor. But those that were seen, were always in haste. The safety department personal and officers moved with purpose and serious expressions on their faces.

No one was idle.

Aashu observed their movements and was able to understand the situation.

'It seems the situation is very difficult. The safety department has taken action, and they are having a difficulty in handling this bizarre situation.'

The officer led him deeper into the hallways, crossing various checkpoints and moving through the floors.

The high-ranking officer observed the somber mood on Aashu's face. After some time when they were in a very secretive looking part of the hallway, he started to speak.

"Mr. Aashu do not worry; your family is safe. They are currently placed in the security of the Public Safety Department and are being helped in all the ways possible in the current situation."


Aashu just hummed to the officer as an acknowledgement of what he said.

The expression on his face did not change. Though he did not show it Aashu was very elated to know that his family was safe.

"I should give you some general information before you head into the meeting room."

Aashu looked towards the officer, prompting him to speak.

"We were helping the citizens of your area. That was found you in the ruins of a collapsed wall. You were beside the body of a horrific creature. We would not have noticed you if not for that creature's size."

"Thanks for helping me."

"Not at all. It was you who fought that creature and saved the surrounding people. If not for your actions they probably would not have survived. The department is the one who should be thankful to you."

Aashu did not say anything and neither did the veteran officer.

After a short silence, Aashu looked toward the man beside him with a calm gaze.

"How do you know that I fought the creature?"

The man continued walking forward leading him deeper into the maze of white colored hallways.

"There was a note on the dead body of the ugly beast. It said, "He is your savior"."

After a turn, the officer continued speaking.

"We brought you to the hospital and treated your wounds. Though you were not severely damaged. To our shock, in just a day's time you are up and about. The scars on your body healed very quickly."

Speaking they reached the end of this particular hallway. In front of them was a sturdy looking silver door. It was fully encased with metal.

He looked Aashu in the eyes and said:

"We concluded the piece of paper was telling the truth."

The officer walked to the side of the hallway. He entered some code on the visible touchscreen and a green light scanned his eyes.

Though many things were currently running through his mind, Aashu was amazed at the technology. He had only ever seen these things in television movies.

'It feels like a movie. A nightmarish one'.

The officer walked to his side and motioned him to walk forward.

"Please head to the meeting area. There are people waiting for you."

Aashu nodded and walked in with a lighter heart than before. The news that his family was safe had brought him a lot of relief.

Until now, he had been suppressing the thoughts about his family. It was because he knew, he would soon get an answer.

There were two possibilities, whether it could be a bad one or a better than bad one.

It was not going to be good for sure.

Aashu walked into the room. It was nothing sort of special. It was a normal meeting room with some chairs, a table and a projector. What made it special were the eight individuals present inside it.

The build of all these people present within the room was very athletic, even the old man standing at the head of the table.

As Aashu thought of this, the particular old man turned towards him.

"It is good to know you are finally awake Mr. Aashu. Are you feeling comfortable?"

The gaunt old man, whose voice sounded very kind asked him. Even though there was kindness in his voice, it still felt as though the person was ordering him. The straight-backed old man was staring at him with calm and attentive eyes.

'Again, a person of authority, huh'.

"I am alright. Thank you for asking."

"Then please take a seat."

Aashu went to the circle of chairs and took a seat on the only empty one. It was obviously there for him to sit.

'They want me in this meeting, but why? I do not have any relation with the public safety department. The only reason could be that they must have found something special in me.

And I know what that is. They want it.'

Aashu took a careful look of the room.

'These people are all so athletic looking. They all have some wounds and scratches on their body. and I look the same. Could it be that they all have special powers like me.'

Aashu kept thinking until a voice took his attention away.

"Attention everyone."

Everyone in the room looked toward the old figure who is known as the Commissioner of the Public safety department.

"Now that Mr. Aashu has also arrived. Let us start the meeting."

There was only one emotion visible in his eyes, that of seriousness. The mood of the room turned serious with that look.

"My name is Ronald Karma, and I am the Commissioner of the Public safety department. And recently, I had a revelation."

Each person in the room looked at Ronald with concentration. The words coming out of the commissioner of the organization responsible for the safety of the state was anything but trivial.

"This is the story before it. Around a month ago, the department started to find out unusual creatures in the country. They appeared at various locations."

Aliens. This was the first word that came to everyone's mind.

"No not aliens. These creatures looked like mutated, evolved, or whatever it is you may call, even mutilated version of the animals found on our planet."

As Ronald continued to speak some pictures started to appear on the screen behind him.

"When we got the first report of such an unusual creature, we thought this may be a species of creature that had simply survived the historical age of dinosaurs. But then, we started getting more of such reports. At first, we did not know what to make of it.

Due to the delay in action many lives were lost.

With time we started to collect the bodies of these creatures for research purpose. And gradually, we started to hunt these creatures."

At this point the atmosphere of the room was dipped in seriousness. Even the most funniest of man would not be able to crack a joke.