
Surviving A Ruined World (ORV Alternate universe)

21-year-old Dorain an unemployed game developer is on his way to an interview when a dwarfish humanoid creature with two very small horns escaping his head appears out of thin air calling himself a 'Dokkaebi' and declares that the free trial of the planet G-47 is over and issues the main scenario #0 'Test of Worth' as he turns Dorains life into a piece of entertainment for the mighty constellations, however, frustrated by his uneventful life, living in a fantasy novel is all that he desired, and although a bit different from what he had in mind, he welcomes this turn of events only to soon realize the horrors of his new life. An uneventful life may not have been so bad after all. Will he survive? or will he perish like the majority? (A Fanfiction Taking place in the universe of the web novel and manhwa Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. This fanfiction follows a different set of main characters as the clear scenarios however there are many characters who appear regularly from ORV. Warning this may have many differences from the ORV Webnovel. I am not good at grammar so I hope you all will bear with me.)

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23 Chs

[Main Scenario #2]

Coins possessed: 51,000

During the last scenario, I gained a lot of coins, it seems that constellations other than the four I'm familiar with had also sponsored coins without revealing their modifiers. A lot had happened in the indirect messages, I remember the channel going down and expanding. The evening sky had an orange tint due to the setting sun which faded into black the farther you looked with clusters of stars shining brightly, some areas dense and some areas illuminated by a single star, like an amateur spray painter was testing his spray paint.

Our solar system was pretty isolated, until a few days ago barely ten stars could be seen, none in the daytime if I might add and now I was supposed to believe that stars had personalities that were based on our legends no less. They could also move about as they wished. As if taking my thoughts as a command a few stars changed clusters.

This was no time to be spacing out. I had to prepare for this war.

"Umm.... excuse me. Mr King. Dorain sir.... Your Highness?" Ethel says looking rather embarrassed.

"Could you teach me how to use coins" he was trying hard to mask his accent but he emphasized his t's enough to make tea leaves out of them.

"Sure" I replied "but didn't you ask your sponsor?"

"That....is...um.....yeah....about that" he was having trouble forming words clearly embarrassed of not having thought of that. I took him for a straightforward right to the point type of person with his bulk body and the way he had attacked me last scenario, guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover huh?

[The constellation backing incarnation Æthelard is revealing his modifier]

[Constellation Whispered Knight Of Legends says that He knoweth not what coins be]

[Constellation Whispered Knight Of Legends says that he doth expresseth great delight if thou couldst instruct his incarnation in the usage of coins]

[Constellation Whispered Knight Of Legends says that he knoweth but one method to augment strength, which be to wield thy sword until thine arms part company]

[Constellation Prisoner Of Paranoia says that he agrees with the constellation who speaks weird]

[Constellation Prisoner Of Paranoia says that hitting the gym is better]

[Constellation Prisoner Of Paranoia is suggesting his incarnation to hit the gym]

[Constellation Prisoner Of Paranoia is calling his incarnation pathetic while making a weird face]

I pushed the message window aside before this fifteen-year-old started filling it with nonsense. I had obtained the mass-produced story The Usage Of Coins easily but Ethel seemed to struggle a bit. I taught him how to use coins and his sponsor said something that I couldn't fully understand. Now it was time for some self-reflection.

I had noticed that people had skills based on their attributes and their attributes were usually based on the life they had lived. Ethel an Ex-militant had jujutsu, kung fu and that kind of stuff,f which he probably learned in the army. Niven a corrupt politician had public speaking, fabricated facts, incite, abilities that a politician would have. He also had the attribute makeup artist, everyone has a secret or two but I couldn't control my laughter imagining him in applying the joker makeup on his face. Thalia had kenjutsu and archery which she would have learned at the dojo she mentioned earlier.

I had no way of accessing my profile so I had to guess what my abilities are. I have character list and mana manipulation that I obtained through another skill whose name was filtered out and I obtained mana blade through mana manipulation and the previously mentioned skill. But first I had to figure out what kind of attributes I had. Lazy? I am very lazy or procrastinator? reader? I read a lot of web novels, mangas, manhuas and novels.

No, I'm sure Niven was a procrastinator and lazy but he didn't have those attributes. It has to be something that dictates my way of living. Maybe I had a solitude attribute that gave me a Practically invisible skill because people don't usually notice me. Who was I? What dictates my life? What do I wanna become?

A developer was that my attribute? The filtered skill's name was barely visible, It had a d at the start and looked like it could be development. It makes sense, seeing how I can create skills. How I can profile other players with character list. But wasn't developer a cheat attribute? It must have its limitations or I'd be invisible.

The word that got my attention was character, whenever I profiled a player...player? No, we are all people. The scenarios are messing with my sense of reality. Whenever I profiled a person it always said character, were we all characters in a game. How was I the developer? I don't remember creating such a game.

There's no use thinking about this now if my attribute was actually developer this scenario thing could be fun. I need to test the extent of my skills.

Activating Character List everytime is a little inconvenient. Since I am a developer I should be able to tweak this to how I like, how any developer would like. I turned to look at the corrupt trio standing not ten meters away. Discussing about how they should spend coins.

[Skill Character List has been activated]

「 [Character Summary]

Name: Niven

Age: 35 years old.

Sponsor: - The Architect Of Chaos

Exclusive Attributes: Corrupt Politician, Manipulator, Narcissist, Makeup Artist...

Skills: Incite Lv. 8, Fabricated Facts Lv. 8, Public Speaking Lv. 9, Propaganda Lv. 7,....

Stigma: Dice of fate

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 5, Strength Lv. 2, Agility Lv. 1, Magic Power Lv. 10.

Overall Evaluation: The overall stats are average. His mastery over his skills is almost maxed out due to their use in daily life. He is extremely talented in swaying the masses in his direction while destroying his opponent's reputation. 」

Nothing the developer skill was not activating. I had activated it before so I knew I could do it, I have to remember how I activated it. While fighting Thalia I had a clear image of what I wanted and how I would go about doing it. If I could just replicate that feeling I had then.

I was probably staring at Niven too hard in hopes of activating the development skill cause his henchmen were giving me a weird look. Like the look you would give a patient who had just escaped a mental hospital. I closed my eyes and imagined the moment I had activated the skill before, it felt familiar like I had known that feeling all my life, the answer was so close like I had extended my arms and the answer was a centimeter away from it.

Just then a gust of wind blew past my ear creating a whistling sound, followed by a thud. I opened my eyes to find a henchman of the corrupt trio on the ground. An arrow sticking out of the left side of his forehead. His blue newsboy cap had stumbled off his head and now lay upside down before his lifeless eyes. The scene had just begun to sink in when the archer shouted in an arrogant voice.

"This looks like an easy catch. Seems like the Uttarkshetra area will be easy to take" the voice echoes from behind me.

I turn to face the direction of the voice to find a woman in her early thirties wearing a police vest on top of a casual hoodie and a grey baseball cap, her long blonde hair had been tied in a neat bun behind her head. She looked like she would have been out for a run when the scenarios started. She was holding a bow which she had used to fire the arrow in question. A quiver hung behind her back filled with arrows and a King's flag, or rather Queen's flag of a deep brown shade. She was standing on top of an abandoned car and behind her stood an army of fifty to a hundred people, those that were visible at least, who knew how deep the crowd was.

There was only one thing I could do. Fight. First I needed to know her strengths. My body was taken over by instincts and adrenaline. This, this right here was the feeling I had been looking for. Like I was in control of everything, like I could change the colour of the skies or make the planet flat if I liked. Like everything here was mine to play with, change, destroy or create as I saw fit. Like I was the developer updating a game. I had missed this feeling. 

[Skill Character List has been activated]

[Skill D■■■lo■m■■t has been activated]

[Skill Character List is seeing the possibility of Profiler Log]

[Skill Character list has evolved into a passive skill Profiler Log]

Thanks for reading. If you have some thoughts, please do leave comments. I'd love to know what you guys think.

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