
Find the goblin, please! part 5

The next day we woke up completely refreshed after being able to eat to our heart's content.

It could be said It was a poor decision on my side to distribute everything yesterday and leave only enough to last us until today's breakfast, but it's not the case. What good is it having provisions that would last us a little more than a day if we were to find an untimely death because of being too weak to defend ourselves? We also needed the goblins to recover as much strength as possible in case we needed some reinforcements.

We set off from the camp again, but this time we moved faster and our mood had improved by leaps and bounds. Just as I thought, food is so important for morale that even if we could survive without food, it would probably drive us crazy.

It still amazes me how most people and adventurers alike don't see the importance on proper eating.