
Survival with my werewolf system

A world very much like are own but with a tiny difference it has mass isekai within it will are main character survive this and will I be able to make a ok story people actually like with good continuity let’s find out together

riser_7877 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

I hate bunny’s/ Chapter 7

As John, are main character walks through the snow a small snow storm starts to pick up luckily, it's not strong enough to hinder him at this time {you have taken 1 cold damage} another notification appears in front of John, annoyance appearing on his face. John distracted by the notification he trips over something, john turning to see what he tripped over he sees a mummified corpse of a deer with 4 puncture holes two in its chest area and two smaller punctures on the neck, confused and horrified of what could possibly do this John pick up his pace once more and goes into a jog as best he can in the snow that's now up to his ankles, still looking for some kind of shelter " there has to be some right, there are animal, so there has to be somewhere to get out of this snow and cold" " those stupid hand man, why did they drag me into this… I know I said something stupid as this was clearly a boss room or something, there was even a dam fog wall, any person would know that not a good thing" John frustrating said to him self.

{ you have taken 1 cold damage}

As we enter a cave we can see a trail of blood leading to what would of been a pure white and fluffy bunny. This bunny though, is not pure white as it has a massive amount of deep red stains covering most of its body, large ice horns on top of its head, what seems to be icicles floating around its body and large fangs covered in ice appear within its mouth, this bunny has also grown in size making it 137cm or 4ft 5 inches(roughly) in height. Next to it it has what looks like a mummified white furred hell dog next to it. As the bunny's red eyes pierce into the snow storm that is happening outside looking and watching something outside.

{you have taken 1 cold damage}

{you are in a snow storm you movement and sight have been restricted}

{you have taken 1 cold damage }

{you have been going through thick snow at a fast pace you have gained 3 dexterity points}

{adaptation has made it so your movement is not hindered by snow}

Johns pace sped up once more as he does his best to look for anything to take shelter in.

{you have taken 1 damage from a sneak attack} as Johns halo top now has a 4 cut in the back. John turns around and standing there is a white fox that is now snarling at John, all of a sudden the fox howls and 4 more appear from below the snow all attacking John. Sadly all the foxes miss as John just moves out the way by ducking their attacks," what did I do to deserve this, go away" John hisses, the foxes do not take notice of this and attack again, john dodges out the way again " oh come on, stop, I don't want to fight cute foxes" John says sadly, the foxes just attack once again but only 2 attack John, so John blocks one with his greaves and pushes the other fox out the way {you have taken 0 damage}, the other 2 foxes go and burrow under the snow, John looks around, but is unable to find the two foxes, seeing this, the two foxes above ground once again attack John {you have taken 0 damage} {you have taken 0 damage} as John was not properly paying attention they were able to bite and slash at him. "What to do, what to do, I really don't want to hurt what looks like an article fox they're just too cute to hurt, … foxes are predators, so they would be carnivores… meat! That's it!, That should work" John say with enthusiasm and he gets some of the hell dog meat from his inventory and shows the slabs of meat as clear as possible to the two white foxes as he can, and will throw it a bit away from him, but also in their direction and try to jester for the foxes to go and get the meat, while also getting low and slowly backing off.

The 2 foxes see this, but do not go straight towards the meat, they watch John, seeing what he does and as he is doing his best to show he is not a threat they slowly start to head toward the slabs of meat John threw, but always keeping an eye on John, one of the foxes does some kind of low howl and the two foxes that were burrowing pop their heads out the snow and look toward the other two foxes with a tiled head, then slowly heading towards the meat John threw. John, who has now backed away quite a distance, starts to slowly go round the 4 foxes and continue on his path to try and find shelter.

"Now that's strange, he has a heart, he might be more worthy than I thought, especially as he didn't attack those foxes, even thought he could easily and effortlessly defeat them, very strange for a demon" an unknown voice says.

{ you have taken 1 cold damage}

{ you have taken 1 cold damage}

{ you have taken 1 cold damage}

{ cold resistance has gone up by 1 you will now take 1 cold damage every 10 minutes}

In the distance John sees something, not too sure what it is he starts to head towards it, hoping it to be some sort of shelter. After around a minute John can start to make out some sort of cave so John starts heading toward it at a faster pace than before to hopefully get out this blizzard that has appeared.

{ you have taken 15 cold damage}

{you are bleeding you will lose 1 hp every minute}

John's eyes widen, as suddenly surge of pain and cold goes through his body, as he stops in his tracks because of the icicle that pierced his side, the icicle then disappears and a large bunny appears near the entrance of were we was heading, he then sees another icicle approach him so he quickly swaps to his great sword and swing at the approaching icicle, making contact with icicle but is not able to shatter the icicle, John instead is able to redirect it. So the icicle just misses the target and land into the snow with a puff sound, John then re equips his gauntlets & greaves for the speed boost they grant" what the fuck is this, magic, what am I meant to do against this, all I can do right now is stay moving" John think within a second as start to dash around in a zig zag style like you would do in video game when fighting a sniper.

" I need to stop the bleeding. What can I do… that's it, the blood! I need to use that." Still using the zig zag patent to avoid the barrage of icicles he does not have a change to actually get the blood out his inventory as he is occupied with just avoiding this barrage that came out of nowhere. After around 10 seconds the barrage stops, so John with the precious second quickly gets the water skin of blood and take a couple of glugs of blood {you have gained 20 hp} {bleeding has stopped} then the water skin disappears back into the inventory. As this happens John is able to barely see the bunny charge him with its horns, sadly with the little time he had to react, he was not able to fully avoid the attack {you have taken 5 cold damage} you have taken 3 damage} as it scratches his side.

John turns toward the bunny and equips his great sword and swing down {you have done 11 damage to ???} then switches back to gauntlets & greaves and while switching he jumps back causing the bunny to shoot out another icicle, John punches the icicle to try and redirect it { you have taken 3 points of cold damage} as he is successfully able to redirect the icicle toward the ground once more. The bunny sends out another icicle toward John and as John was getting ready to strike, the icicle, misses? Because of this John follow the icicle for a second, { you have taken 15 piercing damage} { you have taken 1 cold damage}{ blood is being drained rapidly 5 hp taken away every second} as the bunny is now attached to his arm, John out of instinct slams his arm against the ground { you have lost 5 hp} John then attempts to rip the jaws off his arm … with all his strength, he start to peal it off," no no no I will not die to a bloody bunny, not today, not ever!" { you are using demonic energy to enhance your strength} a faint see through haze appear around John increasing his strength, making him able to rip the bunny of his arm and throw it away {you have lost 5 hp} { choose. One has hit 0 hp…}

Everything starts to go black as John starts to fall into the snow as this happens John remembers something a health potion " no, no… use … the… health potion as, he hits the snow.

{using beginner health potion}

{35 hp has been}

John suddenly waking up in the snow, and with the bunny charging him once more, seeing this John rolls out the way and swings his fist at the bunny {you have done 10 damage to ???} John then stands up looking for the bunny, not seeing the bunny at this instant, John quickly try's to remember ever what he was feeling and what the demonic energy felt like, he needs that energy to win this fight. Thankfully, he seems to remember, as John focuses on those emotions and the feeling of demonic energy going into his arms and hands, only to see the bunny in the air, horns pointed at his face, John not having enough time to dodge, all he can do is attempt to grab the horns and stop them from piercing his head. John puts his hands out, moving head slightly and is able to grab the horns of the bunny. Because of this, the bunny starts flailing around madly, saliva spreading everywhere "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" John screams {you are using demonic energy to enhance your strength} and starts to pull in two different directions, this making the bunny spew even more saliva all over Johns top, while this is happening an icicle can be seen flying toward Johns leg. Blood and Cracking sounds can be heard from the horns as splinters are now visible while also seeming coming out the bunny's head. One of the horns gives out, and snaps in johns hand throwing the bunny into its own icicle {you have done 30 damage to???} {you have caused ??? To take an additional 5 cold damage} as the bunny is squirming on the floor in pain and screeching with blood coming from its head and body, John sees his opportunity and rushes over that same haze around his legs, John arrive. In front of the bunny, John equips the great swords, swinging it down on the bunny { you have done 12 damage to???} This making the bunny screech even louder, john not caring about the noice rises his sword again and slashes down one more time { you have crit 22 damage have been done to ???} as john hit it square in the throat with his great sword decapitated the bunny { you have killed ???} { vampiric bunny ice mutant variant added to bestiary}{ you have gained 100 exp} { your basic swordsmanship skill has levelled up twice} } your hand to hand skill has levelled up twice} { your cold resistance has levelled up twice} { pain resistance has levelled up} { you have used demonic energy before actually known how to use it, demonic energy manipulation has levelled twice}

" You know what… fuck bunny's! I hate them" { you have used up all demonic energy you had. You will not be able to move in 3 seconds} ( ・∇・) = johns face. John then charges into the cave as deep as he can go before losing all strength in his legs and arms and hitting the floor with a load thud.

" he actually did it, that's surprising, I honestly thought he would die to that, I guess he deserves more credit than I thought, I guess he will do" as an unknown voice echoes though the halls of an ice castle with icy eyes looking at a scrying orb"