
Survival Tactics Of The Laziest Prince Of Hell!

... Note: [The characters and story is completely original. Parental guidance due to gore and profanity.] The novel delves into the world of Bel, the seventh yet weakest, as he awakens in a realm filled with magic and betrayal. When he gets killed in the battlefield, he reincarnates into a cat (for a time being) similar but the strongest alternative mirror world of his own but he hasn't realized it yet. With a thirst for revenge against those who betrayed him during a demonic war, Belphegor navigates the challenges of a prestigious magic academy, encountering quirky characters and facing the consequences of a sealed fate. The narrative explores themes of power, betrayal, and the quest for redemption. Seeking redemption for his past, he enrolls in a magic academy. There, he must battle his way to survival and grow strong into a dog-eat-dog gorey world. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/455641/fictions. I am on royal road as well.

underwearloafer · perkotaan
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Эгоистка/Le Fleur

The thunder comes up, the dirt and soil shake and the dogs are in awe of the purple lightning that just rose from the dirt.

THUD! The "Belphégor" had returned. The man, figure arises.

DADAN! The dogs are completely solidified. 

Belphégor's terrifying awakening doesn't even scare the dogs. They all have the same uninterested look if that is even possible. They all look at the puny spirit thing that is swinging around the air, with a little cricket-like sound coming.

The dogs laugh and leave. It would be insulting if they hurt a spirit that is so small. After all, it is believed that universally is it wrong to hurt a spirit. So, the magical beast also avoids them. The dog slowly goes away but he is delusional, thinking they shooed away such big dogs with their power that even the fly might brush it away.

Belphégor, while laughing sees the cat that awakened it but unfortunately, the cat has passed away.

He goes near, "To think you could revive me, the great Belphégor, you are to be honored."He joins his nonexistent palms. He closes his eyes while chanting something softly. He looks at the cat's body too. But none of the oracles are open. The orange cat has had this mouth closed that connects directly to where the soul resides.

So, the next one.

The other oracle that connects to the soul. In this world, the other oracle that connects to the soul and is always open is the one behind. The glorious asshole is the only thing that is open always.

He decides that he wanted some time to recollect his memory and he wanted some time before he got his way into the cat's body. He sits on the top of the cat's body.

'I was definitely in the war, I was at the lead, unlike those lazy shitheads, sitting like they own the war and now they have sealed themselves, fucking losers.'

Bel clenches his fists and as bites his lips in his spirit form which has a humane appearance.

"They fucking betrayed me. They were trying to kill me in the palace too when all I did was sleep."

Bel slaps his forehead.

"This is so annoying. But there is nothing I can do about it. The seal must be getting weaker, so it might not be too long before I kill those traitors. This time, I will side with nobody. Before that, I need to remember what happened.

They severely injured my six hearts, I fell unconscious.

To escape my devastating state, I must have subconsciously used my sixth heart's mana. The seal was no joke, it completely sucked every demon kin, but why was I left behind?"

I slowly make my way through the dimly lit alley, my fragile body trembling with hunger. My fur hangs loosely from my skeletal frame, a testament to the days and nights I've gone without nourishment. Every step I take is a struggle, my frail legs barely able to support me.

My once-proud eyes, now sunken and desperate, scan the ground for any sign of sustenance. The pungent scent of discarded food wafts through the air, taunting me with its cruel promise. My tongue, dry and cracked, yearns for just a taste of anything edible.

I approach a garbage bin, its contents a potential lifeline. With a feeble effort, I paw through the refuse, my hope diminishing with each empty container. The scraps I find are meager at best, but I devour them, desperate to fill the void in my empty stomach.

My world has narrowed to this relentless search for food, my instincts driving me forward despite the pain and weakness. I am but a ghost of the vibrant creature I once was, condemned to scavenge and survive, a malnourished soul in a malnourished body.

It wasn't enough. The food wasn't enough for a day. The scavenging would go good one day but the other days it would be full of stupid stuff humans use.

My body flinched suddenly, I saw nothing.

The smell was the reason, the dogs that were chasing this body earlier were nearby, and it might have caused some type of PTSD or stress.

So, I ran away.

There is little to do nothing.

I saw an alleyway on the slumps that I've been roaming for food, I thought other cats were welcoming to their kind but orange cats are neglected here.

Other cats were there, but not very welcoming. While I was on the run, I thought it was the same. All these peoples, the demons and the humans, every creature are the same. And I thought everyone would be so kind in the human world. I should've never gotten my hopes high.

I walked away as those cats chased me away. But the dogs had tracked me through my horrible smell. They lunged at me, faster than before.

Fear courses through my feline veins as I dash through the field, the barking of the dogs growing louder with each stride. My agile legs propel me forward, and my heart races. Their pursuit is relentless, and I can almost feel their hot breath on my tail, their sharp teeth itching to grab hold of me. Panic surges within me as I search for any escape, hoping I can outmaneuver these tenacious canine hunters.

My whiskers twitch with anxiety, and the world becomes a blur as I push my lithe body to its limits. The dogs gain ground, their relentless barks a constant reminder of the danger at my heels. My muscles burn, and my chest heaves with each rapid breath, but slowing down is not an option.

Then, I spot a tall tree up ahead, its branches swaying gently in the breeze. With a burst of feline agility, I change course and sprint toward it, my paws barely touching the soft earth. The dogs are almost upon me, their jaws snapping inches from my tail. I reach the tree in the nick of time, my claws digging into its rough bark as the dogs jump, missing me by a whisker.

Safe for the moment, I perch on a sturdy branch, my heart still pounding with fear. The dogs circle below, their frustration evident in their growls and barks. I know I can't stay here indefinitely.

After I climbed down a bit, I was truly exhausted. Those dogs were not gone yet but I was very hungry.

The hunger didn't let me eat the leaves and barks of the tree, so I spotted a blind spot of those bastards and ran away.

The dogs flinched at the disappearance of my smell and ran after me again. They were chasing me down. It seems like they were hunting down other cats for fun. I was the easy target.

They are relentless, aren't they?

Meaty bastards are chasing me with a smile.

Right around the end of the slump of the land. I jump on the low wall somehow, as I run a little bit ahead. My whiskers smell a glimpse of demonic aura on the side of the alleyway, a familiar scent.

The dogs had finally caught up with me.

The dogs look at the cat smirking around the corner as if it had the power to overthrow the dozen dogs behind them.

"Meow~ Meowwww, Nyaaaaaaaa!"

Which roughly translates to;

"You dogs didn't trap me, all of you are trapped in here with me! Nya!"

As a cat with mana, I crouched low in the shadows, my fur bristling with energy. Dozens of dogs barked and growled, circling me like a pack of hungry wolves. With a flick of my tail, I blasted the power within me, a shimmering aura of magic enveloping my agile body.

The leader of the pack lunged at me first, teeth bared. With a lightning-fast swipe of my paw, I unleashed a bolt of mana, sending him tumbling backward, yelping in pain. The others hesitated, momentarily taken aback by my superiority of demonic mana.


The dogs were in awe.

I pounced, my claws crackling with energy, and swiftly dispatched another two dogs with well-aimed strikes. The remaining dogs closed in, but I danced and weaved through their attacks, my mana-infused movements too quick for them to follow.

With each swipe and strike, I harnessed my mana to fend off their relentless attack. I called upon the black fog, summoning gusts of wind to knock some off balance and choke them with the black dust.

It was a mesmerizing display of feline prowess and magical finesse.

As the battle raged on, the dogs began to retreat, their tails between their legs, whimpering in defeat. I stood victorious, my mana-wreathed form a testament to the power of a cat with supernatural abilities. With a triumphant purr, I watched the dogs scatter, knowing they would think twice before challenging me again.

I threatened the fat dog to take me to the food storage that they eat. Then I rode the fat dog, like a king. My mouth watered with the things that I saw.

And while I was eating, the fat dog presented his jokes, which earlier no one had listened to.

"Why did the dog sit in the shade? Because he didn't want to be a hot dog!"

The joke was so bad, I laughed but there was still something missing inside me.

After a few days, I was in a normal state of a cat. I could find many others now. I beat the annoying cats and ate a lot. But the original owner of this body's wish was still unfulfilled. I could never find it. I eat a lot, and I beat the dogs and cats, which were threatening me. The wish was not fulfilled. I tried showing kindness, and it eased me a bit but the wish was far from it. The fat dog and I Travelled away from the slumps while we were given treats by the people on the way.

They had never seen a cat on the back of a fat dog, walking like they were humans.

We were on the outskirts of a town, not far away from the capital. We lived there. But the wish was not fulfilled. I listened to the jokes of the fat dog and spent my days.

After a few days, It was raining. The fat dog and I was sleeping beside the dumps. We were completely soaked. It was going on, the fat one was sick, due to the cold.

But he opened his mouth.

"How do you know if a dog is enjoying the rain? He'll have a "ruff" time staying dry!"

I laughed a bit. It was the first time I felt joy.

I patted the dog, he knew I was thinking a lot these days, I appreciate his work but his health was declining hard. I cheered him saying he was my first friend in my lifetime. He would snicker and laugh while coughing.

The rain didn't stop. I would scratch onto others' legs to heal the dog or take me and Jim into a Shelter but they would kick or shoo us away. I stole bread and found a cardboard near the dumps that was seen clearly from the road. I insisted the fat dog move with me there. I never knew it would be the worst decision, I should've kept him with his pack.

His health was declining rapidly. I tried to heal him but healing with demonic mana when they are made out of divine, would be worse than death. The night I poured heavy. It was looming so I slept on the fat dog's belly. In the morning, I told him I was going to get some food but there was no response.

"Hey! Why aren't you answering?"

"Why aren't you joking first thing in the morning?"

I scratched his belly before he used to laugh but it was too silent. I brought food and more food and placed it there for him to eat. I don't believe he is dead or anything like that, he is sleeping. He will wake up!

Another day passed, and I piled a lot of food around him. He wouldn't joke, he wouldn't open his eyes.

What? Don't think bad. He must've been asleep. It was still raining. I talked for hours and hours to him and swayed away the flies that were surrounding him. I also joked but he didn't laugh.

Colder as the days seem to get. He wouldn't wake up, what should I do?

"What in the actual hell should I do?"

"He wouldn't wake up! It had been days, He wouldn't wake up."

The food is piling up but the dog is still lying in the same position. A boy comes up to the skinny cat and picks it up.