
Nicely handled

Not sure what Matty was going off about he doesn't seem all that bad. He looks kind of like Ross, only not as friendly looking. Like Ross' older evil brother I laugh to myself. I check the wine and see it's high percent and realise I'm tipsy. I pour myself another glass and damn IKEA for they're massive glass sizes, making me drink nearly 2/3 of a bottle. No wonder I'm getting drunk.

I return with the guys drinks and put them on the side, mentally face palming myself for not doing up the buttons on the shirt and giving them an eyeful.

Matty is rolling up and I go and sit closest to him.

I sip my wine and try to not focus on Jay giving me the once over. And to be fair I'm getting fairly used to guys checking me out by now, and I'm not exactly helping my cause on this occasion wearing hold ups and my boyfriends shirt as a dress.

Maybe I should have changed? But then I think no if I'm gonna stay here permanently that's not happening every time a guy happens to come around.

Matty lights up and then passes it to me.

I have a little and then pass it back to him. He leans back and I decide fuck it and I lean onto him, glass of wine in my hand. He puts his arm back around me even though Jay is eyeing my legs.

"You okay man" Matty asks Jay handing him the spliff.

"I'm good, man. You've been hiding this one" he says referring to me again

"Not hiding" I say and laugh. Matty smirks.

"We've been a little busy" I tell him

"We have" Matty replies stroking my waist.

"So Taylor" he's clearly decided talking about me when I'm here isn't gonna work. And has opted to be more direct.

"You off to uni next year" he asks.

"I am yeah."

"Jay is a second year" Matty informs me.

"What are you studying ?" I ask him

Not gonna lie I was a little shocked he's already managed a whole year of university and not been kicked out. He seems bad.

"Politics" he says and I think fuck there it is. That's why he's a dick. Maybe I'm being unfair ?

"How about you Taylor?" He asks me handing the spliff to me and sipping his brandy.

"I'm kind of studying dance and music and media" I say

"Woah that's a lot" he says and I'm getting fed up of people saying that

"I'll probably major in dance" I tell him

"You must be talented" he says

"She is" Matty says.

"You coming to the party on Friday Tay" he asks me sweeping his eyes over me yet again.

"We are" I tell him including Matty in the equation. I pass the spliff to him it's nearly done.

"I am, I wasn't going too because Jen is going" he tells us though we didn't ask.

"Jen is such a headache man" he says

Great just who I wanted to talk about. I thought she was with Brad. She has a nerve judging me.

Matty strokes my side and I sip on my wine.

"Do you wanna take some to go ?" Matty asks Jay whilst looking down at me laying against him.

"You know I think she mentioned you Tay actually. I can see why she's jealous" Jay remarks laughing and very much dodging Matty's question.

"You are causing quite a stir" he laughs

Matty just waits. Holding onto me.

"yeah man if you don't mind I'll take some" he says finally. I move off of Matty and stand up and follow them to the kitchen.

Jay stares at me briefly standing in the kitchen doorway. When he walks back he passes me by and heads for the door.

"See you at the party Tay" he says

"Thanks man" he tells Matty

I notice he gets on a motorbike and speeds of to wherever it is he's going.

"Nicely handled" Matty remarks

"Girls always just let him talk" he clarifies

"Yeah not happening" I tell Matty.

He smiles. We're both a little high now too. I'm feeling relaxed.

I go and lay down on the sofa, he clambers on top of me. He undoes all of the remaining buttons on the shirt. And is shocked at my red underwear and hold ups.

"This is the ugh same bra and underwear as the first time" he asks me flustered.

"It is" I tell him.

He just looks at me for a few minutes. And I wonder what it is he's thinking.

He makes my tummy flip with anticipation when he quickly takes off all of his clothes.

"Babe, trust me?" He asks

"Of course I do" I tell him

He takes my hand with my ring on and places it under my red underwear and shows me how to touch myself down there. I'm quickly turned on.

It feels much better than I thought it would. And he watches completely in awe.

"Have you ever done this before" he asks me

"Never" I tell him.

After watching me for a little bit he says "You want me to put a condom on?"

I'm confused for a second. Does he mean what I think he does or is he asking me if he can have sex with me?

"I want you, Matty" I tell him still touching myself. "You can have me babe" he says

"Condom or none?, I can pull out if you like"