

I'm going to treat this like it's her first ever time having sex. I scoop her up and lay her down on my bed, for a minute I just watch her watching me. I need to commit this scene to memory, it's just too perfect.

I pull down my boxers grabbing a Johnny from the bedside table. She takes in my length with her eyes.

I crawl on top of her, and gently prize her knickers from her perfect body. She looks at me, this is the first time we have been completely naked together, there's nothing in between us.

"Im going to use my mouth first okay?" I ask her

She nods at me. I don't think this has ever been done to her before and it makes me so much harder.

I part her legs, she's still got those distracting hold ups on, slight rips in them made by my hands earlier. I smile.

I start to run my tongue over her, I feel her body react to me. She's wet already. I gently suck her down there and she pleads me for more. I move my arms to circle around her hips, I can feel her hands in my hair.

"Matty I want you now, I'm ready" she pleads with me.

Something about the way she says that makes me feel instinctual.

I lift my head and slowly kiss and bite my way up her body. She parts her legs more and I rest in between them.

I look into her eyes "are you sure babe?" I ask her.

"I am sure" she says back to me.

I move her arms to above her head and grasp her hands together in mine. No more moving.

Agonisingly slowly I inch myself into her.

"Fuck" I say to her raggedly.

"You are unbelievable, I'm trying so hard Taylor to go slow but just feeling how wet you are for me" I say to her "it's something else".

I can't have ever imagined just how she would feel until now. She's whimpering underneath me, moving her legs apart. I don't believe she has had sex before or if she has he didn't do it right.

"You all good, babe? Not hurting you at all?" I ask her kissing her neck.

"Mmm I'm great" she says hoarsely

Fuck I can't contain myself.

"Matty? How does it feel? For you" She seriously asks me.

"Perfection, like I knew it would" I smile kissing her lips.

***Taylor's POV***

Matty finds a natural rhythm on top of me.

I'm watching the muscles in his arms flex and contract as he's on top of me. I look down and see his abs. He looks up at me, moving his hair briefly out of his face. His green eyes look completely lost and in awe. In awe of me? Unsure as to how that can be possible.

"You feel so fucking good" he tells me

My tummy flips, when he swears and when he talks to me like that I can't help but feel so turned on. He notices as I arch my hips up to him meeting him mid thrust.

It did sting and hurt at little at first, that's undeniable. It was an altogether different experience to my time with Tom.

I'm now completely lost in his motion, thrusting into me. He's still holding my hands captive above my head.

"I want my hands back babe" I say to him

He smiles at me mischievously.

"Make me" he says.

"How? I literally cannot move you're stronger than me" I say to him.

I kiss his neck and up to his ear. I then whisper "please Matty" seductively in his ear.

He thrusts harder into me. It feels amazing.

"Please Matty" I say again biting his neck this time.

He faces me. Eyes coming to mine.

"God you are beautiful, who would be able to say no to you" he says.

I'm beautiful? He is the beautiful one.

With my hands successfully released I run them up his side, then feeling his abs and reaching them around to his back, massaging his shoulders. His muscles feel taut underneath my hands.

He moans my name. I smile, he is mine right now. No distractions, we are the only thing that exists in this world.

He thrusts harder into me, his free hand finding my breast.

"Can we try something?" I ask him. Not sure where my confidence has come from

"Sure" a cheeky grin comes onto his lips.

"Can I go on top" l ask him shyly


He slowly moves off of me and lays down beside me. I waste no time but to climb on top of him.

He helps me guide himself inside of me. I'm sitting up and his hands quickly finds my breast again. He moves his hand up to my lips. I kiss his fingers.

" your body is incredibly hot, Taylor" he says taking in my breasts and hips.

I start grinding on him like when I danced for him before. Only now we are naked and he is inside of me. Even though I'm totally inexperienced it feels amazing.

"Fuck" he says raggedly.

It feels like he's vibrating inside of me, there's so much pressure and it's delicious and I yield into it.

I feel completely euphoric as he calls out my name, he is sitting now arms around my back, I didn't even notice he moved whilst I was grinding away on him. He's holding onto me his hands on my hips pushing me closer into him.

I open my eyes and his are searching mine. He is silent and so am I. Staying where we are he moves his hands up my back around my neck and pulling my face to him he kisses me. Holding on and not letting go.