
Chapter 853: Why is the surgery not bleeding, don't scare me!

Unexpectedly, Professor Liang, accompanied by Yang Ping, came in to take a glance and inadvertently helped Director Long solve a major problem.

There was also surgery in Orthopedics, which Professor Liang wanted to observe, so he couldn't stay long in the Pancreatic Surgery operating room.

Initially, Professor Liang entered to say a few words to Director Long; after this little interlude, he actually forgot what he had wanted to say. He thought about it for a long time and couldn't remember. It wasn't anything urgent or important, anyway.

"Professor Yang, I'm treating tonight. Make sure you remember and call all your Ward Department brothers," said Director Long keenly.

Director Long was serious about treating.

"Xiao Lu, later you tally the number of people and book a nice place in advance," Director Long instructed Dr. Lv.