
Chapter 755: The Ruthless Approach _3


Discarding the removed eyeball would truly be a pity, if it could be replanted, that would be better, but replanting is extremely difficult. If there is enough length of the optic nerve after it has been freed, allowing the eyeball to move out of the way without obstructing the surgery, it is possible to replant.

However, there are difficulties with replanting. Once the eyeball is back in its socket, there is no space to perform vascular anastomosis.

Yang Ping had thought this through carefully. He designed a special window on the lateral side of the outer canthus, which could be used to anastomose the veins and arteries of the eyeball during replantation, thus avoiding the sacrifice of an eyeball, which would be such a pity otherwise.


The WeChat group had been active these past few days. John Ansen sent the fMRI images to the group, as well as the results of everyone's discussions.