
Chapter 684: Is this my skin?

Boss Liao washed two apples, one for himself and one for Teacher Sun.

"I've always admired heroes like you who're brave enough to help others. If it hadn't been for a hero who saved me when I was a child, I wouldn't be sitting here today. Yet till now, I have no clue who saved me. Teacher Sun, considering the huge fire, if I had been too scared to get in there, how did you muster such courage?" Boss Liao chatted as he ate his apple.

Teacher Sun smiled faintly: "I wouldn't say hero, it was a dire situation and I didn't think much. I knew there were over ten students trapped inside. If I didn't get in there, we would have lost all those children."

"My students have to come, some of them will be here by tomorrow." Teacher Sun thought of his students.

Some of these students had done well academically, made it to premier universities, while others, not so good, started working right after high school.