
Chapter 0343: The Man on the Peak

Just three days after the preoperative discussion, Yu Shuilian's surgery officially began.

For the surgery, Yu Shuilian underwent thorough intestinal cleansing three days ago and was put on a diet, all her nutrition being supplied intravenously.

The aim is to ensure there is no food residue in the intestines during the operation, thereby minimizing the risk of infection.

The urine bag and feces bag were temporarily removed. Urine will be expelled via a sterile urinary catheter attached to a urine bag installed during surgery.

As Shuilian was on a diet, there were no feces temporarily, thus no worries of fecal contamination during surgery.

However, after this surgery, a fistula in the bladder and colon needs to be maintained for a while, so that urine can be drained directly from the kidneys through a drain tube, without affecting the survival of the rebuilt urethra.