
Chapter 0320 Stutter Xu

Yang Ping finished the surgery and returned to the department.

Dr. Xu Zhiliang, the Emergency Department doctor who had stopped Yu Shuilian's bleeding with his bare hands, was waiting for Yang Ping in the office. As soon as he saw Yang Ping return, he immediately stood up.

"Do-doc---tor Yang, it's an—-honor to—-assist you in surgery. My name is---Xu Zhiliang."

The man spoke with a stutter; his speech was inconsistent, and it took a long time to finish a sentence. After speaking, his face turned red, purely out of embarrassment.

Xu Zhiliang was in his early thirties and was nicknamed stutter Xu. He was born with a stutter. But the weird thing about him was that whenever he had to perform emergency treatment, he could speak fluidly. But once the emergency was over, he would resume stuttering.