
Chapter 0310: Consumer

Innumerable patients, endless surgeries, as the cycle continues, this is how each day is spent.

There are two things in the world that people hope will disappear every day, but they never do.

These two things are--- disease and war.

Where is health? Where medical care is most advanced, people are most likely to be healthy, and life expectancy is highest.

Where is peace? Where the armed forces are most powerful, the likelihood of war is the least, and people live the most stable lives.

The results of Sisi's follow-up examination came out. Yang Ping let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no obvious signs of recurrence.

However, Yang Ping was clear that recurrence was only a matter of time. With malign tumors at this stage, surgical methods could not completely eradicate the tumor cells. It's just that the remaining tumor cells had not yet divided up to a significant extent and were not yet noticeably reflected in the imaging.