
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · perkotaan
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32 Chs

Surf My Dreams

Milo groaned as he tried to lift himself from the comfortable bed. His head was pounding, and the room seemed to spin around him. He rubbed his temples, trying to soothe the headache plaguing him since he arrived in Australia.

He had been looking forward to the trip, a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of LA and spend some quality time with his brother. But the jetlag had hit him hard, and the raucous party had done little to help him get the rest he desperately needed.

As he stumbled towards the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could feel the warm sunlight streaming onto his face. He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering grogginess. The light breeze blew through the room, carrying the salty scent of the nearby ocean.

Despite his headache, Milo couldn't help but be in awe of the breathtaking view from his brother's penthouse beachside apartment. The clear blue waters stretched out as far as the eye could see, the crashing waves creating a soothing rhythm that seemed to calm his troubled mind.

As the party slowly ended, Milo found himself grateful for the peace that came with the early morning light. He sat by the window, watching the sunrise over the beautiful Gold Coast.

Despite the headache and the jetlag, he knew he was exactly where he needed to be. With his brother by his side and the beautiful Australian coastline in front of him, he felt a sense of calm that he had not experienced in a long time.

As the day began, Milo promised himself that he would make the most of his time in Australia, taking in all the beauty and adventure the country had to offer. With renewed energy and determination, he knew he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Milo let out a deep sigh as he glanced at his phone. He had a surfing lesson scheduled in 40 minutes and was far from mentally prepared for the challenge ahead. After all, he had only taken a few classes back in LA with his friend Emily, and the surf conditions here in Australia were vastly different.

The exhaustion from his jetlag was starting to catch up with him, and he knew that diving into the ocean with so little sleep was probably not the best idea. But the thought of canceling his lesson made him feel guilty. He had booked it three months in advance and didn't want to let the surfing company down or mess up their schedule for the week.

As he opened his bedroom door, he was struck again by the stunning coastline view. The tinted windows brought in a flood of sunlight, illuminating the spacious apartment and highlighting the turquoise ocean below. Even from this height, he could make out Surfers Paradise, a popular destination for tourists and surfers alike.

Seeing the gentle waves caressing the sand below was mesmerizing, and Milo couldn't help but feel drawn toward the ocean. It was as if the call of the surf was too strong to ignore, and he knew he couldn't back down from the challenge.

Milo stumbled out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes and feeling the effects of jet lag. He made his way through the hallway, marveling at the cleanliness of the expansive lounge room. Thanks to his brother's efficient housekeeping staff, not even a cushion was out of place.

He passed through the enormous living room, admiring the expensive furnishings and tasteful, original artwork on the walls. The room was spacious, with a vaulted ceiling and large windows that let in plenty of natural light. Milo felt small in comparison to the grandeur of the space.

As he entered the gleaming kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled his nostrils. He couldn't resist the urge to prepare a cup for himself, hoping it would help him feel more awake and alert. Dan, his brother, appeared in the kitchen a few moments later, the picture of health and full of life.

"Sleep well?" Dan asked with a smile.

Milo glared at him, feeling a little grumpy from the effects of jet lag. He hit the button on the espresso machine, starting another coffee.

"You know, you could have taken the private jet," Dan said, chuckling. "Would have saved you the jet lag."

Milo rolled his eyes. "You know I hate flying in those things," he replied.

Dan nodded, understanding. "Fair enough. So, what are your plans for the day?"

Milo shrugged. "I'm taking a surf lesson with Waves R Us," he said. "I hear the waves are pretty good here."

Dan grinned. "Ah, I know that company; she is just the person to teach you. Amy, she's one of the best surf instructors in town."

Milo raised an eyebrow. "Amy, huh? Sounds intriguing."

Dan chuckled. "Don't get any ideas, bro. She's a professional."

Milo just grinned, feeling excited at the prospect of meeting this Amy. He finished his coffee and returned to his room to change into his swim trunks, eager to hit the waves and meet this intriguing surf instructor.

Taking a deep breath, he reminded himself that he was here to try new things and explore the beauty of Australia. With renewed determination, he grabbed his surfboard and headed towards the beach, ready to tackle the waves and embrace the excitement of the unknown.

Milo took a deep breath, determined to push through his exhaustion and make the most of his first surfing experience in Australia. He grabbed his board and went down to the beach.

The early morning air was crisp and refreshing, and as he walked along the sand, he could feel his energy levels rising. The turquoise ocean called to him, and he couldn't wait to dive in and ride the waves.

Milo arrived at the beach just before his surf lesson, feeling nervous and unsure of himself. He scanned the sand, looking for any sign of Amy, the woman his brother had recommended as his surf instructor. Spotting a group of surfers congregating nearby, he awkwardly approached them.

"Excuse me," he said, his voice a little too loud. "Can any of you point me in the direction of Amy?"

One of the surfers, a tall, muscular man with shaggy hair, turned to him. "Amy?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "You mean Amy from Waves R Us Surf School?"

Milo nodded, feeling a little embarrassed.

The surfer chuckled. "That would be here, man. You're in the right place. She will be along soon."

As Milo waited for Amy to arrive, he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the other surfers around him. They all looked confident and at ease while he began his surfing journey.

Finally, he saw a figure jogging across the sand toward him. As she got closer, he could see that it was Amy. She was even more stunning up close than he had imagined. Her tanned skin glowed in the sun, and her long, wavy blonde hair flowed behind her as she ran. She wore a wet suit that hugged her curves, and Milo couldn't help but feel enchanted.

"Hey there," Amy said, stopping in front of him. "You must be Milo."

Milo nodded, feeling a little tongue-tied. "Uh, yeah. That's me."

Amy flashed him a warm smile, and Milo felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't deny his attraction towards her, and he hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself too much during the lesson. Amy exuded a friendly and warm demeanor. Milo couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he met her, knowing he was in good hands for his first surfing lesson in Australia.

Amy quickly assessed his skill level and ensured he had everything he needed for a safe and successful surf. As they made their way out into the water, Milo felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him. The waves were powerful, but with Amy's guidance, he felt confident and ready to take them on.

For the next hour, Milo and Amy surfed together, riding wave after wave and feeling the rush of adrenaline that comes with this exhilarating sport. Despite his initial exhaustion, Milo was fully immersed in the experience, soaking in the coastline's beauty and feeling the ocean's power beneath him.