
Supreme Transmigrator-Axton Zavier

Martin woke up in a seething rage. The memory of his father's name leaving the mouth of the assassin tasked with his death was forever etched into the inner parts of his brain. The man he had trusted with his life, although they weren't that close, Martin had never thought he would be the reason for his death. But in the darkness that followed, something extraordinary happened. he found himself transmigrated into a new body, in a new world. A vessel made for his burning anger and thirst for revenge. He was accompanied on his journey by a strange type of rune, and blessed with an hidden room of power. In his new life, he realized he wasn't spared from the constant betrayals. Martin forged his timid heart into one made of boiling furnace, his soul was fueled by the desire to return to his world and pay his father for his crimes. He took an oath, one drenched in the blood and sweat of his struggles: They would grovel before his feet. Each breath he took was tainted with the want for vengeance, each step was guided by the inferno that blazed wildly in him. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, but Martin welcomed it, for it was the crucible in which he would forge his revenge. "I AM AXTON ZAVIER, THE SUPREME GOD OF CULTIVATION." ......................... _________ ****I do not own the cover**** I have been planning this story for a year now and I hope you like it. Yes it has everything ranging from action, adventure, revenge, etc. DISCORD SERVER : https://discord.com/invite/UXY22fphqe ____ CHAPTER LENGTH (1000-1500) Depending on my inspiration. (1-3) CHAPTERS DAILY 20 powerstones leads to an extra chapter at the end of the week! 40 powerstones leads to two extra chapters at the end of the week! ^^ Thank you for joining me on this literary journey. Enjoy the adventure!

LIGht_Pen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs


"F**k, I'm definitely going to have nightmares if I survive this shit." Martin's eyes scanned the area as he thought.

Death felt closer than ever, but strangely, Martin wasn't consumed by fear. After all, he had already died once. He glanced around again trying to, realizing that he had searched everywhere except one area. Slowly, his head tilted up, and there it was, staring back at him with bright red eyes and mouth stained with Liam's blood. 

A colossal creature loomed over him, resembling the blind orc he had seen earlier, but this one was larger, with a radiant gem embedded in the center of its head. The one that had been killed by Liam was hairless and hideous but this one looked slightly majestic with the beard like hair sticking from under its jaw.

Martin stood perfectly still, he was confident that the creature was sensitive to movement and sound. However, he was badly mistaken, as the beast abruptly widened its jaw and lunged forward, aiming for a swift bite, just as it had ended Liam's life. But, thankfully, Martin's legs immediately returned back to life and he swiftly rolled out of harm's way.

"What the hell is happening?" Martin muttered, from when he had rolled to. Why was death so adamant on taking his soul?. He had not yet created enough distance between himself and the creature but he looked like he was deep in thought as he watched the creature 

He recalled Liam's actions. Maybe he could do something like that too. "Earth Rune: Rock Fist!" he yelled, thrusting his left hand forward as if punching the air, but nothing happened. No enchanted rock emerged from the ground. Nothing changed, except that the creature was now charging straight at him.

"F**k, I got transmigrated into a useless body," Martin cursed as he dodged the first attack. The Blind Orc was unnaturally enormous, yet it displayed astonishing agility, due to the speed at which it had charged at Martin, it found itself heading straight for a ruined building but a twist of its legs allowed it to swiftly turn resembling the drift of a car.

Martin should be lucky that the creature had no tail because a little swing could have flung him straight into his death. 

The creature extended one of its limbs, swiping a claw at Martin. However, the agile human managed to escape its deadly reach.

"I'm don't want to die again!" Martin cried out as he ran desperately for his life. The Blind Orc relentlessly pursued its free meal.

After several minutes of evasion and near-death experiences, Martin felt his limbs protesting against his desperate escape. But he pushed further, desperately searching for a place to hide and wait it out.

Yet the Blind Orc, relentless and determined, had already familiarized itself with Martin's scent. It didn't take long before it tracked him down and found him in a building that looked like it would topple any moment from now. 

"Where are your saviors when you friggin need them?!" Martin exclaimed, frustrated and panicked. Suddenly, his limbs betrayed him, and he found himself falling headfirst into the ground.

Tripping over debris, Martin quickly glanced behind him to see the Blind Orc had stopped and was sniffing the air. He was about to celebrate thinking the creature had lost his scent but the joy died down immediately when he realized that the creature had looked in his direction and was closing in on him.

"F**k!" Martin muttered, crawling backward, trying to increase the distance between himself and the gruesome beast. But it was too late; the Blind Orc had already detected him and it seemed like it was already tired of the game. 

The monstrous creature reached Martin, but it had miscalculated its positioning. The prey it had been hunting was now directly beneath its belly.

Martin's heart pounded relentlessly, his breath held, sweat forming on his forehead. The monster loomed above him, drooling. Martin's eyes zeroed in on its jaw, where a drop of saliva dangled, suspended in time. He had to remain perfectly still 

An involuntary hiccup suddenly escaped Martin's throat, and the Blind Orc responded with a deafening roar. It had found its elusive meal. Slowly, it shifted back, lowering its head to Martin's face, savoring the scent of its newfound prey.

The creature had indeed found pleasure in chasing its food, but now it was hungry. Martin had given up all hope of rescue, composing the speech he would deliver to his grandfather if he met him in the afterlife.

With his eyes closed and acceptance of his second demise, he braced himself for the inevitable bone-crushing end.

His eyes was closed as a piercing sound penetrated the air followed by the high pitched squeal of the beast. Yet Martin didn't open his eyes as he thought his brain was probably playing huge tricks on him. 

"You can stand up now." The sweetest voice floated into his ears yet it somehow sounded very familiar, too familiar. 

With that thought, Martin opened his eyes and his suspicions were confirmed. It was the assassin that had killed him but from the indifferent look in her eyes, she didn't remember it. 

The girl in front of him was the exact same copy of the woman that had assassinated him. His eyes widened, it was either this was a dream or it was some kind of expensive joke.

She had the same fiery red hair that he loved, she donned a red dress that had a V-shaped neck line but it was brought down low enough for his eyes to admire the fruits that whatever supreme god had blessed her with. They looked so soft and he was confident she had pointed nipples. This notion was not due to his numerous experiences he had with sexy young women back in his other world that allowed him to physically ascertain the physical qualities of a a woman–He was proud of this certain skill.

His thoughts were due to the fact that her nipples were visibly seen as they pushed against the thin linen of her dress begging for him to pinch them.

The dress flowed down to accentuate her waist but it divided into three slits from her waist as his eyes travelled down, there was a golden band than seemed to connect to each slit and it settled perfectly on her waist.

"You want to keep lying down?" her tone held a slight tone of displeasure, as if she was used to men staring at her like a meal.

Her voice immediately brought Martin out of his trance. 

"Thank you for saving me." The corners of lip lifted up to form a bright and grateful smile. He brought his hand forward for a handsome, but she looked confused and decided that ignoring him was the best to deal with someone like him.

Martin didn't seem a bit bothered that she walked out on his handsake, soon enough, when h settled in this world, he would make her crawl to him. 

His head turned to his right and he saw the Blind Orc taking its last breath, the gem on its head had been removed and an empty hole laid in its place. A hole was seen on its side and if Martin looked through it, he would be able to see the other side of the beast. The hole had some scorched marks around it, and the inside of the beast emitted a smoky scent. 

Martin was shocked, the beast had killed Liam in one bite and it has recklessly chased him without any care for its body. How did she manage to kill it.

He stared down and saw something pointed retract back into the girl's hand as she moved, then a strange symbol at the back of her hand slowly faded away.

"We should leave here." The girl said without even looking back at him. Martin could only nod his head, he understood her type.

They were the kind of ladies that would show immense respect for the strong and powerful but they only offered pity to the weak and nothing else. She wasn't arrogant, she just gave admiration to who deserved it.

He walked behind her but he struggled to keep his eyes straight ahead. They kept staring into another direction. He could only sigh as he watched the swaying of her hips. 

Anyone who saw him would think of him as a pervert, his eyes were acting on their own accord and he had nothing to do with it.

Martin decided to look through the memory of the body of the man his soul had occupied. Images flowed through his head and he had to stifle a grunt so as not to alert the girl who was in front of him. 

She walked like she was in control of whatever would happened to them so he took the pleasure of using the time to actually figure out his state of mind.

From the images that passed acrossed his head, he realized this Axton was an orphan. He sighed, typical transmigration. Why couldn't he find himself in the body of a wealthy man with a lot of sexy wives?

Now he had recalled all about the story of this orphan.

His name was Axton Zavier. His line came from the external side of the family they were under so he wasn't allowed to bear the family name which was "Kian". He had to take up his father's name. His parents had died on a mission when he was at the age of fourteen.

The whole problem started from the property Zavier, Axton's father had bought after saving up for seven good years and he had bought it for a price of two gold loins. 

Loins were the currency used in the world he was in. Apparently a gold loins is the sum of a thousand silver loins, one silver loins is the sum of a hundred bronze loins. Five bronze loins was enough to feed a family of five for a whole week and there'd still some leftovers for a pet or two after every meal. 

From this deduction, Martin concluded that his new family were poor and calling them poor would be a disgrace to the poor people out there. 

He was an orphan and he was poor, the complete opposite of his former life. He was useless in two aspects of his life. 

At that moment, he decided that it was either this was all a ploy by some heavenly being to kill his boredom and they chose him as a playtoy or he was the main character in some sadistic author's webnovel. 

"F**k!" Martin couldn't help but curse out loud and it alerted the girl.

"What did you say?" She asked, looking at him with an arched brow.

"F**k… " Martin slowly said, matching her gaze. 

"What is the meaning of that word?" The girl furrowed her brow while Martin's eyes widened and a smile crept on to his face.

At least there was one good thing in this world.

Thanks for reading... Let's push Axton Zavier to the top.

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