
Supreme Sovereign.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? A single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding.

The_king_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

strange things to strange.

Emerging from the portal, Rishi and Rahul were on full alert for any potential dangers lurking in the shadows of the alley where they appeared. Amaan glanced around, hoping to discern any notable differences from Earth, but found little to distinguish the low realm from what he knew.

Not much difference, huh? Amaan remarked, a touch of disappointment in his voice.

What are you talking about? It's vastly different," Rahul retorted, surprising Amaan.

Nearing him, Amaan asked, What did you notice?

Look at the buildings nearby. They aren't made of steel but a different material. And I can sense several cultivators nearby. What I'm seeing right now is something that needs to be witnessed with one's own eyes,

What came into view made him gasp, his breath escaping in cold breath. The first thing he noticed was the diversity among the people. There seemed to be a multitude of races mingling in the crowd. He saw a women with fluffy ears like a dog on Earth, but the strangest sight was a dog walking on two legs beside her, wearing clothes and holding her waist. It wasn't fully canine-like on Earth; its legs and face were that of a dog but the body was of a human. There were other similar creatures with different facial structures. Just a bit behind that pair, he even spotted a fairy – if he could call her that – a girl the same size as his forearm, floating among the people as if nothing were unusual, her wings fully on display, As well as a devil with red skin and horns on his head, approached amaan, he said, Human, stand to the side of the foot park, not just around the intersection. There are people in a hurry, you know. With that, he passed by Amaan, I was too baffled to reply.

Looking up, he noticed the advanced technologies weaving through the bustling streets. Holograms of advertisements flickered around him. Towering spires of architecture stood tall, juxtaposed against sleek, modern skyscrapers that scraped the sky. The air buzzed with activity, a symphony of voices speaking myriad languages, phones ringing incessantly.

Turning his gaze downward, he marveled at the engineering marvels beneath his feet. The roads were a blend of traditional cobblestone paths and futuristic materials. Gleaming hovercars zoomed past, their sleek forms slicing through the air effortlessly. Pedestrians strolled along, their footsteps echoing against the ancient stone sidewalks. Above them, elevated walkways crisscrossed the skyline like intricate spiderwebs.

Metro trains glided silently along elevated tracks, their sleek carriages ferrying passengers with precision timing. Airships drifted lazily overhead, their elegant designs reminiscent of a bygone era. Sleek drones darted between skyscrapers, delivering goods and messages with uncanny efficiency.

The buildings themselves are a testament to the city's rich history and boundless ambition, but the biggest thing that seemed to outshine all others was none other than the grand palaces adorned with intricate carvings, standing as a testament to centuries of royal rule. The gleaming structure, which was even felt from that distance, made him certain that the palace was much larger than anything that might have been made on Earth, maybe as large as mountains or maybe even bigger. The distance between him and the palace was vast, yet he could still feel and sense it as if it demanded not to be ignored.

Coming just behind him, Rahul and Rishi too looked around, causing them to take a deep breath. Rahul, with the help of his mind sense, immediately sensed the differences, but it was just vague letting him tell Amaan about the difference. He didn't have the power to look over the entire area with his mind sense. Like him, Rishi was also shocked, and for him, things like this were new, making him excited as well.

Looking at the palace, Rishi said, They are using the law for the presence to be known, showing off.

This statement piqued the curiosity of the other two, prompting them to ask, What do you mean?

In response to their question, he explained, Well, you can think of it as a principle being set for the low realm to acknowledge the presence. For example, gravity is there because it's a law of the universe and could also be interpreted as a principle being set. It's the same here. Someone of higher rank has set a principle on that palace, making people acknowledge it as well as feel the grandness of it,

Damn it, man, Amaan interjected grumpily. Since when did cultivators become so advanced and sophisticated? And when did so many races start living together? Wasn't it supposed to be that races were enemies fighting to the death? Amaan truly felt his expectations being shattered; the novels he had read had all been lies. At least there is some truth.

Rahul asked, What might that be?

"Women, bro, women," Amaan replied, gesturing around them. Just look at every one of them. They could be considered the epitome of beauty on Earth. His comment made the rishi facepalm himself.

While Rahul saying that's true making him glance at some of them Well, jokes aside, where are we now? Any idea? Rahul asked, bringing Amaan out of his fantasy.

I checked the moment we arrived," Rishi said. We are in a low realm known as Sebela, which seems to be divided into parts, which is strange. But leaving that aside, at the moment, we are in the royal capital and at the same time, in the royal city.

He sent us to the most dangerous location, Rahul said, cursing Aryan.

We will need to be extremely careful. We are in the most guarded location of Sebela with no identity or id card and no way of verifying us. I don't want to see what will happen if they find out we're not natives or tourists, Rahul said.

Nodding in agreement, Rishi suggested, That's wise. It's best to leave this location as soon as possible and go somewhere less dangerous.

While Rishi was confident in his ability to protect the other two, he wasn't willing to test it out in real-time. 

Amaan chimed in, Well, let's leave after we grab something to eat. I've been starving for days now. His words rang true, making Rahul hungry as well. 

Looking at Rishi, Rahul said, "Can you find a good hotel for us to eat? While you might not feel hungry, me and Amaan are starving."

"Sure," Rishi replied. "Seera, give me the location of the best hotel near us." A screen appeared before them, piquing the curiosity of the others. Finding the location, Rishi said, It's just a few miles ahead of us. We can take teleportation near here.

Both of them remained silent about the screen, too hungry to ask questions. Either way, there was plenty of time to ask questions later.

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