
Supreme Simple System

Wiradhi Ranata, a 31 years old NEET, is Isekai'd after he get choked to the death when eating mochi on New Year. As cliché as it sounds, he got a System like every other Isekai'd MC out there. With the System in Hand, the World is in my Hand! And thus began his Adventure, completing quests, killing monsters and villains, and of course, gathering heavenly beauties in his Harem!

Viadhivan_Ranata · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Wiradhi Ranata II

My name is Wiradhi Ranata, oh I am already introduced myself on the third chapter, right?

I was born on the 26th day in the Month of Shimotsuki[1]

Before we continuing on the story of when I am already 18 years old at the time I am doing XXX with my beautiful and sexy niece on X-Mas Eve, let's do a little flashback a bit to the past.

As I have mentioned in the previos chapter, I was born from a Half Human Half Demon Father and a Pure Angel Mother.

Thus, I become a ¼ Human ¼ Demon and ½ Angel Hybrid.

And with such powerful bloodline, so naturally my cultivation talent is way faster and more formidable than the ordinary people.

Although my speed of cultivation progress are still slower than a certain prodigy in my big family.

She is a Half Human Half Kitsune Being and her name is Faladhina Kiseki.

But I know for certain that she got so far in her cultivation because she is not only talented but also very hardworking.

Ever since she is very little, her strict parents are already disciplined her very well.

While the other kids (of course with me included) spent our happy childhood go to school in the morning and playing from afternoon until evening then studying at night, her childhood are spent only for schooling then cultivate, cultivate and cultivate.

While I and the other kids in our family leisurely only spend 1 to 2 hours to cultivate and training almost everyday, I know that she spend at least 4 times that amount of time everyday in her cultivation.

That's why it's no wonder that she becomes the strongest prodigy in the current generation of our family.

Even I and my little sister who is a ¼ Human ¼ Demon and ½ Dragon Hybrid didn't have as high level as she is despite us having a far superior talent.

That's proof that hard works beats talents, but only if the talented are lazy XD

Finally when the three of us reach the age of 10 years old, now it's time for us to formally start our debut in the cultivation world.

Every year, my family gathered together and held an Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament.

In that tournament, every single member of our family who has reached the age of 10 to 17 years old are all eligible to participate.

I along with my little sister and that niece of mine are all become the three seeded participant due to our high level of cultivation.

At that time, I and my little sister have already reached the Fifth Level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

But that niece of mine managed to surprised everyone as she have reached the Sixth Level of the Foundation Establishment Realm!

How awesome is that feat of hers? Let me elaborate for you all so you can understand.

If we compare ourselves to other mediocr.... ehem, I mean, the average member of our cultivation family, normally ten years old kids would have only reached the Third or the Fourth Level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The Fifth Level of the Foundation Establishment Realm like what me and my sister have reached at the age of 10 are normally reached by normal people on the age of 15.

And the Sixth Level of the Foundation Establishment Realm that my niece currently in are usually only reached by average member of cultivation society on the age of 21!

Imagine that, a 10 years old who have cultivation level equal to twice her age!

So of course every older generation in my family are very proud to have such a genius as part of the fresh blood in our family.

Especially her parents...., oh, everyone here should all must see how smug their face is when they are bragging about their daughter's achievement.

That is...., until I beat their daughter on the final round of the tournament.

He he he he, you think just because she is one level higher than me that means I can't defeat her?

Dream on!

As an ex-gamer from Earth who are used to solo High Difficulty Level Boss in Seg* and Nint*ndo games, defeating someone merely on one level higher than me is a piece of cake.

It's far easier than soloing the Elder Dragons in M*nster H*nter, or the nasty Bosses in Meg*man games.

Do you think I spent 10 years of my childhood only by playing and fooling around?

I have also trained myself specifically to emulate many skills from video games character I am familiar with.

I may not be able to use K*meh*meha or Had*uken now, but using sword and shield to do Riposte like in Am*lur The Reck*ning are as easy as breathing to me now.

Using just block or parry and then counter tactics is more than enough for me to defeat all those 10-17 year old brats and secured the champion spot of the Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament.

Though I also become the focus of everyone there as I am the only participant who used a Sword and Shield as my armaments.

Everyone aside from me are using either a single one handed weapon in their dominant hand or holding a two handed weapon in both hands.

Even my little sister dual wield a pair of katana as her weapons and that niece of mine hold a spear using both of her hands.

I really don't understand those cultivation people, though.

Why must they have their hands full with only weapons?

Did they think shields are not important?

Nah, it's good anyway for me, as I am so easily win against all those people whose fighting style heavily rely on the offensive capability.

I dodged the easy attacks and block all the other hits coming for me while patiently waiting for my opponents to make an opening before I deliver a strike of mine right to their bodies.

Oh, in this tournament, each participant are given a Protective Talisman that make an Aura Shield covering their bodies to prevent any injuries.

The winner in the duel is determined by which one managed to break their opponent's Aura Shield first.

But even though the Aura Shield covering the whole body provide protection against injury, the pain from being hit are still exist to make the people literally learn from the painful lessons :)

Most of the time, due to the participant in my age category are still young and thus not very resistant to pain, many of them choose to surrender when they can't stand the pain from being hit multiple times anymore, even though their Aura Shield are clearly still intact and can withstand some more hits.

Only the older people and a few youths such as my little sister who are defeated by my niece, are losing the match by having their Aura Shield broken.

Well, that's another reason why I don't hold back on beating my niece on the final round back there.

Even though it's quite the shame for a beautiful foxy little girl like her to be beaten black and blue by me.

But what can I do? She didn't surrender until her Aura Shield is broken from a hit I delivered to her stomach and the match ended with my victory.

And it was at that time..., that something new is awakened inside of me.

(Author's Note: No, it's not a Sadistic Tendency he awakened there XD)


A crisp and clear sound suddenly ringing in my head, the chime sounds so pleasant to the ear like that coming from a high quality ringing bell.





[1] Shimotsuki: The 11th Month in Classic Japanese Calendar, equivalent to November. Shimotsuki is written in Japanese Kanji which means "Month of Frost" as in this month the weather started to become very cold as autumn ended and winter season approaches.