

A little wolf born on a desolate continent in a forest where the weak are prey and the strong are still prey struggles to rise to the top of the food chain in its pursuit of perfection, but how can one be perfect without achieving eternity?

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582 Chs


"What does it mean to have a pure heart ?"This was a very difficult question to answer since no one with a pure heart had ever existed in the world and those that did were too young to offer any useful insight in the matter .

"Can I have a pure heart?"

Kai Syaoran asked himself before dismissing this notion.In the moment he asked himself this question, he was also thinking about abducting a few children to experiment on them until he found out the composition of a pure heart .

"This thought was not something that could come from a pure heart.

At least according to the morals established by society."

Kai Syaoran continued analyzing the issue from all angles .

 Sky Wolf Star system .

"I am willing to help you since you are my benefactors but I need to know your intent before doing anything .If I find that what you want goes against my beliefs ,I am willing to repay your benevolence in another way."said the Fire Sage .