

Top Head was in rage. His plan did not only fail but also shattered in the worst possible way. Michael was alive, the Divine Lifeforms chosen to become Michael's Subordinates – for a few minutes until he would be killed and the Links of Loyalty severed – were not there anymore and in full control of the man they'd betrayed just now, and the Elders realized that they'd been betrayed as well.

Also, the Floating Union was no more. 

The Floating Union was one of the most – if not the most – valuable assets of the Altors Union. The powers of the Floating Union greatly surpassed a Demi God's power. They rivaled a god's abilities!

"Why did you do that?" One of the oldest Elders asked, his voice cracking in anger. He approached Top Heads fearlessly. So what if Top Heads was stronger than him? Would Top Head tear off his head in front of everyone? Maybe, but that didn't matter at this moment.