
Silver Inferno I

In the flourishing Untamed Jungle, where the harmonious melody of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and distant monster calls ought to be omnipresent, an ominous threat lurked in the shadows.

Unbeknownst to the Invaders of the eerie Untamed Jungle, chaos was about to be unleashed – quite literally at that.

The atmosphere was heavy with tension and anticipation as a deafening silence fell upon the Untamed Jungle. 

Slowly but steadily, the 13 Paladins – fully coated in their Holy Aura, their weapons unsheathed and ready to battle – advanced through the dark undergrowth of the Untamed Jungle, trying to pave their way through the Untamed Jungle's dense environment. They ignored the storm all around them and stayed fully guarded to act the moment they sensed the presence of an opponent.