

The atmosphere all over the Lord Rift had changed. Nothing looked the same as before.

The Mountain range was towering tall against the horizon, but it didn't feel like a symbol of peace anymore. On the contrary, its once clouded peak was now veiled in a dark cloak of ash and smoke.

Rivers of molten lava streamed down its sides with an ominous, fierce intensity. The air all over the Lord Rift held the scent of sulfur, and the ground trembled with the echoes of the mountain range's unleashed fury. Or that was what it felt like to Michael as he stared at the mountain range that turned out to be a volcano, which had erupted not too long ago.

But even if the erupted volcano and the streams of molten lava were already fearsome, and a bad omen of what awaited the Lords in the last hour until the Lord Rift would close, the being soaring through the vast expanse of the crimson sky was far more terrifying.