

Masked Saber had been tackling another Horned Werewolf when he noticed what transpired behind his back.

He swirled around his own axis and released most of the silver energy coating his saber at once. The silver energy burst in the enraged Horned Werewolf's direction, piercing a hole in the monster's chest.

Yet, instead of killing the enraged Horned Werewolf with a single blow, the hole merely crushed the monster's scales and bits of its firm and highly resilient flesh.

Michael frowned deeply seeing the negligible damage caused by Masked Saber. Under normal circumstances, the burst of silver energy was enough to deliver a killing blow to a Low Tier-2 Monster. Even Monsters with strong defense wouldn't be able to block Masked Saber's attack that easily.

"Superior Existences?" Michael blurted out in confusion.