

The burial chamber of the Pharaoh was filled with ancient treasures.

Seeing them filled Danny's heart with excitement. He was feeling utterly exhausted after tirelessly fighting to conquer the Primedival Pyramid for months with little to no breaks, but he was also happy.

The raid would end soon, providing him with enough resources to complete the reconstruction of his Summoning Gate and provide the resources needed to expand his territory all over the hidden region of the Sacred Desert.

How could he not feel happy? 

But he was having a nagging feeling that something was off. 

Thus, Daniel Fang moved slowly through the burial chamber, vigilant of traps and Guardian Statues that may awaken and appear suddenly. However, there was nothing.

By the time he reached the Pharaoh's sarcophagus, Danny calmed down a little. Everything had gone according to his plan. He had done it!