
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Derivasi dari karya
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 Cultivation.

Cultivation is divided into nine ranks - Gu Master, rank one to rank five, and Gu Immortal, rank six to rank nine, cultivation. Mortals are those who haven't yet started cultivating. Those who manage to open their aperture are, henceforth, called Gu Masters. They nourish their aperture walls and destroy them repeatedly until reaching the peak of mortal cultivation. They can decide to attempt immortal ascension and become an incomparably more powerful Gu Immortal.

However there are exceptions. The ten extreme physiques after reaching a certain level around the third rank their aperture automatically nuture themselves.

Man Tian summoned the earth spirit and questioned him "How long have I been asleep?"

The Earth spirit although puzzled replied "You have been asleep for almost eighteen hours master."

Just when the earth spirit finished saying this it stopped as if it noticed a weird phenomenon "Master how did you breakthrough in a few hours and you were asleep?"

"I do not know." replied Man Tian subconsciously while thinking 'is this the talent that Ren Zu and his children had?'

Man Tian smiled and asked "So how are you managing the grotto heaven tell me everything."

The Earth spirit answered immediately "My main body had one of the ten extreme physiques being the Verdant Great Sun Physique.

I was a gu master of the late olden antiquity era I was lucky enough to meet old immortal Kong Jue.

He was one of the Three Olds, a supreme grandmaster refinement path.

He assisted me in my immortal ascension in return I gave one of the immortal gu I refined in the sympathy of heaven and earth.

Old immortal Kong Jue provided me with the fixed immortal travel gu.

Infact I have the inheritance of old immortal Kong Jue.

My immortal aperture is larger than usual since Verdant Great Sun Physique is a space path physique.

While the usual extreme physiques have at most of 13000km² I had 14400km² with the river of time flowing 1 to 45 although I believe the Desolate Ancient Moon Physique should have time way faster than mine.

The grotto heaven is divided into six parts:

mortal resource points, to produce mortal Gu, mortal Gu materials, and ordinary beasts and plants.

Immortal resource points which satisfy the feeding of my three rank eight Immortal Gu two rank seven gu and ten rank six immortal gu.

A complete self sufficient immortal ecosystem including immortal plants and immortal beasts.

Production of resource points for trade.

Production areas for immortal gu which has produced 3 rank six immortal gu up until this point in time.

The rearing and raising of humans and variant humans for longevity gu which we have produced around three hundred and sixty thousand years worth of longevity gu in almost nine hundred thousand years."

Man Tian frowned, from what he could see the rate of longevity gu was 1:3 but the novel said it was proportional to the number of human cultivators.

Man Tian nodded and praised the earth spirit for taking good care of the blessed land which made the earth spirit feel like a dog being pet by it owner.

Man Tian smiled and asked "Is there any wide space which can fit a huge lake without affecting the environment?"

The Earth spirit immediately nodded and answered "Yes master only 30 percent of the grotto heaven is used."

Man Tian nodded and asked "Do you have any problems with the calamities and tribulations huh?"

The Earth spirit nodded and answered "Yes master I barely get by everytime."

Man Tian nodded in contemplation and asked "Is there any disadvantage if you make the grotto heaven fall to a blessed land?"

The Earth spirit answered "Yes I will get weaker since I will lose some of my DAO until I return to a grotto heaven this making me a bit weaker."

Man Tian asked seriously "Will the space of the grotto heaven be affected?"

The Earth spirit shook its head in denial.

Seeing this Man Tian asked it to a place where he can release the blue sea of life.

The Blue Sea of life is the sea from where Life Gu all lifeforms, including Ren Zu, came out. Difficulty Gu can be found on the beach of this sea. Ren Zu once used them to refine Wealth Gu.

Life Gu was a legendary life-giving Gu that was recorded in Legend of Ren Zu.

Life Gu was formed out of the The Blue Sea of Life. It looked like gems and had blue color. Each one of them had the form of the living beings it will come out as once the gu worms landed ashore by the tide.

Man Tian tried to get life Gu by suffocating an enslaved variant human for more than fifteen minute blue gem gu came out.

Man Tian immediately ordered the earth spirit to capture it.

When the earth spirit finally brought the Life Gu Man Tian almost snatched it away looking at the the shape of the life gu which had the shape of a beastman. but to Man Tian's surprise it was actually a rank 2 gu worm which means it gives you the same rank as you put in.

Man Tian found that life gu actually creates a new life form with infinite possibilities unlike the normal humans who were derived from Ren Zu and his children.

This new finding actually gave Man Tian a new direction to plan but after awhile he found his research lacked some inspiration for his research so he decided to postpone it and focus on soul cultivation and the research of new immortal gu.


A few months later.

Kong Jue blessed land.

The Earth spirit has finally finished taking down the grotto heaven into a blessed land and placed down three secluded domains of heaven and earth.

Man Tian decided not to place the primordial domain and the river of time.

In this few months Man Tian had strengthened his soul foundation to a million man soul and his aperture was stuck at the peak of rank five.

In this few months he had found a way to split his soul into sub souls who could not disobey his orders with his human and soul path foundation.

Man Tian had already decided not to interfere with fang yuan's journey to destroy fate gu or even take supreme fetus gu from him.

You cannot steal opportunities from someone and still expect them to do the task for you even the best of cooks cannot make a good dish with no ingredients.

"Earth spirit!" Man Tian called out.

The Earth spirit immediately appeared near him and answered "Yes master how can I help you?"

Man Tian smiled lightly and asked "How many immortal essence stones do we have left now?"

The Earth spirit answered "We have around three million six hundred thousand immortal essence stones available right now."

Man Tian nodded "Good very good and around how many immortal essence stones does it take to hire a rank 8 gu immortal to help me travel the five regions and two heavens?"

The Earth spirit scratched his head answered "That depends on your needs master but I guess most of them would charge anywhere from eight hundred immortal essence stones to one thousand immortal essence stones."

Man Tian nodded his head while in thought and said "That is more than I expected but offer them four thousand five hundred immortal essence stones to take me to travel for four to five years. I want to gain some life experience. Oh before I forget how long before the central continent refinement path convention?"


Considering the protagonist has almost everything I am going to send him to tour the five regions and two heavens.

Ps. The protagonist will not fight with Fang Yuan at least until the crazed demon cave arc and since reverend insanity is not complete I am going to use the fanfic continuation as reference for some unclear parts ie the two remaining extreme physiques.