
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Komik
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241 Chs

×Chapter 199×The True Grim Reaper


*Dxd World*

*Human World*




*Hostella Nightclub*



*2 Days Before The War*

The oldman George glanced over to Hazel talking happily."You're in a hurry huh, alright, go call Hazel over, mention the agency."He said to the guard that stood behind him.

The guard nodded before walking over without hesitation, but suddenly he frowned, as he got closer to the table he felt like his body was becoming heavier and that a pressure was on his back.

But soon he arrive and sweat was on his forehead, the girls seeing a big burly man behind them looked at him confused.

Ava looked annoyed."Can I help you with something?."She asked with attitude, she could tell he was up to no good instantly, she glanced around and her eyes landed on the 6 oldmen looking over.'Dammit.'

."Sorry to disturb your table but there is someone that would appreciate the presence of Ms Hazel."The guard spoke as he motioned to George.

Hazel looked over confused "What does he want with me, I refuse, can't you see I'm with friends already?."She said turning away from him.

."Ms Hazel, I wouldn't be so quick to refuse his invitation, this could be a great opportunity for promotions for you, Mr George is one of the major shareholders of your modeling Agency after all."He said calmly.

Ava, Aniyah, Hazel, Lisa and even Nalisa frowned, she didn't like the way things are turning out, she glanced to Haile who was looking elsewhere.

.'Should I handle the situation if it gets out of hand, master what should I do.'Nalisa thought as she glanced at Hazel's expression, her master doesn't just mingle with anyone so for him to be with them he must like them a bit.

Hazel was now in a dilemma, she knows those oldmen were up to no good, if she goes they may try to force themselves on her but if she doesn't go she will lose her job.

."Hazel, come on, I told you to ditch that job every since, why not come work as a model for my company, I will pay you the same amount you are currently getting."Aniyah said with annoyance at her friend, she just never listens.

Hazel made a disturbed expression making Aniyah angry."What, are you too proud to work for your friend, huh, is your stupid ego making you an idiot, all I want is for you to be happy."She said becoming sad afterwards.

The guard of George frowned."Do you have any idea who Mr George is, he is not just a shareholder, his father is the oats guy, his mother is the daughter of a world Bank owner, you can't offend this man."He said trying to save the stupid girl.

."Hazel what do you want to do, no matter what you decide, just remember that we have your back as always."Ava said casually as she leaned back relaxing in her seat picking up her drink that was brought back by the waiter.

Hazel glanced up at Haile as she stare at him for a bit, it was almost like she wanted to ask him of what she should do.

Haile saw this and smiled at her."What is it Hazel, do you dislike it, just say so."He said to her, in the end she was not one of his women so she can do whatever she wants to do.

Hazel glanced over to George then to Aniyah, Ava and her friend Lisa, she sighed before a flash of determination appeared in her eyes locking them with Haile's."I do, I don't want to become that type of person."She said softly, she may lose her job but at least her pride will remain intact.

Ava and Aniyah smiled, Aniyah had a satisfied expression on her face."Good, great decision, with me around money is the least of your problems."She said confidently as she pat her chest.

The guard of George looked shocked at the silliness of these people, he shook his head."So is that your final decision?."He asked to make sure.

Hazel gazed at him calmly then looked off ignoring him, she had much better things to worry about and look at.

The guards brow twitched in distain."Guess this is what I get for being kind, well I tried to warn you, now the consequences are yours to deal with."He said before walking off going back to George.

In the club they were several top celebrities and rich people that saw the exchange, they knew shit was about to go down, those oldmen are little more than petty children.

Hazel observed the guard speaking to George and the other oldmen, she could feel their fury from where she sat, she got a bit worried as her heartbeat increased and she felt overwhelmed.


Just then Haile's voice echoed in her ears, he spoke gently to her, she looked over as he sipped his strawberry vodka."You have no need to worry, you are now under my protection, should God himself arrive he could only retreat back to heaven."He said casually.


The girls looked at him surprised for moment before breaking out into laugher.


Aniyah, Lisa, Ava and Hazel smiled, Hazel wiped a tear from her eyes."Haile that was a good one, thank you for that laugh."Hazel said gratefully, he always knows just what to say.

Haile remained silent as he just smiled, Nalisa on the other hand sat calmly, she of course knew her master was not joking when he said those words, if he said it it's definitely true.

."But still, maybe I should just go over for good measure, I don't want him trying to kill me, could you come with me Haile?."Hazel asked him lightly, she just doesn't feel safe going over there by herself.

Haile stood up, his drink in hand and began the journey."Let's go, I don't know why you're so scared, I said I'll protect you."He said calmly as his imposing back seemed like an immovable mountain.

The girls all found themselves looking at it in wonder and awe, even Hazel forgetting to move, but she quickly came back to her senses and followed behind him.

Ava looked a bit bitter and envious."Man I'm so jealous, why can't he protect me like that to, with his big strong muscular arms and his.. *drool* haha."She chuckled like a goofball as she went into a day dream.

."Protection from what, you know no one wouldn't risk doing anything to you with those crazy fans of yours."Aniyah spoke as she fold her arms hugging her chest and shaking her head at her downbad friend.

Ava got dejected again hearing that."Those damn bastards, always protecting me, *sigh* but..."She came to a stop as she remembered certain things of the past that happened to her, if it wasn't for her fans then she would probably be dead.

."Ms Ava, you need not worry, the very fact that you sit at this table means you are under the protection of my darling as well."Nalisa said proudly and confidently."Nothing can happen to you."

Lisa, Hazel's friend pointed at herself curiously."Even me?."She ask feeling a bit self-conscious and inadequate.

."Uh, yeah sure."Nalisa said scratching her cheek with an awkward smile.'Probably, I hope, master could be a bit evil at times, but I'm sure he's not that evil....'

Over with Haile and Hazel who were approaching the table of the 6 rich oldmen, she was a bit uncomfortable but with Haile by her side it was made better.

As she approached the table, Hazel noticed that the other old men were eyeing her gazing all over her body.

She instantly felt a sense of unease wash over her as she stood infront of George who was eyeing her like prey.

."Ah, Hazel, thank you for coming."George said with a smile and gestured for her to take a seat."Haha I almost thought we had a problem but I'm glad you saw reason."

George paused as he saw a shadow envelop Hazel from behind, he looked up and saw the most beautiful golden eyes he'd ever seen but somehow it gave him chills.

The other oldmen was drawn to him as well, Haile realising he was stealing the attention waved his hand lessening his presence."I'm just the bodyguard, ignore me."He said calmly.

George tilt his head a bit confused but focused back on Hazel who stiffened up at his gaze."Hazel, I apologize for the abrupt summons, but we have a matter of great importance to discuss with you."He said putting his elbows on the table and positioning his fingers perfectly reflective of each other.

Hazel hesitated for a moment even glancing back at Haile before sitting down."What is it that you want to discuss with me."She asked, her tone wary and her eyes a little bit anxious.

George leaned forward, a serious expression on his face."As you know, tensions between the modeling factions have been rising in recent months, we fear that war may soon be upon us."He said gravely as his eyes glint.

Hazel felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of war."What does this have to do with me?"She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

."Did you forget, you are also a model, you will be affect, but with your help, all this could be avoided, other models would not have to get hurt either."George spoke slowly and hypnotizing."We are also willing to pay handsomely for your services, of course."

Hazel looked at George suspiciously, she glanced around, the other oldmen looked like they were trying to hold in their laughter, others in the club whispered among themselves at her expenses, no matter what this was not a good outcome.

."What is it that you want from me."Hazel asked with a frown of disgust, she knew what was to come.

George had a small smile on his lips."Well, my friend here John is like the mascot of the agencies, a happy John means a peaceful modeling world, now how to make John a happy man."He smirked as he spoke.

John licked his lips as he devoured her with his eyes."Hahaha, come on George don't scare the poor girl, I'm afraid she'll misunderstand."He said with a grin."What he means is, spend one night with me and all these problems will magically go away."

Hazel's face turned white in fury, she slammed her hand on the table standing up."How dare you, do you think you can do whatever you want just because I'm signed to your agency!!!."She spoke loudly.

John squint his eyes, he looked at George who got angry."Hazel, what are you doing, do you want to destroy the agency that treated you so well all these years."He said pounding his own fist on the table in righteous anger."We made you rich and famous!."

."Also, do not forget who we have, she would be very upset that you let that happen to her."George spoke with a vile and monstrous expression on his face.

Hazel's body trembled violently, her face turned several shades of green and blue."You wouldn't dare!!!!."She screamed out, one of her nails broke as she scratched the table but she couldn't even feel it.

."Hahaha, dare to do what Ms Hazel, do I dare, I don't know, maybe, maybe not, but do you want to find ou- *gasp*."George suddenly froze up as the words got caught in his throat, his eyes constricted like needles, he grabbed and clawed at his chest.



George fell over pulling the table cloth off spilling the drinks on the ground and onto himself, foam came from his mouth as his body convulsed.


This situation caught everyone off guard, no one was prepared, the 5 other oldmen were in shocked, the guards were frozen stiff and Hazel covered her mouth.






A shrill scream tore through the nightclub waking up everyone, the guards rushed to George's aid, the other's in the club gathered around, the 5 oldmen were the most affected, as it happened so suddenly it frightened them.

Hazel sat down with weak knees as she stared at George's body on the ground.'W-what, what's going on, just like that.'She was in a state of shell-shocked, in times like these she could only rely on him, she glanced around for Haile.

She looked up and saw Haile standing behind her, his hair covered his face gently and his eyes could be seen only slightly, but to Hazel's shock his usual brown eyes were shining a cold golden shade.

Hazel's eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat, she turned her head to look at George.'My God....my God...my God...oh my God.'Her brain malfunctioned, her mind instantly went to what he told her before.

Haile gazed at the dead body of George as he felt Hazel's thoughts."..You have no need to worry, you are now under my protection, should God himself arrive he could only retreat back to heaven."He said calmly once again.

Hazel was speechless, her breath hitched as her body seemingly vibrated, she looked at her hands and they were trembling intensely, she covered her face trying to ease her breathing.

The guard of George face went white as he was tending to him, he stopped as he knelt down."No way, how could this be, he's dead!."He spoke listlessly.

John and the other oldmen were scared shitless, John looked around."WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR, CALL THE GOD DAMN AMBULANCE!!!."He shouted out in fury and fear.


."AGhghH!?."John grabbed his chest feeling a sharp pain, he looked down in terror, tears came from his eyes as he fell on his knees and over on his face.

.""Ahhhh no no, what's happening!?!?"".

The entire club went into an uproar, everyone was now getting scared, a few people were already on the run, some called the ambulance and police.

The guards of the nightclub came over trying to understand the situation.






One by one almost like a final destination scene all the other oldmen fell down holding their chest and foaming at the mouth like dogs with rabies, the only ones left of the oldmen's people were the frightened guards.



The sirens of ambulances and police appeared outside quickly enough, people came rushing in with stretchers and police came running in fully armed to the teeth."Any suspicious action will be seen as a threat and will be promptly terminated."The police officer shouted.

The ambulance people quickly went to the 6 oldmen on the ground, they were told not to touch the evidence to much but to still check on them.

At this point everyone present were witnesses and suspects till the bodies are taken in for autopsy revealing the cause of their deaths.

Nalisa, Ava, Aniyah and Lisa came over to Haile and Hazel with worry, Ava pat Hazel's shoulder."Are you ok Hazel."She asked with concern.

."...Dead...their dead..dead..of me..dead.."Hazel spoke with confusion and shock, she sounded almost traumatized by it, she after all had never seen anyone die in person before, let alone like that.

Aniyah hugged Hazel."It's going to be alright Hazel, this has nothing to do with you, you'll be fine."She said comforting her.

Nalisa stood beside Haile, she glanced up at him before hugging his arm comfortably.'Though I may be a hypocrite now, I can't find myself being mad at you master, I am blinded by the light of love.'She thought.

After that the police investigated everything for over four hours, they even checked the security cameras and found nothing suspicious around their deaths, so they had no choice but to let everyone go after taking down their information incase any changes come up.

It was now after 3am, Haile and the girls were outside, Aniyah, Ava and Lisa looked over to Hazel with concern, she was off to the side alone so they looked at Haile with begging eyes.

Haile of course understood what they meant, he sighed as he walked over to Hazel who showed no reaction to him coming over, her body was already trembling as she hugged herself tightly.

He didn't say a word, he took off his blazer leaving himself with just a white shirt, he draped it over her shoulders gently and stood behind her.

Hazel kept her eyes forward to the road still making no reaction, but her eyes began to shake a bit, who knows if it was fear or just something else.

."Hazel, do you fear me?."Haile ask calmly as he glanced around the darkness of the streets.


.""Why do you fear me?"".

.""...because..I don't understand.."".

.""Why fear your protector?"".

.""...I don't understand.."".

.""Why don't you try to understand?"".

.""..I'm scared..."".

.""What are you scared of"".

.""..i don't know..."".

.""You're scared because you don't know?"".


.""I see"".


Haile and Hazel stood in silence, Haile looked up at the cloudy skies hiding the stars behind it, he then looked at Hazel."Do you want to know."He asked her.

Hazel was silent, she glanced across to Ava, Aniyah and Lisa."..do I have a choice..."She asked.

."Do you want a choice?."Haile asked her back a question in turn gazing at her gently blowing hair in the wind.

Hazel looked down to her feet."Can I think about it."She asked, she was too tire to think right now, she needs to get some sleep.

."Sure, you can go on home now, I'll see you tomorrow."Haile said to her, he touched her face gently to gave some comfort before turning around going back to the other's.

He smiled as he shook his head."She will need some rest, she is just a bit stressed, so go take her home, though it's probably best if you three stay with her tonight."He said to them as he held Nalisa hand.

."I see, alright."Aniyah nodded looking over to Hazel, she then looked back to Haile and Nalisa then the road."Um, do you want to get dropped back home, though Nalisa will have to sit on your lap."

Nalisa's eyes lit up, she opened her mouth to speak but before she had the chance Haile had already refused."No, we'll be fine, we just live down the street."He said nugging Nalisa hand gently as he began to walk along.

The girls stood watching them, Hazel too glanced in his direction.

~~~~{Teaser}(×Chapter 200×The Start Of The Battle, Hera's Plot)

*Dxd World*

*Human World*




*The Journeymen Hotel*

*Early Morning*


*1 Day Before The War*

Haile and Nalisa walked all the way back to the hotel as they enjoyed the beautiful night with just the two of them by themselves, Nalisa was loving every second of it.

Now they were back, they were in the elevator to the top floor, it reached their surprisingly fast, they got out walking down the cordor, they walked right pass Clernet's room and Nalisa's going straight for Haile's.

As they passed by, Clernet's door opened slight as the familiar eyes peeked through the crease before it closed softly again.

Haile and Nalisa entered his room, Nalisa poked her index fingers together with a watery tenderness to her eyes."*Kyaa*"."She was suddenly lifted into the air by Haile's strong manly arms.

."Nalisa, how about some fun, come we were supposed to have a good date tonight, I'll make it up to you now."Haile said kissing her lips gently.

.""~AhHh! ~"".

Nalisa didn't even bother to shyly hold back, she kissed back with intensity, she couldn't wait to be torn apart, this was her last chance for a while after all.

.""~Ravage me master, tear my pussy apart~"".

.""~My pleasure~"".


*Time skip 4 hours*

It was now after 8am and Haile and a smiling satisfied Nalisa layed in bed cuddled together, they were not planning to get up anytime soon especially Nalisa.

Over in the next room, Clernet was lying on the ground with black bags under her eyes from tiredness and stress."They just kept going at it, over and over, why must I be tortured so, what did I do to deserve this."She asked listlessly to who ever is willing to listen.

."*Sigh* I need some blood."Clernet said as she got up....