
Supreme Gamer

A young man defeated a god in a video game and the god grew angry and decided to take revenge on him for his arrogance. "If you like video games so much, then go live your life as a game in a deadly world! I will make sure your life becomes hell..." And thus the young man is sent to the MCU a few months before the infinity war with a variant of the gamer ability. "Every time you die, you will be sent to another universe while losing everything! You have to start from scratch every time... A Neverending nightmare... You shall know no afterlife or peace, only an eternal life of struggles and loss..." Will the young man be able to overcome the god as the Gamer in fictional worlds or will he lose and fall to a life of endless torment? Welcome to the story of the Supreme Gamer. A Life and Death battle between a man and a god. Their video game taking a turn and becoming a reality. The Question, Who will win? ------- [Hiatus] Worlds or some of the potential worlds; MCU (Current) -- Star Wars, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Fate, Magi, Naruto, DBZ, DBS, ATG, ISSTH, etc.

EternalMonarch · Komik
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8 Chs

Zombie Dungeon (3)

At dusk, Hans opened the door and entered his apartment, from the window he saw the last rays of the setting sun and locked the door. He picked up a chair and put it to block the door just in case a zombie came in the middle of the night.

He had put everything in his inventory so he did carry anything as he began stripping his clothes, he took off his mask and frowned, 'The smell is really bad...' he thought as he had to control his urge to vomit.

He turned on the lights and they worked. 'So electricity still works? This is a pretty good copy of the real world with all the people missing...'

He stepped into the bathroom and washed the filth off his outfit and put it aside to get dry. He then took a long look at his body. He had lean and perfect muscles everywhere, his body was ripped with a solid 8 pack, it was perfect but he didn't care much. 'It's because of points...'

He took a long bath to relax and then collapsed on the bed with a sigh.

There was no sound at all, absolute silence to the point he could hear his own heart beating in his chest. He leaned on the wall beside the bed and looked out the window near the bed and saw a dark, desolate city.

There were no cars, all the lights were off, the skyscrapers looked like pillars of stone that stretched to the sky due to the darkness. He felt like he was the only human in the entire world and it felt lonely.

'I wonder if people who survive all alone feel this desolate and lonely... It is a world of zombies out there with a monster that is probably very powerful... No human... Is this the regular for me from now on? Fighting alone in a world created only for me to level up or die in; I will either win alone or die alone. What a sad fate...' he thought with melancholy.

He realized that if he spent too long clearing the dungeon, he could slowly go insane due to loneliness. The thought of spending weeks and months doing nothing but killing and such urged him to end it faster.

'I must be cautious no matter what; If I die, I lose all the progress and get thrown into another world and since I don't have the gamer's mind, I will feel everything... I need something to take my mind off the situation and help me focus on my progress.'

His eyes caught a glimpse of a packet of cigarettes on the ground, the apartment was messy as it was when he saw it first, he chuckled as he thought, 'Can those even hurt my lungs? I have a gamer body that heals to 100% that means everything gets healed eventually... Let's try it, maybe it will help me take my mind off the mental pressure of being alone. It can't hurt me anyway so what's there to worry about?'

He took one cigarette and lit up with a nearby lighter and smoked a little. Clouds slowly seemed to gather and with a crack of thunder, it began slowly raining.

The droplets hit the window glass; He laid down on the bed and watched the rain in silence, the only sound was of the raindrops, he blew out some smoke and felt sleepy. 'Rain huh?'

He checked his status and saw the points he had distributed. He began planning, 'I have 25 Dex but nothing extra happened or maybe it did and I don't know since there is no log or message system.'

He felt a little cold so he put a blanket on his body and got comfortable, 'In any case, I am strong physically and very fast, my stamina is high so it's best if I don't add points and save up. I can always add them mid-fight if I really need to... In this world, having a high Int and Wis isn't a good idea since I can't get skills like how it is supposed to work and energy is useless but clearing dungeons might give me a magical skill so its best if I keep the points and don't add them without reason.'

He began feeling a little sleepy, 'Going to kamar-taj is stupid since the sorcerer supreme is dead by now and going to Dr.Strange is not a good idea; So no magic, for now, I should go the more reliable warrior build to win against Thanos. But let's keep the points anyway and don't add them unless absolutely necessary. hmm, how can I get stronger besides leveling up?'

'There are the iron man suits but Tony stark would never share... A Vibranium weapon could come in handy but Wakanda is off-limits... Infinity stones are out of questions since they are either in space or in the hands of people I don't want to provoke, and even if I get them I have no clue how to use them or destroy them.'

'Shield is useless for me, I already am approaching Capitan America power-wise and if I get to level 10, I should be able to overpower him easily. The points add 10% from 10 to 20 and add 20% from 20-30 and etc. according to the long explanation under the attributes when I expanded the lines to read more. There seems to be no other way to get stronger but clearing dungeons... What a drag.' (What you read in 1st chapter was a brief explanation but the MC expanded to read a more detailed one, I will slowly explain those things as we go along so you understand.)

'To stop Thanos I must reach level 100 in 3 months. That is when I will be at my strongest with hopefully some dungeons drops and skills in my arsenal. Should I warn the Avengers? No, they won't believe a stranger and might even grow suspicious of me, it's too risky. I will warn them when I reach level 100 since I will be able to protect myself then. If all goes well, they will listen and we will face Thanos united if not I have to deal with him myself; The best possible plan is to prepare for the worst, I should only rely on myself...'

He sighed, 'I guess its 3 months of clearing dungeons without rest for me, I should pick up speed but not neglect caution. This is just the beginning, I wonder what type of things I will have to face in the next dungeons...'

He yawned, turned off the cigarette, and fell asleep...

The next day, he woke up early morning, geared up, and stepped out to kill more Zombies.

He cleared 3 more streets and killed more than 100 Zombies easily with his sneaking tactic. He began entering the buildings to kill zombies, he stopped using bullets when there was no more than 1 zombie and killed the single ones with the machete to conserve ammo. He did level up twice but did not add the points and saved them.

He realized he had grown much stronger than he had thought; he could easily deal with 3-4 zombies in close combat and overwhelm them with pure speed and power. That day came to an end.

The next day he continued his grinding session but only leveled up once. He did not encounter any strong zombies, only regular ones. He began to suspect something, 'Could the boss be in the subway station?' There were more zombies near the entrance.

On day 4, he found a gun store, he resupplied his ammo but did not take guns except for a shotgun and another Uzi; There was nothing else like grenades there... He went into a bank later that day but he couldn't open the vault and found no cash so he left with disappointment. He did not level up that day.

Day 5; He killed the zombies near the subway station and sneaked inside to see what was going on. He immediately returned upon spotting Chainsaw wielding zombies and others types of deviant and unique zombies there. He did not level up that day as well, he realized he had hit the limit and needed to kill stronger enemies to level up.

Day 6, early morning.

Hans put on all his gear, checked his inventory and stash of ammo and weapons. He had a handgun, 2 small Uzis, A shotgun, 6 grenades, a machete which he had sharpened, and a chainsaw.

He looked out the window with determination and murmured to himself, "It's been 5 days, I lost count of the number of Zombies I killed and can't level up anymore; I must raid the place where the boss is probably at to end this, it is becoming unbearable. I have to win, No matter what."

He put a few points into his stats to balance things a bit, he realized that the speed of his thought process could increase with int and wisdom so he decided to raise them to average level at least. Physically, he was very strong for zombies but he did not let his guard down.

He checked his status.

[Name: Hans Blake

-- Level: 8

-- Active Title: The Gamer (+10% Exp Gain) - Cursed by a God (Immortality Type 4; Reset upon Death/ Banished from the afterlife/ Changes/ level cap of 100 put on the user/ Forcibly Active)

Other Titles: N/A

-- Status:

HP: 100%

EP: 100%

SP: 100%

STR: 30

VIT: 20

DEX: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 11

Points: 13

-- Inventory: 12/100

-- Skills:

Gamer's Body (Level Max) (Passive): Allows the user to live life as a game.

Dungeon Creation (Level 1) (Active): Generate a Dungeon; Available: Zombies]

He left the apartment with a focused face. He was headed to the station and he was as ready as he could ever be in his situation. He was not nervous or afraid at all, unlike the version of him that entered this dungeon for the 1st time, he was extremely calm.

He found his way there and entered the Subway station silently avoiding the few zombies remaining outside since he did not want to waste his energy on them.

'There is no going back now.'

The next 2-3 chapters will be pure fighting in the station and the boss battle.

I am adding points and calculating everything so don't worry there.

As for the level cap and harem tag and etc. I explained a bit in my review of the story, in any case, everything is planned.

EternalMonarchcreators' thoughts