
Supreme Dragon Bloodline

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FREAK_Reader01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs

Shocking Discovery

Chapter 49






(already sleepy, proof read later)

The lone figure of Eric running through the wilderness as if pursued by death , with no sign of vegetation on the terrains, clouds of dust was raised by the stampeding force of his foot colliding with the solid ground.

Followed by the hovering jet that was speeding at an astonishing speed of mach 1 coming to a stop above Eric, as a figure jumped through it's almost opened alf .

Seeing this, Eric thought it was the reinforcement sent by the cloaked men since the space type ability Mystic disappeared.

Until Vile loud voice reverberated through the air " tsk kid where the hell are you running to!"

"Eh?" Eric slowed down a little but only to see the enlarging figure of Vile's tall physic.

"I said where where the hell are you running to! " repeating the question one more time.

Eric finally came to a stop.

"Desolate city is to the West and you are heading south! "