
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
160 Chs

Chapter 5 Obtaining A mysterious rank spear and Level up

[Ding! Congratulation for leveling up a Realm]

[Ding! Getting the Qi realm package does host open it?]

"Open damm im getting yo many stuff but i love it"

[Ding! host obtain mysterious weapon with combat skills wich to choose]

"Wow i can choose any?." I ask

[Ding! Yes but just for this one]

I read a lot about blade and sword even bow but for some reason i dont find them atractive. I think il choose a Spear after all when i used to be a kid in my previous life i used the broom to fight like a super heroe.

"Please a spear."I said

[Ding! The choose spear techinique regarding with a mysterious technique ]

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Qi realm 3

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots deactivated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood Deactivated

Talent :Supreme heart

Charm:90(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: Ten time times experiences points usable once/ Heavenly dagger can kill late stage of emperor and heaviny damage to Half step above emperor uses 1 out of 3

Lets study mysterioes rank God kings spear king

[Ding! Studying spear technique]

A lot of images appear in my mind while i summon the golden spears and i star re doing all the scenes

I felt like i was the one doing does moves

Suddenly i keep stabins and attack with spear

Fu fu fu fu

Fa fa fa fa


And i finish with a boom on the ground at the site of 10 feet large wow!!!!

Well lets hunt when i open my eyes i felt like i was real diferent more confident but i knew this was not enough i have many enemies and i beat the explosion people would want to investigate and now more than that i bet that the person saw me taking of mask now that i know.

I starter searching with map but it was like the monster were hiding yea i remember system talking about heavenly treasure

But i bet that most be a big monster rank 7 or something

Monster are divide from 1 to 9

Rank 1 represents Bond builder realm

Rank 2 Qi realm

Rank 3 houtian realm

Rank 4 xiantian realm

Rank 5 Sea realm

Rank 6 king realm

Rank 7 Emperor realm

Rank 8 above emperor

Rank 9 i dont know yet

But thats the information wont help me i keep going

Roard suddenly a monster like leopard with super fang attack

I block but get knock thank god it just a rank 1

[Ding! Enemey encounter Rank 1 Leopard vampire]

A monster suck blood is extreme agile dangerous i start fight but im using to shar my fighting abilities since a little dificult.

Click click

I already have bruise but suddenly i use the spar intent that i learn from the technique. If people were to see the would have they jaws open because in this world the most powerful weapon is the spear. But also the dificultest to learn aftear sword every one can same goes for blade but spear has the counter attack for every weapon and also the deadliest damage attack. From a 100 millions people only one could comprehend spear intent i hear theres a old guy fighting spear i thing he is a Duke call Wu ting from the Duke wu family in the dong empire they are under the emperor.

Boom! I explode stab

[Ding! Congrat for obatining exp points 10

And coin 1]

What!!! Only 1 coin

Well its okay after all is rank 1

I keep searching found couple Wing eagles rank Snake turtle rank 1




7 hours later

[Ding! Congrats for killing wolf 3 eyes winning 10 experiences points and 1 coin]

[Ding! congrats for killing more 30 ganing extra 100 experience points]

[Ding! For level upgrade Qi Realm 4]

Yessss but still i feel is to slow. Let star looking for rank 2 beast but must be carfeul that if a encount late stage 2 rank im fuck

Beast from rank 2 can use elemental power with Qi

Roar sharp sound

I look at the direction of the sound and my puppil shrank late stage rank 2 what a lets fight whatever o

He attack me but if i look close he seems weak

I use the spar intent to maximus power


Right in his head

[Ding! congrats for killing a demonic beast rank 2 20 coins plus 200 exp points]

[Ding! Congraualtion for leveling up a Realm]

[Ding! Getting the Qi realm package does host open it?]

"Wow I got another package nice!!! Open." I said inwardly

[Ding! Host can choose mysterious weapon rank]

"Please a spear."

I said

[Ding! The choose spear techinique regarding with a mysterious technique]

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Qi realm 4/200 upgrade

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots deactivated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood Deactivated

Talent :Supreme heart

Charm:90(Extra info your charm is suoer atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormone so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank

Techinques:Elementalisit techniques Rang God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: Ten time times experiences points usable once/ Heavenly dagger can kill late stage of emperor and heaviny damage to Half step above emperor uses 1 out of 3

Lets keep searching

10 hours latter

[Ding! Killing demonic beast late stage 200 points 10 coins]

[Ding! Congrats for the uograde to Qi realm 7]