
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
160 Chs

Chapter 135 Lin cheng annoying 3 females devils

"Sorry student i can't help you." Responded with her sweet voice Nan Jinqi with an apologetic eyes while smiling.

But Lin cheng could feel they didn't have a trace of apologies at all.

Mean while hiding in the Void there was a shadow with confused expression on her beautiful face.

"Why don't he show his token? Is he a masochist." Muttured the beautiful shadow hiding in the Void.

15 mins later....

After a long bickering with Lian Jinshu, the poor Lin cheng finally submitted to his fate. He tought about pulling out his token but quickly dismissed the idea. After making a plan of revenge towards this woman who like to pull his ears.

Lin cheng was not saint when dealing with who like to bully. All of this days Lin cheng have been hiding from two stuffs. First the people who fill the hallway on the F2 floor. Just to get to know him, and even ask for lectures. And the second was Lian Jinshu sadly for him today he was caught.

Lin cheng at first tought this woman would know his identity and wouldn't bother him. But after spending time with this woman's he realized the didn't know the identity he had as the Alchemy saint.

"So where are we going?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Were going to the ingredients garden to pick some for the class i'm giving today." Said Lian jinshu walking.

Each step she take her buttocks would move in a sensual way not only her even Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi were not exceptions.

"And why you need me there?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Because as punishment you going to pick up the ingredients for our class." Spoke again Lian Jinshu with a smile.

"But I don't know anything about alchemy, Teacher Lian Jinshu. You see I'm a just a cultivator who fights."

Spoke with an innocent face Lin cheng while showing his aura. Making Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi suprise. They could feel Lin cheng really was strong.

"Humph! Then why do you have an earth flame?"

Ask Lian Jinshu not believing his lies at all she remember this rebellious student actually answer her sheet correctly. And those were answes only a Holy Rank 4 could answer.

"You mean this?" Ask Lin chen while a beautiful golden flame appeared on his hand.

"Earth flame." Spoke Nan Jinqi with he beautiful eyes had a longing expression.

Not only her even the Cold and strick Na Yu Yu was no exception. They knew before hand that this kid had an earth flame but it still shock.

Having an earthflame is the dream of all the alchemist.

"Well thos eart flame is just an hole card my self, after it really help in a combat." Spoke Lin cheng.

"What a waste of a precious item." Commented Na Yu Yu while shaking her head with regret.

Not only her even Nan Jinqi shook her head hearing Lin cheng words. After seeing Lin cheng string aura they kind of believe him. Making them feel a precious Heavenly item was wasted.

"Ha then how do you know about the sheet answers." 

Said Lian Jinshu Not believing at all, she knew this brats was trying to escape making her lose interest in him.

"Cough... that.. o right that was because you left a copy of answer on your desk drawer."

Tought Lin cheng and Responded.

"For real?" And sure enough Lian Jinshu start it to hesitate. She was a Celestial Realm cultivator so her memories was superior. But at this moment she hesitated after Lin cheng answer were so perfect to even her.

"Exactly so you see if help you recollect those ingredients, they might be huge losses so how about let me go?" Spoke Lin cheng.

"You liar! There's no way yiu can escape from me." After Hearing Lin cheng words Lian Jinshu quickly reacted.

"Ha then let me tell you the truth I'm actually the alchemy saint." Suddenly Spoke Lin cheng with aspiring look.

"What!" Exclaimed the 3 girls.

"Yea why do you think i have the earth flame?" Ask Lin cheng with look that he was lying making them suspicious.

The 3 female who were walking while Lin cheng wall in front of them hesitated. After during those 2 months the have heard of the new Alchemy saint, that even Lian Jinshu was suprise. The couldn't help but have a little admiration. But they still didn't know if the Alchemy saint really had an earth flame.

Plus even though he was at the same realm that Lin cheng, in they eyes an Alchemist should not have the strength of Lin cheng.

"Okay if you ar the alchemis saint where is your token as matter fact where is your token and your class room number." Spoke Lian Jinshu.

But she was a little nervous when seeing Lin cheng eyes. Not only her even Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi were.

After all lately the Alchemy saint had gain a lot if momentum. That even they felt was surreal.

"How about we make a bet?" Lin cheng didn't respond but change the topic.

"What you want?" Ask Lian Jinshu looking at him vigilantly.

"What are your ladies name if may iknow?" Lin cheng ask towards Nan Jinqi and Na Yu Yu.

Making them feel weirdly while Lian Jinshu start to feel impatient being ignored.

"Na Yu Yu."

"Nan Jinqi."

Responded both of them.

"Lin cheng?" Ask impatiently Lian Jinshu.

"Well as my reverence if i proved I'm the alchemist saint your have to be my assistant for an entire month and that's includes the 3 of you." Spoke evilly Lin cheng.

After hearing Lin cheng words they felt angry but seeing his self-confidence the felt a lottle scared would this brat eat they tofu or something.

"Ha i see you know i have a class to teach, but instead I'm been kidnapped by 3 corrupt elder in the Celestial Realm whoa re scare to even bet." Provoke Lin cheng while talking with disdain.

"Ha what you mean corrupt?"

"And who is afraid who?"

"Lin cheng!"

The beautiful woman were annoyed by Lin cheng remarks.

"If you are the Alchemist saint i would apogize and don't talk about beeing you assistant for one month even three months i'll do it." Lian Jinshu impulsive Responded.

While Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi who were hesitating seeing her girlfriend agree so easily they also felt impulsive.

"I agree."

"Me too brat."

Both of them said, but the 3 of them never realized that they did not have to agree in the first place. Because what was good for them in it? Since they would not earn anything from it.

Lin cheng couldn't help smile in his heart.

"I got all of you hahaha." Said Lin cheng in hearts.

"So where is your token?" Ask Lian Jinshu nervously.

And the three female stop working whil waiting for Lin cheng. But Lin cheng next words made them boil in anger and also relief.

"Ha i don't know i lost it, by the way i also  forgot what room is my class." Spoke Lin cheng with a serious face.


"You dare lie!"

"Lin cheng!"

3 coquetishly scream sounded with anger.

"Ouch!..Ouch!...Mercy!..!Fairy sister please!...No!....Ouch!" Lin cheng scream in pain while being dragged by 3 beauties.

Poor Lin cheng heis ears was beeing twisted by two different beauties while his handsome face was beeing pinch by the 3rd beauty. All the way to the Alchemy garden hall.

Mean while the beautiful shadow who was hiding in the void was hesitating.

"Should i help? But why has he not call me? Plus why has he not show his identity token." Muttured the beautiful shadow at the she shook her head and follow quietly.

25 mins later...

4 figure could be seeing entering a getting off a Bubble platform. 3 female were menacingly look at the male boy who had puppy eyes while caressing his face who was all red from so much pinching.

"Ouch! Tsk..Task... tsk. The woman are so fierce no wonder they don't have a ring on they finger. Probably gonna stay single all the life." Muttered Lin cheng with anger on his eyes while walking like a prisoner.

"What did you just said?"

"You rebellious student!

"Who is fierce?"

3 different charming voices sounded full anger.

"Ouch!..no please...ouch!" Poor Lin cheng was again abuse the 3 beautiful female.

And a funny scene appeard 3 charming woman were pinching a handsome men while dragging him.

Making the people who were about to salute the famous goddess of the Alchemy guild hold up.

"Oh my heaven what us happening?"

"Yeah teacher Lian jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi are definitely not in a good mood."

"Poor guy he must be a dumb to provoke those 3?"

"Exactly what have that student done? To make even the Elder Na Yu Yu attack him?"

"I have no idea but it must be very bad, after usually the those 3 goddes would resolve the problematic student by punishing them in the punishment hall."

"Yea and they clearly are not waiting for it."

The multiples passerby look at Lin cheng with pity while some look scare of the female fierce expressions.