

In the late afternoon, Inside the Frost family Palace, Kent sat before the dining table. Several rare varieties of foods were placed before him. 

After his victories, the frost family already began seeing him as a potential son-in-law, who can elevate their status. That's why they are taking good care of his food and living arrangements inside the palace.

Unlike other royal family members, Kent didn't like the procedure of servants serving food to him. He will fill his plate with what he wants, sit in one place and eat alone. Usually king Ragnar or Lily will sit with him while eating.

Today, King Ragnar went outside for a gathering of Kings. As the blood duel is coming, all the kings were gathered to discuss the outcome and try to form some underhand deals before the beginning of the blood duel.

As Lilly still didn't come back from her training session, Kent was alone and eating peacefully in the dining hall.