
Supreme Arcanist of Time and Space

[WSA Entry] Powerstones= More daily chapters. Kai was a magician who tried his best to make a living out of it, yet during one of his tricks, he got stabbed by swords. It was a stupid way to die, and during his final breaths, Kai only thought about how people would laugh at him when seeing the news. ‘This is the end, right?’ He believed it to be the end, but the higher forces had different plans for him. Kai got reincarnated into the body of a baby with the same name, living in a small village called Silka, part of the kingdom of Aakanan. A world dominated by magic, and ruled by a system that granted classes and levels to everyone. But the world has not always been like that… Kai, being a person from another world, received a passive related to Space-Time magic, and his destiny soon got intertwined with a heavenly artifact. A pocket-watch capable of rewinding time. ‘I can return one hour into the past? Isn’t this like cheating? I can literally become the best student in this magic academy!’ The pocket-watch had its flaws, obviously, but it quickly became a great tool for Kai, especially when strange murders started to happen in the magic academy he was in. The world was about to suffer drastic changes.

BigToad · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Homework and Seeing Old Friends

Introduction to Magic I focused on the elements magic had, and how a person can start training to become an Arcanist, or rather, an Acolyte. It had a deep focus on the types of meditation and how each meditation had a specific way of doing it.

"Someone who has the affinity to fire gets more benefits when meditating with direct sunlight. That's why we divide our classes to best suit our students," Wanessa explained, constantly drawing on the white board.

There were many different elements. Some were more common than others, but they all had their strengths and weaknesses. Wanessa explained that there were classes which all of them had to take, while others they could chose depending on their affinities and desire to learn specific subjects.

"The first step is to control your sea of consciousness properly. You will be attending to combat classes in the near future, and if you lose your concentration while accessing your sea of consciousness, you will suffer. Our main focus will be the sea of consciousness and I will guide you with your meditation."

Wanessa then asked each person to share their magic affinity with them — the basic passive they got when receiving the Mana-Infused class.

Kai had one related to Illusion Magic, one related to Time and Space, and one related to the understanding of souls. When Wanessa explained about the types of magic, she briefly mentioned Time and Space, but barely said a word about it. According to her, no one had that type of element so it was useless to explain to the students.

'I don't think it's a good idea to tell about my Time and Space passive, then. And she said soul magic is related to Necromancy, which is forbidden, so I shouldn't say a word about that either,' Thought Kai.

In the end, the only passive he was confident in sharing about was about Illusion Magic, and when he said that to Wanessa, she was a little surprised.

"Illusion? It's one of the rarest, and we have few students with a talent for it. But most people think illusion is useless as its not the best in combat," Wanessa said, clear and loud.

The other students stared at Kai, even Trevor. Trevor gave him a thumbs up, feeling happy that his roommate had a rare affinity. As for the others, well, some chuckled and others looked with scorn. People didn't like Illusion Magic, and Kai could see it very clearly.

"Remember, your affinity means that's your main element, but that does not mean you can't learn other types of magic. Talented Arcanists can get good in multiple things. Take me, for example. My affinity is related to Lightning, yet Headmaster Finley, who's main affinity is Fire, is still better than me in Lightning Magic," Wanessa explained to the class.

Kai already suspected that Finley was a powerful Arcanist — he was the principle of the most prestigious magic academy in the kingdom — but hearing Wanessa made him realize they were worlds apart.

Each class had the duration of 1 hour, and even though it was just the basics of magic, Wanessa already gave them homework.

"Write down the names of these books. You will have to read them in one week's time."

She gave them four books to read, and Kai suspected the books were pretty long because all of the students were complaining after reading the names.

"How are we supposed to read this in one week? We still have 4 more classes today, and if they give us more books, then we are screwed!" Trevor said as he walked through the corridors with Kai.

"Right? But if they are asking us to do that, then it has to be humanly possible," Kai said.

"Yeah, you are right. I just feel like we are going to die by the end of the week-," Trevor stopped talking as he bumped into a group of three students.

The group of students consisted of three youths, who had the same uniform as them — meaning they were in their first-year too – but they had expensive rings and necklaces, so Kai instantly knew they were rich folk.

"Watch out, you idiot. Don't you know who I am?" one of the students said.

It was a silver-haired youth who looked to be the leader of that small group. The other students walking down the corridors heard the commotion, and started whispering.

"Isn't that Nefarios Lunengard?"

"Lunengard? As the city's name?"

"Yes, he comes from the family who built the city!"

Kai overheard the whispers and he knew things were bad for him. Lunengard was the most famous city in the kingdom, and it was the home of many magic academies, including Brainheart. The youth in front of them was one of the most important figures in the school.

Trevor apologized, "I didn't see it, sorry." He even lowered his head a little.

"It won't happen again," Kai said, trying to ease up the situation.

He was expecting Nefarios to curse them and all, but the boy simply nodded and waved for them to move out of the way. That was much better than what Kai was expecting.

"We have to be careful," Kai warned Trevor, "They have backers."

"Yep, I know."

They left the main building and went to the nearby forest. The next class of the day was with Professor Luke, meaning the class would take place in the forest near his cabin. Since the day Kai had seen the shadow in the forest, he never returned there.

When getting close to the cabin, memories of that night returned to him, and he was a little anxious, but the daylight brought him peace.

Once all of the students were gathered near Luke's cabin, he appeared, sweeping his gaze through the crowd of students, stopping his gaze momentarily on Kai, and giving him a light nod.

"Welcome, everyone. I am professor Luke, and this is your class, Introduction to Magical Beasts. I believe the best way to learn about beasts is to see them in person, and that's why we are here."

At that moment, a griffin came flying from the sky, landing right beside Luke. The students retreated a few steps, and a few of them almost fainted with the sight of such majestic and terrifying creature.

As for Kai, well, he was happy to see Feathers again.