
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

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136 Chs

5.Wang Chu's arrogance

"Where might this genius be, could he possibly be suckling on his mummy's tits .?"Wang Chu's words were still as disrespectful as before .Perhaps even more disrespectful.

The officials,guards and all the other invited guests had frozen faces . Every one knew that the ruthless and even bloodier King Ming loved his wife more than anything else .What ever the queen asked for ,she got .

It was even rumored that she is the one who got king Ming to stop his conquest ,not the pressure from the empires.King Ming was prepared to take on the empires but his wife simply requested for a peaceful life ,this was all it took for the great conqueror Ming to end his blood stained campaign.

For prince Wang Chu to disrespect the queen in such a way right Infront of the king's face was nothing short of a death sentence for the prince and if the king was feeling particularly pissed ,all present would pay the price .

Before the king could say anything ,the royal guards attacked with even more fury and rage than if it were they own wives who were insulted .

Form all over the hall ,guards with black spears came rushing towards the prince .

Before they could reach him ,the prince's guards and an old man in blue robes came rushing into the hall .

They quickly moved to defend the prince in the center of the hall .All the other guests and officials had already moved to the sides of the hall leaving the prince at the center.No one dared help the arrogant prince.

At the center of the hall ,fierce fighting began .

King Ming's royal guards were the best if the best and had been trained by the king himself .He did not just end at training them ,he had taken them with him during his conquests ensuring that each guards had at least killed one hundred enemies.

Spears met swords as the two groups fought .The prince stood at the center, seemingly carefree and not worried at all .

He probably thought that a mere king would never dare kill an imperial prince of the Chu empire.

As his men fell one by one , skewered by the long spears ,the prince continued smiling as though watching an interesting show .

The flow was covered in blood and spilled guts horrifying the guests .

Gasps of dying men filled the room and soon ,only a single old man in blue robes was left guarding the prince .This man was a stage six cultivator set by emperor Chu to protect his son . Although prince Wang Chu was not the apple of his eye ,he was still a prince of the mighty Chu empire.

"Prince stay behind me ." the old man instructed the prince but this instruction was of no use since they were completely surrounded.

Hmmmm ,snorted the prince ,"What are you worried about ,do you actually think this so called king dares kill me ?"asked the Prince.

"Yes "this was the old man's only reply .Every one seemed to know that the prince was doomed except the prince .

King Ming had been seated in his throne all this time without saying anything.He simply looked at the soon to be dead prince with disdain in his eyes .

"Kneel "commanded the king .

Prince Wang Chu turned to look at the king in disbelief.Some one actually dared order him to his knees .

Hahahhahahhaah ,laughed the prince with tears almost coming out of his eyes .

"KNEEL"shouted the king and this time ,the entire hall shook and cracks appeared in the walls .

This hall was not weak ,it had been constructed using the best materials available on the continent.

The spiritual pressure in the king's voice made the hearts of everyone in the hall to shudder .

The prince finally realized the danger he was in .

At this moment ,he started recalling all the terrifying history associated to the man before him .

This man had killed everyone who ever got in the way of his conquest ,why wouldn't he kill a mere prince .

In order to stop his conquest ,the four empires had to combine their might and even then ,victory was still in the hands if the gods .

The prince's face became contorted with fear and anger as he fell to his knees .

Pa ,a loud slap resounded in the hall .When things settled down and the guests looked around,they saw a headless body standing next to the prince with the king just a few steps away.

Blood sprayed from the body painting the kneeling prince red .

Everyone was horrified .When the blood stopped spraying out of the old man's body ,it fell with a sickening sound making the prince flinch .

The king slowly walked back to his throne and slowly sat down .

"Iam not a merciful king ,when I say kneel ,you kneel ."said the king

Everyone was dumbfounded,they had all thought the order was for the prince alone ,had they been in the position of the old man ,they also would have remained standing.

"Did he just slap stage six cultivator to death ?"asked a dazed guest .

When these words spread throughout the hall , everyone was shaken to their cores ,stage six cultivators were respected people wherever they went and their power was to be admired ,but the king ,with a single slap, beheaded such a cultivator.

When this realization sank in ,guest hurriedly fell to their kneels in terror.

"Prince Wang Chu,you have two breaths to convince me to spare your life ."said the king .

"Forgive this lowly one your majesty ,my mind was confused.This lowly one deserves death ."said the prince .

His thinking was simple , surely the king wouldn't kill a humbled prince of the Chu empire, especially not one who had come as an envoy.

Blazing hot fire fill d the hall scorching everything.The prince was engulfed by the scorching flames .

He screamed with pain and terror but no one interfered .The fire quickly burnt him into ash .

When the fire disappeared , nothing was left in the hall floor,even the blood was burnt off the floor .

The king waved his right hand and a gust of wind blew the prince's ashes out of the hall through the doors .

The king's control over his power impressed everyone as he did all this with out harming any of the guests and even their hair was not displaced by the wind .