

The man woke up with a start. Sweat dripped down from his forehead as he slowly rose from his resting place. As he looked around, he noticed he was in a tiled room.

His vision quickly cleared up, revealing a toilet inches away from his face. Extreme confusion flooded his mind.

"A toilet? Is it my toilet?"

Never did he expect the first thing he saw when he transmigrated to be a toilet, but his hope was that it was his own toilet, not a public one. After all, sleeping in a public toilet is a fate worse than death.

Realising he was still sat on the floor with his face inches from the toilet bowl, the man stood up and stretch his stiff body.

"This really doesn't inspire high hopes for the future"

Defeat had already started to consume the man, he had gone from chilling with a terrifying entity to sleeping with his head on the toilet seat.

Leaving the tiled room, the man was met by a fairly spacious studio apartment. His mind hastily tried its hardest to process its current situation. Exploring further, the man found that everything in the apartment seemed fairly new and up to date.

"This bed is pretty big for a single person"

There was a minimal amount of furniture however, it seemed comfortable and easy to live in.

As he scoured the apartment for something out of place, he noticed a strange black box on top of the fridge. With his curiosity peaked, the man grabbed the box and took it to the bed. Opening it up, a relieved smile crept upon his face.

Inside the box, there were multiple documents with his background as well as a credit and a small note.

Appraising the note, it stated "Freedom is yours now. You're alone."

The man couldn't help but feel slightly aggravated by the wording of the note, after all it basically called him a loner. Though it was the truth.

"Well at least I got the boons I was promised. Life would be way harder if I didn't"

Tossing the note aside, the man then picked up what seemed to be a passport. On it read, Hanzo Tsuchimikado in the name section. Another breath of relief escaped the mans lips.

"So I am Hanzo Tsuchimikado in this world then?"

As Hanzo thought about his new name, he recalled that he had woken up in a bathroom.

Returning to the place he woke up. Hanzos hopes were answered as he saw a mirror. Although it wasn't major, he presumed that knowing his appearance as soon as possible will be just as important as knowing his new details.

Hanzo returned to the bed and continued to look through the box. Other than documents pertaining to his citizenship, there was only what seemed to be a credit card with details about his bank on a piece of paper behind it.

"I should really thank that Entity guy for his consideration. He really has made this transition a whole lot easier."

Hanzo thought back to the Entity briefly, causing another piece of information he had nearly forgotten to resurface.

"That Entity said that I have these boons in this world. But from his phrasing, it seemed that once I transmigrate again to The New World, I will no longer have these boons. If that's the case then I am going to seriously need to invest all of my funds, other than living funds into my future in the New World"

With this thought in mind, Hanzo searched his studio for an essential item. Luckily he was not disappointed. Beneath the bed was a laptop bag, containing a laptop and it's charger.

Hanzo plugged in the laptop and began charging it.

"Whilst this is charging, I may as well familiarise myself with the rest of the documents and my apartment."

Hours went by as Hanzo finished cleaning the apartment. He wiped the sweat from his brow before slumping down on the sofa in front of the television.

Reaching over to the charger, Hanzo opened the laptop and powered it on.

"Time to get used to this. Let's hope my soul remembers anything about using these things"

After a short boot up process, Hanzo managed to easily set up the laptop and open the browser.

"Well that was easy. Right, so I better start researching this dive equipment as well as check forums to see how long until the release of Yggdrasil"

Hanzo slowly searched around for any valuable pieces of information he could find. Despite his best efforts, he could not find much on Yggdrasil other than speculation on when trailer would be released. However, he followed the company on a forum thread, so he would be kept in the loop in the future.

On the other hand, he managed to find a lot about the new DIVE system. While it was fairly intrusive, the most recent system does not require any sort of surgery. This was a bonus for Hanzo since he was very reluctant to go out and socialise more than necessary.

It may seem like a waste of a fresh new life, however he was determined to Transmigrate into the story of Overlord. Getting too attached to this world may disturb that and in the long run it will only harm him.

Taking all of that into account, Hanzo started the procedures of ordering one of the latest dive machines, along with a couple of DMMO-RPG's of similar nature to Yggdrasil and a few First person shooters too.

He inputted all of the necessary details and easily managed to order the dive machine.

"Right now that's done. I should get some sleep. That entity said I had "a healthy body" but I don't want to risk getting sleep deprivation so early on. Let's save the all-nighters for when I'm grinding"

Thus, Hanzo went to sleep with a flame of determination burning brightly.

The next week, Hanzo started off his morning with menial household chores that he needed to get in the routine of doing.

Afterwards, he would research various related topics around the way DIVE works. Additionally, he would watch others play using a DIVE machine so that he was not completely overwhelmed when he first put on the suit.

His days were uneventful but, they helped Hanzo familiarise himself with his current setting before he got fully focused on DMMO's.

A week later, the fateful day had finally arrived. Hanzo sat on his laptop, staring blankly at the screen. His body and mind not truly paying attention as it fidgeted in anticipation of the door knocking.

As his body was about to explode, a soft knocking was heard from the front door.

Hanzo shot to his feet, his eyes sparkling with excitement. It had only been a week, but he had felt like a child waiting for their birthday.

Hey Guys,

Wanted to clear something up for you any wondering readers since I see this asked a lot on multiple Overlord Fanfics.

I do intend to have him join Ainz Ooal Gown the guild eventually. However, that does not mean he will be Ainz's little follower. Instead, this is a story of Hanzo's actions as Ainz Ooal Gowns guildmaster in the New World. There will be similar events to the OG, however it will deviate quite a lot in terms of polt events and how they're handled. After all, Hanzo will have more knowledge about the New World than Ainz originally did.

I realise there is other better options in terms of joing the Number 1 guild but, that just wouldn't be possible if we're talking lore wise of the Overlord world. This is an alternated version obviously, but I intend to keep some things the same, since if I change even the basics, I may as well just create my own original novel.

Thank you for understanding.

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts