
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasi
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67 Chs

Chapter 41: Three Plans (5)


Right after finishing the sentence, Arthur was immediately attacked by Adhitte. That man was pushed to the ground with his neck firmly grasped. Adhitte had no trouble doing so, while Arthur himself was surprised by the sudden movement.


Cindy wanted to come forward to help, but felt scared and hid even more behind Count Rubel's body. Helena who saw the movement smiled, feeling intrigued by the show. Even Dean didn't react to it.

"You... who are you? Where did you get those words?" Adhitte threatened by continuing to press Arthur's neck on the ground.

"Cough! Let go first! I can't breathe!" Arthur thrashed around while looking at Dean.

Dean just looked at him and moved his lips slowly. He said something silently.

'Just take it? Hey, this damn half-beast!'

Even though Arthur had just defeated a low-class knight in his residence, he was immediately knocked down by a single attack. Arthur kept struggling while shouting, "How am I going to explain! Cough! You're holding my neck so tightly!"

Adhitte released him slowly, but she herself rose to his feet. Arthur wanted to get up, but before he could do so, Adhitte's foot was already on Arthur's chest.

"Just stay there, don't get up."

He felt very embarrassed that he was the only one in an uncomfortable position. He immediately said, "The people I'm with here are not ordinary people."

"That big guy is the number one guild leader in this continent. Then the girl is an aspiring high-ranking mage in the Marithus Kingdom's Magic Tower and that man with the bastard-like face is one of the members of the crown prince's faction that supports the magic tower. Crown Prince Xavier is the necromancer who called you here!" Arthur explained hurriedly.

Adhitte frowned. She felt that there was something strange about Arthur's explanation. "Then, I should have met Crown Prince Xavier instead of you guys, right? He's more useful."

Arthur retorted, "No! Don't you know what a necromancer is? He is a deathbender who is more dangerous than witches or dark mages. Even ordinary humans can be controlled if there is a lot of negative energy and then that energy is absorbed and can summon creatures that destroy the balance of the world."

Adhitte removed his legs from Arthur's chest. That man cleaned his shirt, which was dirty because Adhitte's boots were covered in dirt. Adhitte looked back at Helena.

"Is what that man said true?"

Helena gave a small chuckle. "Hmm... yes or no, huh?" She said as she looked at Arthur, then blinked one eye.

'This damn vampire... how dare he flirt in the middle of such an important matter.'

That woman replied with her mouth covered by a hand fan. "Yes, what he said is partially true. I cannot state all of them as fact because I myself rarely know human history, but the identities of those people are true."

Adhitte tried to calm down, then asked, "Then, what does that have to do with you knowing where I come from?"

This was the question Arthur had been waiting for. "Because Crown Prince Xavier is my uncle by blood. We share the same bloodline as the descendants of the damned. I have the power to see into a person's past."


The sound of hiccups was heard. Count Rubel looked behind him where Cindy was hiding. That girl was hiccupping from hearing Arthur's sudden statement. Perhaps the news came as a shock to her.

Dean sighed. He was just following Arthur's line of lies. He looked at Helena who was smiling behind the fan, a smile that Dean could see with his beast instinct.

Arthur got up from his seat. He looked at Adhitte with a friendly gaze. "I know you need to return to your home world. Helena can't help because her knowledge base is the physicality of living things. We have a lot of knowledge about magic, dark magic and holy power. Help us bring down Crown Prince Xavier's power and you help me become the prince at behind the scenes. Then we will help you get back there."

He extended his hand, to shake. Adhitte looked at the hand with suspicion, then whispered.

"Observation skill."

'What a petty woman, she's not quick to trust.'

At that moment, Arthur heard a voice that he had not heard for a long time. The voice of the system that could still be heard before it became a character.


[This thing is not a target!]

[Look for a target that can be observed!]



Adhitte and Arthur were really surprised by the notification. Adhitte was surprised by the text that appeared on the notification while Arthur was surprised that the notification window could be seen again by him. Both people were surprised for different reasons.

Surprisingly, something similar to the system appeared in front of Arthur's eyes. It was similar, but had a different shape.

「Something strange here, this person can't be identified as a creature.」

That typography of notification looked like the thoughts of Adhitte. Could it be that he could see into the protagonist's thought?

Adhitte looked at Arthur's hand intently. Finally, she responded to the hand and shook it. For now, she thought there was no harm in cooperating.

"Yes, I think I can help you guys while enjoying my time in this world." Adhitte said in a flat tone. She did not show any pleasure or anger.

Arthur felt that the pressure Adhitte put on his hand was too much. He tried to keep a friendly smile. Luckily, Arthur Rudolf's face was kind and innocent.

"So, how is the cooperation going?"


It was still early evening. The forest in Tryton Kingdom did not look too dark, especially around the main headquarters of the K-Night Assassin Guild. They had tons of magic lights installed.

It was Adhitte's first time seeing the lights and also the shape of the building which was built very classically. It was a building that never existed on earth.

The main headquarters only had a few members who remained there. Like the maintenance mage and some internal workers. Even Leon was there to greet them.

Leon hurriedly walked towards Dean who was carrying the people. "S-sorry, Leader-nim. T-there's been some trouble at the guild in the Senova Empire."

Dean was greeted with the unfortunate news, but he still looked as cold as ever. "Is it related to that human trafficking merchant guild?"

Leon nodded quickly afterward. Dean immediately asked the guests he brought inside. "Follow me."

Dean looked at Helena who was at the back of the group. Helena was very famous in his guild, as she was the supplier of monster carcasses in his guild branch. Even some of the mages who were training outside could be seen stealing glances at Helena.

When he reached Dean's private room, he looked at Cindy. "Hey, silencing magic."

Cindy gasped. "O-okay!"

The silencing magic was released when the door of the room that seemed to have no windows was closed. Though there was already soundproofing magic inside, but she thickened it with a direct spell.

Dean sent Leon to fetch the files of the observation and cooperation between his guild and Arthur Rudolf. He didn't tell his guests to sit down first.

"P-please sit down. W-we apologize that we don't have any refreshments." Cindy took the initiative to ask them to sit down.

Arthur had already sat down without being told. Count Rubel took the side next to Dean who was checking reports on his desk. Helena sat next to Arthur and Adhitte chose to lean against the wall.

Cindy quickly helped Leon. The two people looked like twins who didn't want to be scolded by their parents. Because of their cooperation, the file they were looking for was finally found.

Dean immediately took the thick file and handed it to Helena. That woman didn't even expect to be given the opportunity to join their conversation, but the important file was handed to her?

Without saying anything, Dean returned to his position at the desk. Adhitte approached Helena and started reading the file together.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

There was no sound other than the paper changing sheets. They both read without anyone interrupting.

Thirty minutes...

The thickness of the file decreased, even Helena's expression changed. Adhitte kept his usual flat face.

'I just realized that Korean and the language here are different. I can remember because of Arthur's body, what about her?'

Arthur thought for a moment. Maybe that woman's skills helped her read the file. Even Adhitte had understood the language here before. Was it because of the update adjustment in the game system?

Adhitte stepped back, she asked Dean, "Are these records correct? If Crown Prince Xavier's reach is this big, then the real conflict is not just in the Marithus Kingdom. The war in the disputed land between the Marithus Kingdom and the Senova Empire. Dark magic that is still being researched by the Garunam Kingdom. The monster battle arena that is known somewhere between the Viper Kingdom and the Senova Empire. This means that an entire continent is involved."

Dean didn't answer him, he just looked at Arthur because the man was going to answer him. "Yes, of course it will involve this one continent. Therefore, we have three different plans for all of this."

"Three plans?"