
The Dog That Eats Anything

Editor: Tennesh

"So this is the bullet that vanished?" Fang Zhao asked Curly Hair.

"Woof!" Curly Hair barked as he sat while wagging his tail violently.

Fang Zhao pressed on. "So the sniper did actually hit you?"

"Woof!" The tail-wagging picked up in tempo, as if Curly Hair was indicating his pride in stopping a bullet.

Fang Zhao inspected Curly Hair's body. "Where did you get hit?" He didn't detect any traces of blood. The prior inspection did not yield any obvious wounds either. If Curly Hair had any wounds, Huo Yi and company would have noticed.

Curly Hair used one of his hind legs to scratch his back. He scratched some more, like he usually did when scratching an itch.

Fang Zhao parted the fur at the spot Curly Hair was scratching and found a light scar about the size of a fingernail.

Fang Zhao pointed at the scar. "Here?"
