
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasi
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18 Chs

The Trial of Abilities

Chapter 4 - The Trial of Abilities

"Inside the changing room, the students were in a flurry of activity, swapping their uniforms for sportswear as they prepared for the upcoming training session. In the midst of the bustling atmosphere, Mirata approached Melvin."

Mirata: "Hey Melvin, wtsp"

Melvin: "Oh mirata! Hii"

Mirata: "So, how is your first day going?"

Melvin: "It's been going okay so far, thanks. Although Leo mentioned that I might have to duel someone in the next class."

Mirata: "Yes, that's what i wanted to inform too. So are you ready?"

Melvin: "Yes, i think i am.." (In mind: NO AM NOT!)

Mirata: "Yeah, that's right. I wanted to give you a heads-up. Just remember, don't stress too much about it. Professor Alistair uses these duels to see how we use our abilities. It's no big deal if you don't win."

(Melvin giving a fake smile )

Melvin: "Ya am ok with that too.."

(In mind: Although i said am ok.. am not! This duel will be my first impression for my class, i don't want to repeat what happened to my privious school, so i can't afford to lose, i WILL win.)


As the students gathered on the training ground, anticipation hung in the air. Professor Alistair arrived, setting the tone for the day's training.

Alistair: "Good morning, students. Ready for our daily training regimen?"

Leo: "Hey, Professor, we have a new student joining us today."

Melvin (mad in his mind): "Ugh, Damn Leo couldn't you keep quiet!!!!?"

Sigh* But then again, why am even being mad, it was obvious."

Alistair: "Ah, yes, I remember. Melvin Krelin, right? We met in the principal's office yesterday. As i remember you possess telekinesis."

Melvin: "Uh, yes, sir."

Alistair: "Melvin, today we'll be testing your abilities a little. We do this with every new student on their first day, so don't worry too much."

Melvin (somewhat dejected): "Heh, yes, sir. I know."

Alistair: "Alright, students, before we begin our daily routine, we're going to have a sparring session. Find your seats."

Melvin: "So sir who will I be sparring with?"

(Professor looks around in group of students)

Alistair: "Hmm let's see... You have telekinesis so.....Ah, yes. Kris, you're up."

Kris: "Huh? Me, sir? Sure, no problem."

The mention of Kris elicited a shocked reaction from Leo.

Leo (shocked): "Kris!?"

Melvin's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but ask Leo about the sudden reaction.

Melvin: "Hey, Leo, what's with the sudden shock?"

Meanwhile, Mia was eavesdropping on the conversation, her concern evident.

Mia (worried): "Oh no..."

Aria, sensing Mia's unease, inquired about the cause.

Aria: "What's wrong, Mia?"

Mia: "I had a hunch that Professor Alistair wouldn't make things easy for Melvin."

Aria connected the dots, realizing the implications of Kris's selection.

Aria: "Why?

Oh! Because of Kris's ability? Its teleportation right?"

Mia confirmed Aria's suspicions, her worry deepening.

Mia: "His teleportation ability. This could be a tough fight for Melvin."

As the conversation between Leo and Melvin continued, a worried Mia couldn't help but voice her concern.

Melvin (concerned): "Hey, Leo, is kris bad news?"

Leo's response highlighted Kris's formidable ability.

Leo: "For you, definitely. You see, he has the power of teleportation."

Melvin's surprises as he processed this new information.

Melvin: "Teleportation?"

Leo: "Yeah, Professor Alistair probably picked him on purpose. Your telekinesis won't be able to catch him because he can teleport out of your ability, range and sight."

Leo's voice held both amusement and concern, leaving Melvin with mixed emotions.

Leo: "Do you have any offensive moves other than floating objects?"

Melvin nodded, his confidence evident even in the face of a challenging opponent.

Melvin: "Well, yes. I can generate a powerful force through my hands, pushing and pulling objects with great strength."

Leo, while providing guidance, couldn't help but tease his friend with a grin.

Leo: "Hmm, i see, ummm...nah actually i think he can dodge it too... Well, friend, good luck. Maybe just go and surrender quickly." *Grinning*

Melvin's irritation was evident, but he refused to let it shake his determination.

Melvin (irritated): "Ugh, at least don't lower my confidence!"


Professor Alistair's commanding voice reasserted control over the situation as he announced the sparring match.

Alistair: "Alright, Melvin and Kris, step into the ring." [Ring is just a big circle drawn in ground]

Alistair: "You'll both use your powers in this duel. To win, either make your opponent surrender or force them out of the ring. Remember, no serious injuries. Good luck."

Melvin's heart raced as he prepared to face his opponent, a mix of apprehension and determination filling him.

Melvin (determined): "Here goes nothing..."

Kris: "Hey, new guy, good luck and don't hold back alright? .....Cause i won't....."

Melvin: " Huh! Ah ya okeh.... same to you."

[Upset in mind: "Come on man! Its my first day! You should hold back actually" TnT]


While all this melvin takes a time to give things some thoughts..

Melvin's deep in thought: "Mmmm ok so.. ....my first fight, huh!

Everyone's going to be watching,

One winner, one loser. Telekinesis alone won't cut it; I'll need to use hand combat too. I've played countless action games and readed comics, i should use those knowledge in this."

A seriousness settles over Melvin's face, the first time he's shown such determination in the academy.

Alistair: "Alright! It's time for the showdown. 3... 2... 1... FIGHT!"

["Imagine fight music in background"]

Both Melvin and Kris assume fighting stances, their expressions focused and determined.

Melvin in mind: (So kris...., wonder what's gonna be your first move?)


Kris dashes toward Melvin with surprising speed.

Melvin in mind: (Whoa, he's charging right at me! Guess i have to do same)

Reacting quickly, Melvin dashes forward, both going for a punch, However, before there punches collide Kris teleported right behind mehul, trying to launch that punch from blindspot."


Melvin barely manages to block it with his arms, and as Kris pulls back, Melvin tries to throw punch back. But kris takes a step back to avoid it.

The collision of their first moves leaves the students excited and engaged.

Among the spectators, Melvin's friends are watching intently, serious expressions on their faces.

Meanwhile, in the corridor not far away, the president of student council, Kawaki, and her assistant notice the duel and pause to observe.

Kawaki asks: "Is that the new student with telekinesis?"

Assistant: "Yes, President."

Kawaki nods thoughtfully: I see...

As the fight continues, everyone can't help but think the duel is one sided and melvin is gonna lose, but reality often holds something different in plans.Will melvin be able to win the duel and his impression by others? We will find out in next chapter of "Supernatural Symphony"

To be continued ~