
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasi
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18 Chs

The Training Ground

Chapter 6 - The Training Ground

After the intense duel, Melvin was advised to take some rest and simply observe his classmates' training sessions. He found a seat near the training ground, with Professor Alistair also nearby.

Melvin's mind was still spinning: (Gosh, I'm still feeling a bit dizzy.)

Meanwhile, other students were diligently engaging in their training routines, jogging around the training ground for ten laps to warm up.

Seizing the moment, Professor Alistair took the opportunity to brief Melvin about the daily routine of the class.

Alistair: "Since it's your first day, let me guide you through the daily schedule. Begin with ten laps around the ground. After that, take a five-minute break while stretching. Then, proceed to do push-ups. Boys will do three sets of ten repetitions, while girls will do squats. However, boys will also need to do squats as part of their workout."

Melvin thoughts inside: (Eh....why the extra load for boys?! )

Alistair continued: "After a brief rest, you'll engage in basic combat training. Focus on practicing punches and kicks using sandbags. This will lay the foundation for more advanced techniques to be taught like martial arts and karate techniques in the upcoming semesters."

Melvin's thoughts meandered: (I see. These exercises are designed to be relatively simple and basic, considering it's our first year.

But still, this routine appears quite exhausting.)

Alistair: "Also, the building near the ground is the gym facility. However, that will be utilized in the next semester."

Melvin inquired: "So, Professor, you primarily focus on physical training?"

Alistair clarified: "Indeed, I emphasize combat training to enhance strength and fitness. For training related to your abilities, Miss Karin will take charge in the subsequent class."

Curiosity struck Melvin as he observed some students wearing hoodies, sprinting at a significantly faster pace than the others.

Melvin's Curious: (Hmm what's with these students wearing identical hoodies?)

Mia arrived, showing genuine concern: "Hey, Melvin. How's your head feeling now?"

Melvin replied with gratitude: "Oh! Mia.. my head is considerably better now. Thanks for asking."

Mia's concern was apparent: "Glad to hear that. Aria wanted me to check on you."

Melvin acknowledged Aria's thoughtfulness

Melvin: "Aria seems really caring. By the way, why aren't you out there jogging with the rest?"

Mia playfully boasted: "Oh, I finished my ten laps already, dude U.U.

I don't look like but am so athletic you know

Melvin: Damn! That's .... Nice i guess.....(She sure is proud of herself huh)

Melvin then turned his attention to the hoodie-clad students, who were blazing through the laps.

Melvin pondered aloud: "Speaking of which, what's up with those students wearing hoodies? And they are pretty faster too?"

Mia enlightened him: "Ah, you mean the vampires?"

Melvin's eyes widened: "Oh! So those are vampires!"

Mia confirmed: "Absolutely. Vampires normally possess speed and strength superior to humans. They wearing hoodies to avoid direct sunlight, which they dislike."

Melvin: I see..! They looks so humanoid so i didn't thought of vampire.

Mia: You probably didn't even noticed werewolfs, elves and fairies in our class right?

Melvin admits his innocence: Eh.... Nope ;-;

As the class progressed, Melvin observed his friends participating in the workouts.

During a session focused on punch and kick training with sandbags,

Leo enthusiastically demonstrated: "Hey, Melvin! You haven't seen my power yet. Watch this!"

Leo mimicked gorilla hands and delivered a powerful blow to a sandbag, demolishing it.

Impressed, Melvin cheered: "Yohooo! That's seriously cool!"

Leo grinned, clearly proud of his abilities: "I knew you'd be impressed! I don't only replicate but enhance animal powers too than normal! *Proud laughter* hahaha"

The sound of a whistle interrupted the scene.

Professor Alistair's stern voice echoed: "LEO DAWSON!! You wasn't supposed to destroy sandbag!

[Rip for sandbag]

Leo "one hand behind his head": "Oops! Sorry, sir. I was just showcasing my powers to Melvin, hehehe."

Alistair's authority remained: "You'll have to pay for sandbag now"

Leo's panic was evident: "What! Nooooo!"

Amidst the light-hearted exchange, Melvin found himself silently chuckling.


After Alistair's class concludes, the students enjoy a 10-minute break before heading to the training hall for Miss Karin's class. The training hall is spacious and equipped with various types of training equipment.

Curious, Melvin turns to Leo and asks, "Leo, what's the plan for the next class?"

Leo responds eagerly, "Oh next class is of ability training. Miss Karin is in charge of it. The focus is on refining and mastering our abilities."

Mia joins in the conversation from behind, adding, "Yes miss Karin assigns individual tasks for each of us based on our unique powers. She really knows how to bring out the best in every student. Isn't she amazing.

Leo playfully teases, "Here comes miss karin's favourite student".

Miss Karin enters the training hall with an air of authority. Addressing the students, she says: "As usual, work on the tasks I've assigned individually. I'll be checking on each of you shortly."

Turning her attention to Melvin, Miss Karin says: And melvin, come with me. I need to analyze your powers first."

At Miss Karin's desk, Melvin takes a seat as she readies a pen and paper.

Miss Karin starts the conversation, "Let's talk about your telekinesis."

Melvin nods and responds: "Sure, where should I start?"

Miss Karin begins by clarifying, "Firstly, does your telekinesis go out of control under mental pressure?"

Melvin confirms, "Yes, but am not feeling any pressure like that since am here"

Miss Karin acknowledges his performance in the duel, saying, " Good to hear. And i also heard you did quite well in the duel test today. Good job."

Moving on, she asks, "So, how many objects can you manipulate simultaneously with your telekinesis?"

Melvin explains, "I can control one object per hand, so I can manage two objects at once. But i can also lift objects by just looking at them, but it strains my brain, so I avoid it."

Curious, Miss Karin asks, "Have you ever tried manipulating multiple objects at once?"

Melvin elaborates, "It's a bit tricky to explain. Actually i can manipulate more than one object per hand. For instance, if there are ten pencils, as i said i should be only able to lift one pencil up with one hand but no, if i treat them as a single unit i can lift all with one hand, but their movements synchronize under one command. The combined weight determines how many I can lift."

Miss Karin reflects, "Interesting. What's the maximum weight you can lift?"

"As our first meeting, you was able to lift and throw that 25 kg bike easily"

Melvin answers, "Then i think around 30 kilograms comfortably."

Miss Karin wraps up, "Noted. Any other special attributes related to your power?"

Melvin adds, "I can also exert force, like pulling or pushing objects and even people with significant strength."

Miss Karin concludes, "Great. I've got a good understanding now. I'll design exercises to enhance your abilities. But for now, let's start with a specific task."

Miss karin ask one student to brings in two statues in hall, catching Melvin's attention.

Observing, Melvin thinks, (Dayum!! That student carried those heavy statues all by himself! Is that some ability or something!!?)

Miss Karin explains the task, "Your initial challenge is here. Practice this consistently until I introduce more exercises. These statues each weigh 50 kilograms. Sit between them, use both hands to lift and reposition them. As you improve, I'll gradually increase the weight by 50 more kilograms. Begin now; I'll check on the others."

Melvin accepts the challenge with determination, thinking,  (Wow, mam sure is smart, no doubt! She understood my power and already came up with idea to improve it)

Miss Karin adds a caution, "Just be careful not to damage the statues. You'd have to cover the cost if they're harmed" 😊

Melvin tears comes: Oh nah! Now thats a thing to worry! ;^;


Melvin starts doing his practice

Despite the difficulty, Melvin persists, muttering, "Ayo this is hard man"

He pushes through the challenge, determined to succeed.

As the training session progresses, Melvin manages to rearrange the statues' positions twice, catching his breath.

Melvin pants, "Aaah! This is so exhausting!"

Spotting Aria in the distance engrossed in her practice.

Melvin: Huh! Is that aria....well am tired anyways, lets go check on her.

Melvin decides to pay her a visit.

Drawing closer, he finally witnesses her aura in action—a radiant, glowing blue energy emanating from her. Aria directs her energy towards iron dummies, forming and launching aura-infused balls.

Melvin greets her, "Hey, Aria, how's your training going?"

Aria startles at his sudden presence,

Aria: "Huh? Oh Melvin! What brings you here?"

Melvin explains, "Saw you from far, so thought to check on."

How's your practice going?

Aria responds, "Oh, right. Well, everything's going fine."

Intrigued, Melvin inquires, "So, that's the aura you were talking about, huh? It looks amazing! Can you show me again?"

Aria: Oh! Ehem, thank you for compliment!

Aria shows another aura ball forming in her palm, "Sure, here."

Melvin exclaims, "Whoa, it's so luminous and bright! I wish I could do something like that. Is it an offensive technique?"

Aria confirms, "Yes, these energy balls explode upon impact. They're not too powerful, and my aim isn't the best, so Miss Karin suggested I practice on the dummies."

Melvin encourages her, "Don't call it weak. Your explosion are literally shaking that iron dummy, and your accuracy will improve in no time, i know" *smiles*

Aria blushes slightly, "Thanks a lot. Um....., I'll get back to my practice now."

Melvin laughs, "Sure, sure. Your power is so cool, I could sit here and watch you all day!"

Karin: Sure, should i bring you a chair too sir?

Melvin:  "Yes, why not— .... Miss Karin!! (Melvin panics)

Aaaah! um, hi, Mam!"

Miss Karin's stern voice scolds him: "Hi? GET BACK TO YOUR TRAINING!"

Melvin runs away, flustered, "YES MAM, SORRY MAM!!"

Runs back at his training area, Aria giggles at the amusing encounter.


Once the training class concludes, the school day comes to an end, and students head back to their dorms. Melvin and Leo return to their room.

Melvin exclaims, "Aaah! What an exhausting day!"

Leo agrees, "Indeed. Your duel was the most fun part today though. By the way,you want to go for a-..."

He pauses, realizing Melvin has already dozed off snoring.

Leo chuckles, "Poor guy. He doesn't realize this is the everyday routine." Haha

To be continued~